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Originally Posted by Benson View Post
Ditched APM? This isn't x86, and doesn't have anything resembling a PC BIOS, so I'm pretty sure APM is completely irrelevant. I think bme is running anyway, but haven't checked; are you sure it's not charging?
OK, I guess it was charging. Sorry for the mistake. How about making the LEDs work, then

That's awesome, but really a completely independent project. I'm not thinking of any kernel modules that would be useful only under Debian, so this would have much broader utility than Debian.[/QUOTE]

How is it an independent project? Modules for common USB-ethernet chipsets would be nice to have, or for FUSE (if they're not there already). A kernel/set of kernel modules providing common functionality is completely in line with running Debian, IMO.
Nokia N810 (Some mutation of Mer)
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Well, it's a separate project because it works with Debian, and without Debian, equally well. It strikes me as ******ed to collect them as part of the Debian project when that only makes them accessible to a small portion of potential uses, and gains no benefit. Is there a benefit that I'm missing?
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Hmm...That I'm too lazy to make my own project?

I'll just end up compiling my own personal kernel, then. No problem.
Nokia N810 (Some mutation of Mer)
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I think that the biggest thing to focus on now is getting X11 working fully again. A recent round of updates borked it.

Is there a newer version of Xomap we could build/use? Does Diablo ship with a later version?
Nokia N810 (Some mutation of Mer)
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Just wanted to give notice of some work me and johnx have been working on the last weeks..

We have basically made a debian installer for the NITs that debootstraps and creates a proper debian image (without having to fetch a huge tar.gz), on the tablet itself.

So far status:
* Sane Debian setup - works just as well as a standard Debian
* Proper fsck - remounting the root file system read-only so the OS can actually fsck the FS.
* X11 is working with touchscreen support
* WLAN works (with WPA2 too)
* I've had xfce4, afterstep etc. working already

You can view the technical information at on how it's done.

If anyone is interested in contributing packages or ideas how to proceed from this foundation/or have comments, either contact me/johnx or reply in this thread

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I'd add in the right/middle clicking trick, and updated keymaps, if they're not there already. I have keymaps (both Xmodmaps and keymap.maps, both the standard set up and a customized one), and can provide details on how to set up the clicking.

Glad to hear this is still being worked on! I thought interest had stalled.
Nokia N810 (Some mutation of Mer)
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Here is a list of bugs that i have incounterd while testing Debian beta4:

* The browser fails to launch (input/output error)
* Xfce4 sessions manager fails
* Matchbox has conflicts with the window manager settings manager (doesn't support it )
* The vertual keyboard has no input (might be my falt )
* No splash screen
* The "debian" section of the xfce4 menu is not visible (if you tap on the debian menu it does nothing)
* Some windows are mis-shapted and buttons/text on the screen are displaced
* The top panel on the top of the screen crashes when you try to re-locate it
* No rotate application (this has ben addresed by Stskeeps)
* No way to safely exit Debian (the xfce4 power menu fails and as stated above i can't use the keyboard in the terminal, could be my falt )

Those are the bugs i have incounterd so far. This may verry depending on how it was installed. (I used my N800 for the install only, no ssh.)
I'm an advanced user and a bit of a modder.
I am involved with Mer, Deblet, and NITdroid.
My ports/creations/hacks: GNOME (for Deblet), Cdeb2», Ubuntu, playable flash games in the "Get Started" app, DBS, ect...

enhanced fedora port has been canceled in favor of NITDebian (TBA)
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Regarding b-mans post..
Okay, let me just explain a bit about how things work in nit debian.

Basically the default environment 'nit-env-stskeeps' that is installed is a mix between xfce4 and matchbox, so that causes bugs like bug 2, 3, 5 and the last one.

The environment also intentionally does not depend on a web browser.

If you want to change to full xfce4 you can apt-get remove nit-env-stskeeps and the.Debian alternatives system will cause xfce4 to boot up instead next boot, but may be without networkmanager applet etc.

the dialog problem is simply cos of screen size i guess.

Do me a favour and report bugs on the trac page of the project so we can keep track of them

Regarding environments i recommend you look at /nit-base-packages/nit-env-* and see how to make a Debian package with an environment of your own others may have use of.

You can build a package in /n-b-p by dpkg-deb --build directory and then dpkg -i directory.deb to test.

Debian menu is prolly empty cos not that much is installed that isn't shown in main xfce menu.

Panel moving and virtual keyboard does sound like a bug so please file on trac.

Apologies for odd post structure, in a car with tablet and grps

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Wireless still doesn't work for me =-\... dunno wth is wrong with my NIT..wpa reports an unable to post association with driver error when it tries to associate to 00:00:00:00:00 ... very odd.

I was having similar problems when i did just the wireless part on Johns beta3... i eventually got it working in beta3 so chances are I will here too, but for some reason wireless is just proving not to be plug and play for me =-(
If I've helped you or you use any of my packages feel free to help me out.
pyRadio - Pandora Radio on your N900, N810 or N800!
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i re-loaded the beta4 from svn and it got up to the point of loading nit-env-x .. i just wanted a basic x system.. it failed on dependency of n810-slideout-kbd-xmodmap.. for some reason the files were in the nit-base-packages but the deb wasnt built. So from there i built that deb..installed nit-env-x and icewm.. set the root password and rebooted.

now icewm starts ans the touchscreen works perfectly but the n810 keyboard doesn't work at all.. running xev shows no input and i cant even type the normal letters in a terminal.

also xvkbd constantly repeats the last clicked key so that makes typing with that a pita. Anyone know how to get X to see even the basics of the n810 keyboard??
If I've helped you or you use any of my packages feel free to help me out.
pyRadio - Pandora Radio on your N900, N810 or N800!

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