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Hey guys, sorry it's been a while...
So I followed this tutorial to get QT creator and MADDE on windows, and this guide to get QT4.6 running. As some of you may know, this doesn't work... (QT creator just spazzes out).
Last night to my surprise, I see this post, thinking hell yeah! But then I read further and see this release is for QT4.7, so did we miss QT4.6 somewhere?
I'll give this version a bash regardless, but I was wondering if anyone at all had managed to get QT Creator + MADDE + QT4.6 to work on windows?

I'm now sort of thinking about simply going the Ubuntu way (or maybe Fedora since I'm more used to it), but I'd rather stick to Windows, at least for the time being.
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Originally Posted by hadrien.jouet View Post
Finally (sorry if this is dragging), I'm still unsure whether to go for C++ or Python. I'm mostly worried about performance issues, if any. As far as I understand C++ should be faster than Python, but then if I use PyQT all the "heavy" tasks will be handled by QT regardless, am I right in saying this?
Correct. You can write *very* snappy Qt apps in python, the only consistent downside being the startup time and higher memory usage. If you use Qt functionality for 'heavy lifting' and avoid variable conversions (like QStrings into python strings), it's slower than C++, but far from sluggish.
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Originally Posted by danielwilms View Post
you have already for the beta a complete overview of all classes,
That overview of classes is unmanageable for reference, because it is merely a huge list, not organized by function.

Those of us used to reference materials for programming would expect to at least find such a guide broken down by typical function:
Process Control

File Manipulation


Search & Sort


Instead of a monolithic list of everything that must be gone through one by one until what you're looking for is found.

Additionally, on that list of classes is
which, according to ANOTHER random page you are lucky to find scattered somewhere else, does not actually work in Maemo 5

Those are the 2 examples of how it is so excruciatingly difficult for programmers coming to the N900/QT/Maemo to even get a start:
1. No organized reference
2. What information DOES exist is partial, scattered & fragmented across the whole spectrum of related sites of,, gitorious, etc.

I can understand how it would be easier for folks writing derivative programs to by legacy become more proficient via re-use of existing & available code, albeit slowly.

In this chaos, there is not even a place explaining the differences of
Nokia SDK
QT Creator

How can it be expected that a programmer coming to the phone/OS can select which to use? Or even to find out what exists for use, since pages listing one or two things don't list all.

There is nothing which I have found yet which briefly explains the developer tools on one page, explaining the use of Mad Developer, Scratchbox, Busy Box, the different SDK's, etc. Instead, there are scores of pages with download links to one or the other, with brief smiling descriptions of little more than PR saying that they're great, they speed development, they're feature-rich - all useless words for people seeking to learn the functionality & place in the system.

Going back to phonon, where IS an overview page for it? The package overview page
only seems to give the impression that the package has been removed. If the community has its own, non-intuitive, rejecting of typical use layout for such a page and has created a page that gives the impression that the package is no longer available when it is by reading it in some way known only to those who watched the page grow from nothing, why is it impossible now to see how not merely uneffective but destructive it is?

And where is a functional description of the phonon package's particular uses? Even the most basic book of reference will give examples of implementation, but here there seems to not even be a list! Is it neccessary to go through every line of the source code to find a function/object that suits the use you need? Anyone who's been on the QT/Maemo wild goose chase before is very much disinclined to "just google" and come up with reams of time-wasting pages with matches that don't have simple reference.

There is my rant again. It is so hard to pull up coherent, useful reference & instructional information for programming this phone. It is like it is intentionally sabotaged, so people won't do it.

And the defensiveness of replies of "The information is out there, just find it with google or somewhere buried in" is not just functionally ridiculous, it is apparently wrong. Much of the information is NOT out there, & the part that is being so scattered & disorganized makes it not just impractical, but a waste of time.

Disagreeing with Hadrien's observation that documentation is scant & chaotic by saying
Giving out tech previews and keeping you up-to-date on the latest tools, giving you support directly of the developers, which are working on this, who look into packages and help people setting up their environment etc., proofs you wrong in my opinion
seems to indicate being oblivious to the problem or trying to conceal it. Tech previews and tool updates are not reference & documentation. The possibility of (maybe) getting support from the developers for PARTICULAR problems is not reference for developers, it is troubleshooting. Those are just MORE discrete, small, incomplete, noncomprehensive unspecialized fragments scattered across the internet. It is NOT proof that easily found & organized documentation and reference are lacking, it is IGNORING it.

I have NEVER seen such lack of documentation or organized reference for ANY technical thing.

Last edited by rotoflex; 2011-01-22 at 00:28.
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The overview page for the Phonon module is here:

I think Phonon is being replaced by QtMultimedia (or is it QtMultimediaKit :/). The Phonon documentation isn't great, but it's fairly easy to build a simple media player, though in my experience the performance wasn't great (that could be down to poor coding on my part, though the same example performed well enough in scratchbox).
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Last edited by marxian; 2011-01-22 at 00:33.

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