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First of all let me say big thumbs up to this app. I'm an engineer and use it at least once a day.

However is it possible at all to add kinetic(?) scrolling like other lists? It would make navigation a lot quicker.

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Originally Posted by donno View Post
First of all let me say big thumbs up to this app. I'm an engineer and use it at least once a day.

However is it possible at all to add kinetic(?) scrolling like other lists? It would make navigation a lot quicker.

Wow, I'm glad to hear.

I have a bug filed on it. I've looked into it before but something weird is going on that I haven't figured out
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Originally Posted by epage View Post

I could look into accepting translations of the UI but as the unit list is currently implemented, it at least triples the startup time if I make it translatable.
I think we'll better leave it all English then!
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I just thought I'd give a small update. I've chosen porting Gonvert to QT as my way of learning QT.

I've so far got the category selection, unit selection and conversion, search, and sorting done. I still need to save the users last selected unit, some keyboard shortcuts, and always keeping the unit entry focused. I also am looking at implementing recent and favorites support. I've still not "hildonized it" (whatever that means for QT) and it crashes on close.

I plan to still have the GTK version available for Maemo 4.1 and at some point I will probably switch Maemo 5 over to QT.

If you have any suggestions for the process of switching over the UI, let me know.
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Last edited by epage; 2010-06-02 at 02:45. Reason: Clarifying confusing statement

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The two main things I'd like improved in the Gonvert UI:
  • Be able to select "from" and "to" units, and then enter new values for conversion without having to go hunt for them again. Right now, for example, if I want to convert length/width/depth measurements from imperial to metric, I need to scroll to the "from" unit, enter the number, scroll to the "to" unit to see the result, scroll back to the "from" unit to enter the next number, etc.
  • Be able to mark certain units as "favorites", and then have a "favorites-only" view mode. The very comprehensive list of units is a nice feature of Gonvert, but most of the time they just get in the way; it would be nice to have the option of seeing all the obscure units only when actively looking for them.

NIT Units Converter for Diablo actually looks a bit closer to what I want, but it hasn't been released for Fremantle yet and is still missing some important units (like the entire "temperature" category). I'm hoping that one of these two apps can implement the features I want from the other one sometime soon.
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Originally Posted by jmbowman View Post
The two main things I'd like improved in the Gonvert UI:
  • Be able to select "from" and "to" units, and then enter new values for conversion without having to go hunt for them again. Right now, for example, if I want to convert length/width/depth measurements from imperial to metric, I need to scroll to the "from" unit, enter the number, scroll to the "to" unit to see the result, scroll back to the "from" unit to enter the next number, etc.
You shouldn't have to scroll back to the from field unless it is somehow becoming unselected. I'd be curious why it is unselected.

Originally Posted by jmbowman View Post
  • Be able to mark certain units as "favorites", and then have a "favorites-only" view mode. The very comprehensive list of units is a nice feature of Gonvert, but most of the time they just get in the way; it would be nice to have the option of seeing all the obscure units only when actively looking for them.
Things I'm doing for this:
  • Revamped search to be a Quick Jump window which shows all units available as the user types (Implemented)
  • A Recent window to show your history of selected units to convert (Implemented)
  • Favorites to filter out what units and categories you want to see and don't want to see with a toggle to switch between favorites and all (To be implemented)
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The problem with the from field being unselected is an interaction with the kinetic scrolling. On Diablo there's a scrollbar, so you can scroll the display without tapping on any rows of the table. On Fremantle, you have to swipe the table itself to scroll it, and in Gonvert the initial touch of that swipe is counting as a selection of that unit's row. The result is that I haven't been able to scroll to the "to" unit without selecting several other units in the process. Is there some workaround for this that I'm missing? I know it's possible to swipe the table in Qt applications without selecting the tapped row (I do that in PortaBase), I think there should be a way to do it in GTK+ also.
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Originally Posted by jmbowman View Post
The problem with the from field being unselected is an interaction with the kinetic scrolling. On Diablo there's a scrollbar, so you can scroll the display without tapping on any rows of the table. On Fremantle, you have to swipe the table itself to scroll it, and in Gonvert the initial touch of that swipe is counting as a selection of that unit's row. The result is that I haven't been able to scroll to the "to" unit without selecting several other units in the process. Is there some workaround for this that I'm missing? I know it's possible to swipe the table in Qt applications without selecting the tapped row (I do that in PortaBase), I think there should be a way to do it in GTK+ also.
I'm watching for a select signal rather than an activate so the user doesn't have to double tap. My choices in GTK are to switch to activate or experiment with a hack to block the signal if the user has moved between a press and a release if I'm not blocked from those signals).

So I guess the nice thing is this issue will go away with my QT port. I believe I'm observing on the clicked signal or something like that.
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If you're going to put the time and effort into porting this, and adding new features as well, then perhaps you might consider entering into the ongoing coding competition.
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Originally Posted by amh View Post
If you're going to put the time and effort into porting this, and adding new features as well, then perhaps you might consider entering into the ongoing coding competition.
I never really thought of it. I don't normally consider my stuff flashy enough for a competition and I didn't consider a rewrite of the UI to be interesting for it (though that basically means its a rewrite of everything but the unit list).

Do people think this is something that should be entered?

I've also got another app in development that I'm donating to a non-profit. I should ask them if I can enter it...
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