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Posts: 143 | Thanked: 13 times | Joined on Aug 2007
Im a heavy GTD user for both work and private life. I tried to use the GPE app but the user interface just sucks to much, couldnt even sort the lists in it!

I use rememberthemilk (RTM) to handle my tasks with the greasemonkeyscript I wrote to make it fingerfriendly. To handle the tasks I come up with offline I just add them in either memopad+ or GPE todo and then put them into RTM when I get online again. I found RTM with the firefox plugin for gmail is a killerway to handle a complex and big tasksystem. If we get a better taskapp on OS2008 I whould prefer that but for now this seems to work for me.
Posts: 833 | Thanked: 124 times | Joined on Nov 2007 @ Based in the USA
What is needed in a todo list?
Based on paper sticky notes:
I would like a to be able to move completed items to a save file
I would like to be able to sort and search within a group of items
I don't want to share it over the web
I would like to be able to put in a freakin phone number once and link it to my calendar and contacts

The GPE todo list is worth every penny I paid for it, but is only marginally better than just using notes.

And could someone point me to any user manual?
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Originally Posted by gemniii42 View Post
And could someone point me to any user manual?
That took me a good 20 seconds.

Posts: 120 | Thanked: 69 times | Joined on Nov 2007 @ NL
If you use vim with the vimoutliner plugin you can use TKDO. It's a small commandline python program to aggregate tasks from multiple outlines and display them in a GTK window or list them in the shell. It is not Hildonized but this should not be to difficult.

I have been using it for a couple of weeks and it suits me very well.

EDIT: I just saw this thread is in the newbie category. This solution might not be suitable for newbies.

Last edited by bousch; 2008-05-13 at 07:28.
Posts: 4 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Apr 2008 @ Turlock
Originally Posted by TobyK View Post
This is actually a great question and something that I've been looking into since getting my N800. I've been reading David Allen's Getting Thing Done (, and trying to implement that using my N800.

I started by using the simple gpe-todo. However, I can't have tasks in folders (for example, for different projects and different contexts). If the categories were hierarchical and I could view the category tree as a sidebar, that would work. Also, I can't synchronise this using SyncML (which is how I keep my todo list in sync between my Motorola Q9h and PC).

Then I tried Maemopad+. This is a great application, and I can even scribble todo's instead of typing them in (for later processing). However, I can't view this on my PC or MotoQ.

Then I tried NoteCase. This is a nice application with Windows and Linux versions. I used that for a while, till I realised that it's impossible to keep the N800 in sync with my work PC. Also, I can't view this on my MotoQ. I even submitted a feature request for sync'ing the list with a ftp server, but the author doesn't like that idea. Plus there's a bug where it uses 100% CPU on the N800 while you type (I logged that too).

Today, I discovered - it has features none of the other web-based todo lists seem to have:
- Folders
- Categorisation for context
- Categorisation for project (called goals)
- Ability to sync with Google and other systems
- Works perfectly on the N800
- Mobile view for my MotoQ

So that's what I am using now. I would still recommend gpe-todo for simple todo lists, but if you're trying to be productive and want to implement GTD (getting things done), then I recommend Toodledo.

It's always tempting to look for a standalone app for the N800, but bear in mind it works wonderfully with web-based apps. It would be great if Google Gears was available for the N800, then we could use the apps offline too.

PS: My first post so go easy on the replies
I have google gears on my n800, it works ok for get the milk and zoho although zoho is way to slow in my opinion

I am still looking for a decent word processor that is not WSIWYG, rather I want something similar to some of the WiKi software where you mark up the text with <bold> or <item> and it appears that way. That would be too cool . I tried to use latex but I think I might be to dense for it
Posts: 7 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on May 2008 @ Australia
A good toDo list which can be configured for both on-line and off-line working is GTD TiddlyWiki ( ). I used it for quite a while and I was pretty happy with it. I still haven't tried it on the tablet tho.

Other solution is VIM and textfiles. Works well, but it does not look particularly nice.

For text formatting, LaTeX is the way to go and it's not too hard once you get the basics. Is there a LaTeX version for the tablet?

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To Do List.

1. Remember where I put my dang to do list!


You could pro'ly build a nifty li'l flash program that runs on the tablet and is accessed w\a browser that would work on any device... (provided it's browser supports Flash).

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