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Good thread for a 1st time user. This is my 1st post here using my 1st smart phone and I like it so far. Maybe I am not tainted by owning other smart phones or maybe I have been lurking in these forums so long that I had set my expectations accordingly before purchasing the N900, but I like the N900 a lot. It is not a perfect phone by any means but has good functionality and can only get better with PR 1.2. It also appeals to the geek in me.

Last edited by prana; 2010-03-17 at 16:10.
Dave999's Avatar
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N900 is the best...and it looks like sygics navigation(turn by turn) sw is available and when i have it: n900 is the best of the best.

I dont even need meego, pr 1.2 or ovi store... at least not today
Posts: 288 | Thanked: 196 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ London
Originally Posted by telecomgeek79 View Post
N900 best phone I've Never had!

I have so wanted this phone December...
Might get it this month! mmmmm...dreams....mmmmm...

Go ahead. If you dont like it, I guarantee you a refund. Honestly, its not perfect but its open infinite possibilities. No frills, just pure metal.
Posts: 999 | Thanked: 1,117 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ earth?
My n900 is totally indispensible - I use it (alot!) on a daily basis.

It would be great if we do get MeeGo for the n900 but if a stable version never manifests itself then so what? it is still a great little device!

Maemo is still a great OS which means I have a linux computer in my pocket!

I have installed a few apps and they are all genuinely useful to me.

I think a lot of people bought the n900 because it was the "next new thing" and seem to constantly moan about it in this forum!
Maybe these people should have thought a little harder / done some research first before committing to buy one.
I guess they sat down, played with the n900 a little then lost interest because they don't actually need one. They could not think how it can be useful to themselves and instead constantly moan about it.

My only gripes are no OTG usb & no reliable way to connect a bluetooth keyboard & mouse to it.

It's a great device and very happy with it.

I needed a device like this because I travel frequently. I nearly bought an Android phone before I heard about the n900 last year.
I like cake.
Dave999's Avatar
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Originally Posted by johnel View Post
My n900 is totally indispensible - I use it (alot!) on a daily basis.

It would be great if we do get MeeGo for the n900 but if a stable version never manifests itself then so what? it is still a great little device!

Maemo is still a great OS which means I have a linux computer in my pocket!

I have installed a few apps and they are all genuinely useful to me.

I think a lot of people bought the n900 because it was the "next new thing" and seem to constantly moan about it in this forum!
Maybe these people should have thought a little harder / done some research first before committing to buy one.
I guess they sat down, played with the n900 a little then lost interest because they don't actually need one. They could not think how it can be useful to themselves and instead constantly moan about it.

My only gripes are no OTG usb & no reliable way to connect a bluetooth keyboard & mouse to it.

It's a great device and very happy with it.

I needed a device like this because I travel frequently. I nearly bought an Android phone before I heard about the n900 last year.

N900 will get meego. Trust me, wait and see! just a reflash is needed.
Posts: 210 | Thanked: 62 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Helsinki, Finland
Best device I've ever had. The only thing annoying me is that it's too easy to get hooked in to using it, especially with an unlimited highspeed dataplan. I am online 24/7 and talking to people 24/7 on it. If my battery runs out I feel like I've lost a limb. Pretty sure it's not a good thing, but oh well.
But I guess that still tells how useful this device is to me.
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Posts: 551 | Thanked: 507 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ North West England
I love mine and I wouldn't change it for anything else at the moment! Made the decision to buy this after experience of my son's iPod touch (disastrous) and the fact it was open source with a command line shell.
Wonderfully liberating, and I have to agree about it being very addictive with an unlimited dataplan!

Last edited by JohnLF; 2010-03-17 at 16:33.
Posts: 67 | Thanked: 14 times | Joined on Mar 2010 @ Portland OR USA
Originally Posted by Enyibinakata View Post
Go ahead. If you don't like it, I guarantee you a refund. Honestly, its not perfect but its open infinite possibilities. No frills, just pure metal.
moderator: Can you make sure he doesn't edit that? lol. Just kidding.
I might get it second hand...not sure.

In any case...I have been on this forum since last oct/nov and I am lovin how things are working out...other than the haters. But I can't hate them, cause then I'd be a hater, and that would be twice as bad...right? I (like a dutiful husband) listened to my wife, who said "maybe you should before buying it? There may be problems."

Why do I love something I never owned? Freedom! I think CLI is awesome! I think scripting is Awesome! I think, therefore I am!
I am trying to get more linuxy. This will be fun! Thanks to everyone who posts productive things!
(Textrat/Qgil etc..)

Last edited by telecomgeek79; 2010-03-17 at 16:38. Reason: spelling
skalogre's Avatar
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Originally Posted by clasificado View Post
fair enough

but as useless as the other threads (no offense), maybe it could be in off topic?

Im more afraid to get the phone bricked and to learn again to live without it that if meego will run on n900 or not

I agree but nice to see a satisfied user for a change. And just for the record, of all the devices I have owned the N900 has come the closest to fulfilling my needs (but I still miss my old E71 - I have mentioned that too many times already, haven't I?)
Posts: 43 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Mar 2010 @ Czech
Really the best phone!A year I was waiting on relly good phone,i wanted microsoft phone with nvidia tegra processor...but i cant wait too long...So i bought N900 and i am satisfied :-)

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