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I'm still with this same problem.
Posts: 112 | Thanked: 26 times | Joined on Sep 2009
Sorry to gravedig but this bug is very annoying. Is this fMMS related, or is it a general N900 issue? How has anyone gone about solving this? I'd delete the Orange MMS APN but you can't from the GUI; fMMS appears to use its own settings, so won't even need the APN entry.

Thank you for the help in advance.

Edit: Just to describe my issue more fully. Even with a specific APN set in Internet Connections for "Connect Automatically To", the N900 ignores this and always chooses the MMS APN, frustratingly.
x61's Avatar
Posts: 932 | Thanked: 278 times | Joined on Sep 2009 @ Kentucky
This is annoying. I want to completely remove it but it is not even letting me delete this MMS connection. Damn it.
pusak gaoq's Avatar
Posts: 723 | Thanked: 519 times | Joined on Nov 2010 @ Kuching:Malaysia
using x-term type

apt-get remove -purge fmms

this will completely remove all fmms setup....
reboot your phone then go to

setting-internet connections

choose WLAN as your automatic connection

then exit the setting & go to x-term & type

apt-get install fmms

once install run the this point fmms will created it own access point...after the access point by fmms have been created then exit the fmms & reboot...

then try to connect to any connections...if u do the step correctly then you wont have any problem after this...
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Posts: 932 | Thanked: 278 times | Joined on Sep 2009 @ Kentucky
Sorry, this procedure does not work. I want to completely remove fmms and MMS commection.
Posts: 140 | Thanked: 20 times | Joined on Apr 2011
Originally Posted by drewdudemn View Post
yeah thats what I did... using havoc mode works and removes the fmms apn from the connections list so now I'm all good...
Thanks for great suggestion: setting fMMS to havoc mode solved the issue with N900 autoconnecting to mms AP.

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