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Texrat's Avatar
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Well, unfortunately, I searched (since some people don't seem to know how ) and the case I bought is no longer available from them. I did find it at another location for twice as much (), but at least the info is provided if you want to search further:

As I said, it's about .20" too short but still does the job.

THis one should work as well:

Come on guys, google for the win!

Last edited by Texrat; 2007-01-09 at 16:13.
Posts: 9 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Oct 2006 @ Copenhagen
A case is also a must for me, since I always carry it in my pocket. It seems that Nokia is actually selling a case as an accessory:
Posts: 3,401 | Thanked: 1,255 times | Joined on Nov 2005 @ London, UK
Anyone worked out how to order the Nokia N800 case online??

EDIT: Just found this link: but it doesn't list the N800 carry case - typical!
badger's Avatar
Posts: 66 | Thanked: 7 times | Joined on Oct 2005 @ Europe
Originally Posted by Milhouse View Post
Anyone worked out how to order the Nokia N800 case online??
I have also been looking for the offical nokia case but with no joy. I also called the team who ship the devices ( they didnt know where I could get one... the really funny thing was when I called a Nokia retail store in the uk, they thought I was talking about a n80...
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Expansys have this case listed as pre-order -
thorbo's Avatar
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As a quick fix, since I am now playing quite a bit with the n800, I have modified my Logitech PSP case, and it works a charm. All that needs to be done is snip a little piece of the rubber gasget where the three top buttons are -- both on the lid and the bottom -- those pieces of rubber simply pull out.. It even doubles as a stand, and since it is plastic, has no negative impact (that I have measured) on reception of wifi. This is only a temp fix, and didn't impact the ability to hold my PSP at all, either. Now I just want to find a film to cover the screen so that I don't scratch it... probably modify a PSP screen guard as well.


P.S. On the downside the case is wider than the n800, so it makes it bulkier, but since it is held very snugly it doesn't move around at all, and can be dropped in a bad or coat pocket with no misgivings...
Posts: 28 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Jan 2007
Well, if you do get an N800, until you find a case, the plastic screen protector that comes with the unit, can stay on. If you pull the silver tab, while keeping the plastic down, you get a basic screen protector.
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Posts: 161 | Thanked: 55 times | Joined on Dec 2006 @ SLO, CA; United States
As a quick note to anyone who might be interested... the plastic screen protector for the PSP is EXACTLY the correct height for the n800 screen, and a slight cut from one end is all that is needed to protect the glass from scratches, etc. Could not have been better apart from being designed for the unit.

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As for screenprotectors...

I currently use a Brando UltraClear screenprotector on my Nokia 770.

This one is specially made for the Nokia 770 and fits perfect.
In fact it is slightly oversized so there it 1/4th of a mm under the edges of the screen.

The only problem is ofcourse applying the darn thing.
Because of my mad skills I managed to mess things up and it does not look that good.

In the past I ordered some Brando Workshop Screenprotectors for my iPAQ and my current Palm T|X. (these are not the same as the ultraclear ones)

As those NOT ultraclear models seem to be a bit better in my eyes I ordered 3 of them, both for my Nokia 770 and Nokia N800 which is still in it's delivery wrap screen protector ;-).

When I receive them I will post a short review of them, both on the Nokia 770 and N800. (But as both are the same same (approx.) I do not expect any big differences).

Note that the Screenprotectors are only listed as Nokia 770, but I expect them to do fine on the N800

Link to the Brando shop:

Please note: Brando operates and ships from HongKong but as the prices are darn cheap, the shipping is 3 bucks or less and there is no customs charge because they shop in nice envelopes with ever better stamps
Posts: 152 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Dec 2006
This suck, I think everyone should e-mail nokia and tell them how disappointed we are about the case, even the flip thing, it's totally pityful. If there is one thing that Nokia did wrong in N800 and everybody agree about, it must be the darn case. Nokia should redesign and offer a new case for N800.

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