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Originally Posted by Crashdamage View Post
Rumor has it that Nextel may be sold off as a separate company specializing in emergency communications. Sprint would retain most of Nextel's bandwith, (that bandwidth is what Sprint really wanted Nextel for in the first place anyway) whatever they don't need for emergency services.

Bottom line is Sprint needs to be rescued by T-Mo much more than T-Mo needs Sprint's headaches. Sprint is a complete mess. But I can certainly understand T-Mo wanting to pick up 30 million+ customers and a lotta bandwidth if the price is right.

EDIT: Texaslabrat beat me to it with some points while I was typing. But we clearly agree about convergence with LTE and a lagrge part (most?) of Sprint's value being the bandwidth they control. And obviously, if there's a merger WiMax is toast.
Any industry analysts know if the income brought in by 30M customers and the value of the bandwidth make it a break even against the network costs in the deal over the next 3-4 years. Or would it just be a loss leader until LTE?
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Originally Posted by matthewcc View Post
Any industry analysts know if the income brought in by 30M customers and the value of the bandwidth make it a break even against the network costs in the deal over the next 3-4 years. Or would it just be a loss leader until LTE?
I'm sure T-Mo, their analysts and bankers looked at that multi-billion dollar question long and hard and have been doing so for a year or two at least. Apparently, they've decided to back off for now and let Sprint simmer a while. Again, see the Chrysler/Fiat deal.

With all the problems, technical and otherwise, that this merger would entail, I don't see how it could possibly turn a profit until after everyone is on the same page with LTE.
Registered Linux user #266531.

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t-mobile 3g rollout cities for this year
Posts: 267 | Thanked: 128 times | Joined on Sep 2009 @ Somerville MA - USA
Originally Posted by quipper8 View Post
t-mobile 3g rollout cities for this year
is this the 26mps service???
Posts: 271 | Thanked: 220 times | Joined on Sep 2009
Originally Posted by matthewcc View Post
is this the 26mps service???
Not immediately, but AFAIK all the 3G gear that t-mobile is rolling out is software-upgradeable to HSPA+ once they deem it ready for prime-time.

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Should be 7.2mbps 3G. T-Mo is just beginning to fire up 21mbps HSPA+ service. Philadelphia got it first. I don't know of a list of cities that are next for 21mbps service.
Registered Linux user #266531.

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