Poll: Do you support Dr. Ron Paul?
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Do you support Dr. Ron Paul?

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LordFu's Avatar
Posts: 151 | Thanked: 11 times | Joined on May 2007
I've donated to Ron Paul's campaign several times. He has my support.
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I disagree with him of just about everything apart from his foreign policy which sounds fantastic to me and since I'm not an american I really shouldn't care about the other stuff to begin with. SO yeah.. I'd love to see him getting elected.

Last edited by traveller604; 2007-12-19 at 17:02.
Posts: 5,795 | Thanked: 3,151 times | Joined on Feb 2007 @ Agoura Hills Calif
And how valid would a poll be of people who responded positively to a title asking for Ron Paul supporters?

I think IŽll post a message asking if there are any Democrats out there and then poll them to find out if they plan to vote Republican...
LordFu's Avatar
Posts: 151 | Thanked: 11 times | Joined on May 2007
It's no more biased than the "scientific" polls that the talking heads are so obsessed with. Either way, it's not like he was trying to prove anything. He was just curious. Take a deep breath.
Posts: 21 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Mar 2007
Originally Posted by LordFu View Post
It's no more biased than the "scientific" polls that the talking heads are so obsessed with. Either way, it's not like he was trying to prove anything. He was just curious. Take a deep breath.
Indeed, its just a voluntary response poll. So technically the only people who will respond are people who feel strongly one way or another. I suppose if you want to be really technical its wording could also be a slightly biased but i tried to keep the effect to a minimum. Anyhow, attempting to use the poll as a basis for drawing any sort of rational conclusion would be quite foolish. I just happened to like the guy's platform, values and honesty and wanted to see how other people in my community felt...

Speaking of things I like, I have not been able to install mplayer on the non-beta of 2008OS.... its quite sad really.
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Originally Posted by Benson View Post

The president does not control the country

Crap and war, eh?
And you say we should just spend it on... gov't education, social security, and "the economy" -- in other words, crap </snark>

Seriously, government can be counted on to waste money and time in any endeavour

1. Pull money out of the economy
2. Take some of the money to pay gov't workers for handling the money
3. Put what's left back in the economy
4. ???
5. Profit!

If you're suggesting the gov't should simply print more money and dump it in the economy, that's called inflation.

1st -
i know the pres does not control the gov. it is based on three branches that balance each other out - that's great but if you "read" the fine print, the pres. has unwritten powers which pretty much includes decleration of war and passing certain bills. and he can also pardon a la carte??!! i know they use their senses when it comes to that but at this rate it wont be long before a worse idiot is elected to office and causes havic.

if this democracy is really focussed on the people why is ther still an electoral college??? so...the gov. does not trust its people?
2nd -
i just gave crappy examples on that statement but you and i know there are more important issues besides war and "invisible nuclear" weapons of the middle east.
3rd -
The Government can't waist money on "crap", then why are they doing it right now? why are they still funding the war??? a war which is NOT a war, it is a game against an invisible enemy! with all the spending the US is falling behind on its economy and that hurts everything we need money coming in from the outside to prevent inflation! and falling short of the competition will inflation will always be Inevitable...
4th -
you just gave me the definition of Social Security, that's great but remember in the end it is very "buggy" remember, if i get my hands on your ssn, you could be screwed as i could steal your identity and benefit from it. what kind of system is this??? i have benefits but i need to worry about its safety?? i can't think of any other country that has this problem... they all use ssn that are assigned to official, national ID cards in which ss is quite safe.
ps: great discussion
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I revoke my comment. Tech enthusiast sites are no place for politics. I love you all as long as we only talk about NITs and not nitwits.
GeneralAntilles's Avatar
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Originally Posted by weatherman View Post
I revoke my comment. Tech enthusiast sites are no place for politics. I love you all as long as we only talk about NITs and not nitwits.
It's Off Topic, so this is exactly where this belongs.
weatherman's Avatar
Posts: 56 | Thanked: 12 times | Joined on Nov 2007 @ Brooklyn, NY
Yeah - I'm not criticizing the conversation, just saying I don't think I should be a part of it. At least if we're all going to get along
Hedgecore's Avatar
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I'm not American, but I wish I could support him.

Then again, I'm also a crazy Canuck: Paul/Kucinich '08!

Let the world finally sleep without one eye open.

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