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Bundyo's Avatar
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Mplayer is a lot faster than the internal media player. So for large files better use it, than the Media Player. Mediabox uses Mplayer. Best resolution for videos is 400x240.

Javascript is not very fast. Its an interpreted language running on a slow device And Google Reader uses a LOT of javascript.
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I believe it depends (as other people have stated) on the frame rate, scale, the crop, and the format of the video. I use a linux operating system on my pc and I use this code to make all my video files into files that play very smoothly in almost DVD quality without any pauses or breaks in the video at all. If you use windows maybe you could look at the settings I have and use the appropriate program to create a video file with these settings. I have had the best video experience with these settings on the N810. Its too bad you have to re-encode the video but after you do it looks sweet, espically if you rip it directly from a dvd then re-encode it!

mencoder "originalvideoname.avi" -o "newvideoname.avi" -srate 44100 -oac mp3lame -lameopts vol=4:vbr=0:br=96 -af volnorm -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=600 -vf-add crop=812:480 -vf-add scale=400:240 -ofps 14.985 -ffourcc DIVX -noidx -force-avi-aspect 1.69230769230769

Last edited by rulerraven; 2008-03-27 at 07:30.
Posts: 93 | Thanked: 7 times | Joined on Sep 2007
MPlayer is not always faster than the one that comes with the OS. I have lots of files that get audio out of sync crap with MPlayer but play just fine with the other media player..
Posts: 71 | Thanked: 18 times | Joined on Mar 2008
Meidabox is just a frontloader for Mpalyer, which I find plays wmv files better (less choppiness) then Media Player, even though the audio/video is out of sync.
Its amazing that something like TCPMP is so robust and adjustable on a small pocket pc platform. I wish these N810 players would be more GUI friendly.

Anyway, I tried the TOP command in osso xterm, but is there a way to cut and paste the info into this forum? One listing was showing 71% cpu. The edit:copy feature is greyed out.

Are there any GUI based task manager or memory cleaner type programs that could help here?

I'll try the converter soon, even though I bought the N810 to avoid this step. I upgraded from a pocket pc that was become a chore to watch video on.
Benson's Avatar
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This isn't VMS; the command is top, not TOP.

htop is probably a better choice than top; in either case, you have to select the text you want to copy in the xterm, then choose copy (before it updates the screen). Or use one of the screenshot tools -- mh-shot-tool is one good choice.
Posts: 71 | Thanked: 18 times | Joined on Mar 2008
Good news! Update on video:

Well, I tried the Internet Tablet Video Converter and it works great. Finally video that is a pleasure to watch. Of course the major drawback is requiring a PC, encoding time, copy to N810 time over network, etc. I bought the N810 to avoid these steps with my Pocket PC. Is there anyway to automate the convertion process upon downloading?
One interesting note. The video files AFTER conversion are about the same size, so what exactly are they converting and why cannot the N810 encode resident or network streaming video on the fly?

The latest version of ORB (on pc) over the internet works, but over my network does not, I get snapping, popping audio. Has anyone downgraded to the N800 version of ORB for their PCs and does it work with streaming? After conversion, what wireless network streaming options do I have?
Posts: 42 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Jan 2008
The N-series tablets are not fantastically good at video playback; For optimal performance, most videos need pre-conversion.

Also, what kind of videos are your trying to play and what's loaded?

For instance - Doing anything while Web is loaded will ****** the Nxxx tablet performance by an order of magnitude!
This makes watching a lot of youtube videos above 320x200 or using H.264 very painful.

Heck, even the Zero Punctuation videos are jerky and there's hardly any movement in them!
krisse's Avatar
Posts: 1,540 | Thanked: 1,045 times | Joined on Feb 2007
Sirfelix, bear in mind the Internet Tablet Video Converter is still in Beta and the team behind it would appreciate if you tell them about problems (they really would, I've sent them feedback and they were very enthusiastic about getting it). There's a feedback page here:
Posts: 479 | Thanked: 58 times | Joined on Dec 2007 @ Dubai, UAE
vbrilon would be the man to credit for NITVC
N800 running OS2008 with 2 x 16GB SDHC connected over WiFi or via BT to Nokia E51's HSDPA/3G network
Posts: 71 | Thanked: 18 times | Joined on Mar 2008
Most of the videos I download are via Revision3.Com
They offer many formats in small and large file sizes including WMV, XVID/AVI, MOV and their flash player in low and high.
I was using a Pocket Pc and the small WMV worked great without conversion.
The N810 chokes on the small WMV, but plays great after conversion with NITVC.
The funny thing is the converted file is still a wmv and about the same size. Not sure why the N810 chokes on the Rev3 video other then they may use different codec when encoding that N810 doesn't like.

My next goal is to eliminate as many steps in the DL to PC, conversion, copy to shared PC folder, and upload to N810 via wifi. I'm hoping I can stream the converted file right into N810's player.

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