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Originally Posted by GeraldKo View Post
Oh, if we're going to indulge in shameless plugs and shameless pleas, for those who would be satisfied with solely text (not photos, or drawings, etc.), Quick Clip integrated with a maemo-ized QuickDex and online storage or some way to synch with an online notes database (like the probably-to-be-defunct Google Notes) would do the trick wonderfully well. Quick Clip and QuickDex -- they already sound like they belong together. Now it just needs QuickSync, too!
Actually, just the other day I was pondering if I should add html output file support to Quick Clip: that would probably be more cloud friendly, eh? Browse through your Quick Clip files on a remote PC with the web

(and it would once-and-for-all kill the microb-doesn't-word-wrap problem. Yay!).

Author of TouchSearch -- web searching software for Maemo 5.

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Some quickie design ideas:

Evernote-push engine watches a folder and an index file.
Apps drop compatible file, writes tags into the index file, tags row for push.
App taps Evernote-push on the shoulder to move the file, if connected.

Applet would run all of these, offering a screenshot capturer (very cool way to push web snaps and the tech already exists!), a clipboard capturer, and I guess that's it. Applet would let you tell Evernote to wake up, stop sync, and maybe later have more advanced options. Option to push something from the filesystem, something from the onboard camera, with a couple of preset extension filters that user can override (e.g. a set for free accounts, premium accounts, or opt to try and push everything and see what happens).

My 0.02.
Gone completely farbot.

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Originally Posted by BrentDC View Post
<shameless plug>

Have you seen Quick Clip? Granted, I have no idea what Evernote is, so...

</shameless plug>
When I first came across Quck Clip, this is what I wished for, Quick-Clip interface to Evernote (or Uberclip). Is there a possibility, since Evernote has an API??
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BrentDC's Avatar
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Originally Posted by MP2100 View Post
When I first came across Quck Clip, this is what I wished for, Quick-Clip interface to Evernote (or Uberclip). Is there a possibility, since Evernote has an API??
It is not likely. I'm not much of a programmer; Quick Clip is actually my first non-terminal "learning" program, and I created it mainly for one purpose: to do what it does now. Because I really wanted a program to do what it does, and none existed. So I created it.

Being so, if someone suggests a (relatively) easily implemented feature I'll strongly consider it. But adding Evernote support, I have a strong feeling, won't be so easy, so I don't really see myself implementing it anytime soon.

ARJWright's Avatar
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Just finding the thread after resurrecting my N800 for office duty...

...nice ideas here, but they seem to have gotten complex. So here's the simple question:

Can Xournal be adpated to work with Evernote's API (either via plugin or widget) so that a person would be able to utilize the sync/one file abilities of Evernote, but keep the flexibility of the IT?

A yes or no question.

Now, if the answer is yes, how can those apps that you all have mentioned be made more transparent, and more integrated into the UI of Xournal so that Evernote integration is more of an issue of "download this plugin and enable this command in Xournal" than the multiple steps and applicaitons that have been explained thus far?

By the way, if someone is developing this, and would like a tester or UI integration assistance, I'm available (see WordPy for prevous work).
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I could probably be satisfied with an option in the Camera app to email to a preset address. Your evernote account has a dedicated email address to which you can email things that get tossed into your default notebook. I haven't tried it yet, but I'd be suprised if it doesn't work.
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Originally Posted by ARJWright View Post
Just finding the thread after resurrecting my N800 for office duty...

...nice ideas here, but they seem to have gotten complex. So here's the simple question:

Can Xournal be adpated to work with Evernote's API (either via plugin or widget) so that a person would be able to utilize the sync/one file abilities of Evernote, but keep the flexibility of the IT?

A yes or no question.

Now, if the answer is yes, how can those apps that you all have mentioned be made more transparent, and more integrated into the UI of Xournal so that Evernote integration is more of an issue of "download this plugin and enable this command in Xournal" than the multiple steps and applicaitons that have been explained thus far?

By the way, if someone is developing this, and would like a tester or UI integration assistance, I'm available (see WordPy for prevous work).
if Xournal can be modified to save as jpg or png and/or email that document then that is a method of getting the handwritten note into evernote.

and actually thinking about it, since evernote can display pdfs the jpg png options are not completely necessary eitehr, just being able to email the document from xournal would do the trick.
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Some of you may remember the lightning talk that brontide gave at the last Summit about real-time syncing the Notes app with Google Docs. It was pretty sweet. I don't know what ever happen to further development, though (or brontide for that matter!).

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Originally Posted by timsamoff View Post
Some of you may remember the lightning talk that brontide gave at the last Summit about real-time syncing the Notes app with Google Docs. It was pretty sweet. I don't know what ever happen to further development, though (or brontide for that matter!).

Sweet.. but sometime good ideas dont fructify.

Another thing I would like to see is a note taking app whcih syncs with Google Notebook (not Google DOCS). So short notes can be taken and it would sync with Google Notebook ( I use the notebook feature of google to jot down notes in a hurry from the mobile version thru the browser currently.
frethop's Avatar
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Originally Posted by nilchak View Post
Sweet.. but sometime good ideas dont fructify.

Another thing I would like to see is a note taking app whcih syncs with Google Notebook (not Google DOCS). So short notes can be taken and it would sync with Google Notebook ( I use the notebook feature of google to jot down notes in a hurry from the mobile version thru the browser currently.
Unfortunately, Google notebook has been end-of-life'd. Yes, it exists, but it's end is near.

Evernote has an API in multiple languages. I'm working on porting an app in Python to take notes on the NIT platform and interface on the back end with Evernote. I was inspired by brontide's examples with Google Docs. There were some great ideas there.

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