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Posts: 98 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Nov 2007 @ Knightdale, NC
Dont use verizon. I just got into a huge fight over a $900 phone bill. They said I was useing data minutes when I connected to the N700, so I ordered the unlimited data plan. They fixed the bill the first month, but then the second month I was charged again. Final outcome: they don't want these devices on their network. See email excerpt from a few days ago from Verizon:

We explained that he was not charged for data usage but
rather data calls, as he was dialing into a non-Verizon Wireless server.
He was using his Motorola E815 as modem with Linux Nokia N770 Tablet.

and this:

You will continue to bill for "Minutes of Use" (MOU) and data, if you
continue to using the Linux base device. You must use a Windows based
device along with VZ Access Manager to avoid further charges

equals a $900 bill

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