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First video uploaded:

Aspect ratio's wrong, but it's better than waiting for the large videos to download.
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Originally Posted by penguinbait View Post
I hate matchbox, I hate hildon. ;-)

This is video links are slow (cable modem), but you will see what I wished we had all along, a real window manager, desktop icons, a desktop........

Are you with me or against me, can we start development on an alternate window manager.

oskey-x is the on-screen keyboard in the second video.

Keep in mind this is one afternoon hacking, some developers onboard, we could have a real linux box.



FEEDBACK PLEASE? What do you think

Well-- almost. This is so awesomely kewl!

As usual, a few nitpicking remarks:

1. Maybe XFCE of even Rox would be better choices, as they provide a richer user environment.
2. We so need to go hunting for an alternative HWR solution; I hate peckboards with a vengeance. Xstroke anyone?

Question: Was that the Links browser you got running? It's hard to see on the youtube video.
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Next video uploading now. Yes, it was Links AFAICT
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Ok, now here's the stoopid question : any hope for our poor 770 users?!
Does life seem worthwhile to you?
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Second video uploaded:
Andrew Flegg -- |
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Mhm... wouldnt this be what projects like Ångström are all about?

Has anyone tried ?
maxilogan's Avatar
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Well, there aren't any instructions on the Angstrom page on how to install it on the 770, despite there are fro other handhelds..

Does life seem worthwhile to you?
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I would like to know how you did that.. that is awesome. Hoping for the ability to boot the sdk into other environments like this. If a standard x framework like this can be used all sorts of things can be ported.
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Look, lets start out by saying, as I have said before, I am not a developer. I am by trade a unix admin, and have been using linux since 1996. I downloaded window maker source and comiled it in scratch box. I changed a couple files for bootup(specifically now only contains the line wmaker &) I hacked and linked a bunch of stuff to get it to work, libs and bins and share stuff. I also stopped maemo_desktop from launching as it overtakes the desktop. I can easily start maemo_desktop and get to all my applets to change things although they are in the middle of the screen. I was able to launch controlpanel in a window so I could change things like that also. I literally spent about maybe 8 hours setting this up an playing. If I launch anything that has hildon keyboard support it will start the virtual keyboard but its in the middle of the screen.

Anyway 770 users, I see no reason you could not do this also, CPU resources are very low. I would not be able to set it up for you though as I can not test it. I would be happy to help anyone get it going though.

I hoping to put out a tarball later this week, I have a few kinks I want to get worked out.

Quite honestly when I set out to see if I could compile it I thought that it would fail, and when it didn't I figured lets give it a try, manually stopped matchbox, and started wmaker and it started, rather ugly but it started. After further tinkering and making it bootup to wmaker, I almost crapped myself :-)

Thanks for posting the youtube videos, my cable modem was running balls out!!!

I tried to compile afterstep and it went ok, but fails to launch. KDE? hehe

It should also be fairly easy to write a script to boot either of the window managers. just run a script to change the config files back for bootup, and restart. This would give you the best of both worlds, I think you could even have it happen without rebooting. Just stop wmaker and start matchbox, the start maemo_desktop.

Last edited by penguinbait; 2007-02-06 at 16:41.
Posts: 244 | Thanked: 10 times | Joined on Jan 2007
If thats all you did then xfce might not work, too many dependancies.. but blackbox/fluxbox might, they are both small enough. Can you "right click" with the n800? (Still waiting on my tax refund to buy my own).

I too am a Unix Admin and look forward to seeing what I can and can't do with this device.

If a normal WM is possible, as your videos truly make it look, then so much more will be possible with this device.

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