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I forgot how much I love the GPL. It's like you can create a unique little app, license under GPL, put out there for everyone to nurture and watch it grow, evolve and migrate to Lord knows how many hardware devices. I really have to come up with something good for my next project.
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Originally Posted by mallard
Note that if you used any code from the official VNC client, then you are obliged to release the source code under the GPL.
Of course I released the source code. This has been mentioned elsewhere. If you are interested in the source code, then I assume that you already know how to find it.

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I'll add my voice:


I have already upgraded, and I miss VNC the most. Unfortunately, I am very new to Linux and do not have the skills (yet ) to compile/build/create/code/ruin software for the 770. I just wanted to register another vote for VNC, so maybe Aaron could see that work and marriage are really just distractions from the important things in life...gadgets!!
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Well, here's the link I think AaronL is hinting at. I'm going to be sifting through the source to see what I can come up with in my free time. If anyone wants to collaborate on it with me, we could get it done faster.
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Okay, here's a link to my work in progress of a port of AaronL's original v.0.3 VNC viewer. It installs in the 2006 OS just fine, but I haven't been able to test it much yet. I'll have a little time this weekend to work on it some more. Just thought I'd shed a little hope for those that are eager to see VNC viewer working in the new OS.

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Valiant attempt =DC=, but it doesn't seem to work yet.

It installed fine. I was able to launch it once, but couldn't establish a connection. After that I wasn't able to get it to launch again.
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I see. Well, that explains some errors I was getting. Going back to check my notes to fix the issues. I'll work on it some more today, and will post an update as soon as I can. Stay tuned...
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Looking forward to it =DC= !!!
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thank you for doing this.
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No problem, I just got tired of waiting for someone else to do it. I think VNC for the 770 is one of the most valuable apps to have. I'm quite new to all this, so any help would be well recieved. Currently trying to figure out how to make the code work so that it connects to a host PC.
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