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Posts: 27 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Feb 2008
Thanks for all the helpful replies! I was (I think) able to get into my modem's settings as I logged in as admin. Does anyone have any idea what setting I would need to go to to configure the wireless router (I got the terminology right this time yay me )?

Here is the screenshot of the admin settings:

Here's the direct link to the image in case that is not clear enough:
brontide's Avatar
Posts: 868 | Thanked: 474 times | Joined on Oct 2007 @ Capital District, NY, USA
PPP settings and/or WAN interface would probably have the most interesting information.
Posts: 27 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Feb 2008
I just got my wireless router and set it up - I chose a Linksys WRT54G. So far I have not messed with the "advanced" set up. My internet tablet should be here Thursday or Friday, so I'll know if I need to by then. Does anyone else have the same router as me, and can anyone tell me how to set up my internet tablet to work with my router?

Also, is there any way to test my wireless router's functionality without the use of a WiFi device? The proper lights are blinking so I'm assuming it is functioning correctly.

P.S. I got a Nintendo DS case for my internet tablet. Should my internet tablet fit nicely in this?

I look forward to joining the internet tablet community

Last edited by valia; 2008-02-27 at 23:13.
brontide's Avatar
Posts: 868 | Thanked: 474 times | Joined on Oct 2007 @ Capital District, NY, USA
The manual and the web should provide you with more than enough information to setup the linksys properly, make sure to change the SSID ( WiFi network name ) and Encryption from the default so that it is more secure.
Posts: 27 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Feb 2008
Thanks for the tip brontide!
Posts: 364 | Thanked: 54 times | Joined on Feb 2008
yup, you want to enable WPA-PSK (it's fancy for a type of encryption only using what is called a pre-shared key, hence the PSK.) Just think up a password you can remember and enter it into the NIT as the rotuer's wireless security section and then in the setup/config for the connection on your NIT. After that the connection to the router should be easy as rolling off a log.

In addition to changing the SSID you might want to turn of the SSID Broadcast too. But only to that after you know EVERYTHING is running smoothly.

It's not really a difficult task to get it all working just remember to make only one change at a time, test it, then if it is working move on to the next thing. And KEEP NOTES of what you are doing. That way in the excitement of something not working, you can always return to them for exactly what ya did or did not do. I actually use those black & white notebooks with the graph paper inside. I have one for each device that needs setup. They cost about a buck each or so at any office supply or even WalMart. So, I always can find whatever I did 3-months ago for that particular device or even software. Got hooked on them in Kawledge and have used them ever since. BTW, I prefer the graph paper sorts over the composition ruled paper versions.

And remember on the Linksys, in the worst case if you bugger something in the config and cannot get a connection you can always reset the router to all the factory defaults and begin again. So, you can't wreck it simply by changing the settings.

And try not to get frustrated if you get lost in the mix...there are tons of people to help out...I bet a large proportion of us use the same Linksys as you have.

Most of all HAVE FUN!!
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Turning off the SSID broadcast buys you nothing, it doesn't give security but it can sometimes give trouble for yourself. Just set it up with proper WPA encryption and you're fine.
-- Metalayer-crawler delenda est.
-- Current state: Fed up with everything MeeGo.
Posts: 27 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Feb 2008
Hey guys I just got my N800 today, and I am typing on it now! My router seems to be working, however Youtube and other flash rich sites are running extremely slow. Any tips/suggestions? Also, my estimated battery usage keeps fluctuating between 1 and 2 hours. Is that normal?

Also, I surprisingly found an open WAP in my area. Is it legal to use it?
Posts: 3,841 | Thanked: 1,079 times | Joined on Nov 2006
Make sure you charge the device fully before you start doing anything real (in particular wi-fi).

Youtube won't run very fast, but there were improvements in the late operating system releases.. which version did yours come with? You may want to upgrade to the latest OS2008 version.

As for open networks, if it's legal or not to use it depends on your country. If it belongs to a coffee shop or something then it's legal (although they will want you to go inside and buy something, fair enough), if it belongs to a neighbor that's clearly clueless as to how to set it up (typically the AP will be called '3com', 'default' or something) then I would stay far away from it independent of country. Oh, and if it's named Free Public WiFi or HP or linksys-<something> then it's often either a viral fake network (the first example), or just an ad-hoc connection (the last one), useless for you. Stay away from them. (The Free Public wi-f won't be able to infect your NIT, but it could infect your Windows PC. In any case, useless for you.)
-- Metalayer-crawler delenda est.
-- Current state: Fed up with everything MeeGo.

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Posts: 27 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Feb 2008
Thanks! The Open WAP connection was just called "OpenWAP" and I've been connecting to it in the mornings when I don't feel like powering on my computer. I guess I'll stop using it then, I don't want my tablet to get infected! I found a couple WiFi hotspots downtown in local coffee shops, and they seem to reach a block or two. I do go inside to get a coffee though

Also, I don't know what OS mine is running on?

I have a kind of dumb question (sorry if this is off-topic) - am I supposed to take the memory card out of my tablet before charging it?

Also, can I install applications directly onto the tablet via WiFi, or should I download them to my computer and then drag and drop them to the tablet? I'm trying to figure out how to install that Pidgin program. (EDIT: I just saw Internet tablet's blog how to install applications, and I now have Pidgin.)

Thanks everyone!

Last edited by valia; 2008-03-01 at 03:09.

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