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Originally Posted by tz1 View Post
The initfs, dropbear, and utelnetd use symlinks.

I had to REFLASH, so right now to reinstall initfs, it would have to work without any symlink to RX-48 and/or 5.2007-??.

It probably would work if I downgraded then installed or manually added the right links
Sorry, I don't understand your problem. I can only say that current initfs_flasher.tgz on my site should work with any released firmware or SSU update for 770, N800 and N810. Also now at least latest two OS2008 versions should work for the wimax edition too.

Yes symlinks are used (so it is e.g. not good idea to extract the tgz on windows and/or use memory card with FAT filesystem to transfer already extracted flasher archive to the tablet) but I don't see how it is related to different OS versions / devices or what is the problem.
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Originally Posted by tomstratton View Post
Fanoush -

I went through the following steps and got bootmenu to do what it is supposed to do but got an error...

"Boot from mmc13 failed... rebooting from flash"
Ok so something went wrong with the partitioning/formatting/cloning phase. This message shows when your partition on mmc card cannot be mounted for some reason (filesystem mismatch, no such partition, not formatted, ...) or if the mount succeeds but there is no /sbin/init executable in the filesystem.

Could you try to mount your booting partition by hand in shell after system boots like this and see what's really there or what error you get?

sudo gainroot
insmod <your filesystem modules>
mount -t <yourfilesystemtype> /dev/mmcblkXpY /opt
ls -la /opt
Originally Posted by tomstratton View Post
remove extra stuff? no <-- changed from original instructions in order to resolve boot issue
So this helped to get rid of the wimax error? Did you try to enter 'yes' also with latest initfs_flasher which has keyboard support for RX-48? I'd like to be sure which one helped with the wimax #2 error message - proper keyboard support or removing extra stuff. In theory both could do it (i.e. both are equally unlikely :-).

Originally Posted by tomstratton View Post
this brought up the bootmenu again (after a reboot) and again the D-pad let me navigate and the keyboard let me select and attempt to boot into mmc13
OK so it looks the keyboard works now, that's nice :-)

Originally Posted by tomstratton View Post
$ sudo gainroot
# chroot /mnt/initfs cal-tool --set-root-device ask:mmc
# reboot
Why you set it to "ask:mmc" when your menu items are named mmc13 and mmc12? It doesn't matter much but I'm not sure what you wanted to do here. The 'mmc' id triggers original nokia behaviour of searching for first bootable partition on first card so the result is a bit random. "--set-root-device ask" is a bit better if you really don't want to have default choice. It will boot from flash instead of random mmc partition.

Sorry for not helping you much but at least your problem is no longer specific to the wimax edition now :-)
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Last edited by fanoush; 2009-01-12 at 11:39.
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Apparently you updated the initfs_flasher.tgz on 1/11/09 - is that the one you mean? The previous versions I have don't have the change to RX-4[48] in the key scripts. I'll give the latest a try

It would help if you would put something on the page indicating the release date or a changelog.
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Originally Posted by tz1 View Post
Apparently you updated the initfs_flasher.tgz on 1/11/09 - is that the one you mean?
Yes, that's the one mentioned in post #7 of this thread. 5.2008.43-7 was added in December.
Originally Posted by tz1 View Post
It would help if you would put something on the page indicating the release date or a changelog.
Good idea. There is changelog at end of README.txt but it may be useful to show last changelog entry directly on the page so you know there was some change. I have done it now.
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Originally Posted by fanoush View Post
Ok so something went wrong with the partitioning/formatting/cloning phase. This message shows when your partition on mmc card cannot be mounted for some reason (filesystem mismatch, no such partition, not formatted, ...) or if the mount succeeds but there is no /sbin/init executable in the filesystem.

Could you try to mount your booting partition by hand in shell after system boots like this and see what's really there or what error you get?
Good to know that the problem is not insurmountable ( I hope!) I will try this as soon as someone explains to me what I'm supposed to put in place of "<your filesystem modules>". I'm clueless as to what that refers to...

Originally Posted by fanoush View Post
sudo gainroot
insmod <your filesystem modules>
mount -t <yourfilesystemtype> /dev/mmcblkXpY /opt
ls -la /opt
So this helped to get rid of the wimax error? Did you try to enter 'yes' also with latest initfs_flasher which has keyboard support for RX-48? I'd like to be sure which one helped with the wimax #2 error message - proper keyboard support or removing extra stuff. In theory both could do it (i.e. both are equally unlikely :-).
I'm not excited to re-do this all again (I assume that it would be pointless if I don't reflash the device?) but after all the hard work you have done how can I balk. I'll try to get to it in the next day or two.

Originally Posted by fanoush View Post
OK so it looks the keyboard works now, that's nice :-)
Yes, and a BIG thanks for that!

Originally Posted by fanoush View Post
Why you set it to "ask:mmc" when your menu items are named mmc13 and mmc12? It doesn't matter much but I'm not sure what you wanted to do here. The 'mmc' id triggers original nokia behaviour of searching for first bootable partition on first card so the result is a bit random. "--set-root-device ask" is a bit better if you really don't want to have default choice. It will boot from flash instead of random mmc partition.
Actually, I was scrambling and that is what I found in the readme file that looked like it would work. I missed the plan "ask" option and had not yet figured out that I should call MY partition mmc13. The read me said that the ask:mmc option would make the bootmenu scan for available partitions so I tried that! (and I'm happy to say it worked) - I'll fix it on the next round.

Thanks again

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Originally Posted by tomstratton View Post
I'm not excited to re-do this all again (I assume that it would be pointless if I don't reflash the device?) but after all the hard work you have done how can I balk.
Don't worry. Never mind. Maybe next time you'll reinstall bootmenu (next OS update?) you can try it and PM me with the result. No need to do it just because of that.

Originally Posted by tomstratton View Post
I missed the plan "ask" option and had not yet figured out that I should call MY partition mmc13.
Than someone else did :-) The error you posted talks about mmc13, that's the id of boot menu item choice you can set as default via this command and have it preselected in menu.

Originally Posted by tomstratton View Post
The read me said that the ask:mmc option would make the bootmenu scan for available partitions so I tried that! (and I'm happy to say it worked)
No problem if it works for you. However, mmc id has special sense - it is the original 'boot from mmc' way provided by Nokia so some advanced bootmenu item setting from bootmenu.conf may be ignored if you boot like this.
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Originally Posted by tomstratton View Post
Good to know that the problem is not insurmountable ( I hope!) I will try this as soon as someone explains to me what I'm supposed to put in place of "<your filesystem modules>". I'm clueless as to what that refers to...
Let it boot from mmc13 (and fail) and then you can skip this insmod line since the bootmenu item will insert them for you. It refers to kernel filesystem modules (=drivers) listed in bootmenu.conf line MENU_X_MODULES.

There was a wiki page explaining that but with last wiki restructuring and cleanup it was probably deleted by our user friendliness wiki police as too technical and confusing ;-)

Try searching this forum for "insmod mbcache ext3" or something like that.
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Last edited by fanoush; 2009-01-12 at 16:09.

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I must have buggered the partitioning or something. Redid the partitions the "easy" way and have been successful. I'm going to re-do the whole thing while keeping step-by-step notes. When I have a definitive answer about the
"remove extra stuff? yes or no" problem and will put the entire results here.

Thanks again!


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Originally Posted by tomstratton View Post

I must have buggered the partitioning or something. Redid the partitions the "easy" way and have been successful. I'm going to re-do the whole thing while keeping step-by-step notes. When I have a definitive answer about the
"remove extra stuff? yes or no" problem and will put the entire results here.
Well, I can definitely say that answering "yes" when asked if you want to remove extra stuff is what causes the RF#3 error! I'll put up a step-by-step to get it working later tonight or tomorrow.

PS - PB - can you give any clearer explaination of how to get SWAP working. that is the only piece that still won't work!


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How I did it...

Format External Card with File Manager
Remove External Memory Card
Flash Device
Turn Off Virtual Memory
Turn Off Bluetooth (probably not needed, I just happened to do it)

Installing console-tools

use the bulit in browser to go to:
( )
Click on the second link that says "CLICK > Console-Tools Version 1 Download < HERE "
This will bring up a dialog to "open" or "download" - choose open. This will bring up the Application Manager - choose install when prompted.
When the process is complete you can do the next two steps that you will need much later on:
Enable maemo Extras repository
Install rootsh (Browse Installable applications > all > rootsh)

Installing Boot Menu

go to with the browser and download:

launch Xterm
(NOTE - on the following lines the $ and the # are the prompts that I see - the rest of the line is what I type...)
$ sudo gainroot
# cd /home/user/MyDocs/.documents/
# tar zxvf initfs_flasher.tgz
# cd initfs_flasher

Close all applications except for Xterm, and disconnect from internet - I went into offline mode.

# ./initfs_flash
This will ask you several questions, here is what I recommend (type what's in bold):
NOTE - stuff happens after each question - I'm much too lazy to provide the output!

continue : yes
backup? no
remove extra stuff? no <-- changed from original instructions in order to resolve boot issue
install telnet server for netowrk recovery: yes
install dropbear ssh server for advanced network recovery: yes
ready for flashing this image? yes
Press enter to reboot device (press enter)

If all is well you will get the "bootmenu" on restart - choose to boot from Flash

Install the External Memory Card
open Xterm

go to full screen mode then use the "-" hardware key to make the font smaller
$ pbeasy
(NOTE - I may be an idiot but I didn't know to use the SPACE bar to select items in pb the first few times I tried it. Use the D-pad to go to a selection and the space bar to "turn it on")

Select "Partition" and hit enter
Select the EXTERNAL card (don't forget to press space!) then hit enter
1st question 4096 then Enter
2nd question 265 then Enter
last question (yes) just hit Enter

System reboots - choose flash on bootmenu again

open Xterm

go to full screen mode then use the "-" hardware key to make the font smaller
$ pb
choose MKFS (Enter)
choose mmcblk1p1 and mmcblk1p2 (and ONLY these! - Enter)
You should get a window telling you that an Unformatted Dos partition was found - choose Yes (Enter)
next you will get a window exking for ext2 or ext3 - choose ext3 (Enter)
Next you are asked to Format - choose OK (Enter)
Finally a "all done" message - (Enter)

NOTE - I keep getting errors from the OS saying that the Memory Card is corrupted or unformatted - just ignore them!

From the Main Menu again, choose Clone (Enter)
select mtdblock4 as the SOURCE
select mmcblk1p2 as the TARGET
Choose OK (Enter)
Choose Format (Enter ) I think this is probably redundant but this is what I did and it worked!
After sucessful formta choose OK (Enter)
Wait a fairly long time (5 minutes?) The last percent is a bit%&!
Clear the success message (Enter)
from the main menu choose Cancel (Enter)

$ sudo gainroot

Switch to home screen and change the color (this will help you tell if you are sucessful - if the color goes "back" when you restart toe xternal memory then it has worked!)
Switch back to Xterm

# reboot

On this reboot use bootmenu to choose External Memory Card Partition 2

You should see the "original" home screen color and you know you've done it! Go have a beer...

SWAP I have not been able to get working yet...

If you have any suggestions please let me know. I used pb to enable swap on 1p2 with 1p3 as the swap location but that still reports no swap in use with the free command. For now I am running with virtual memory enabled.


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