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Originally Posted by rebhana View Post
The result from dpkg -l rootsh that you posted above looks exactly as it should and is identical to mine, apart from the fact that I have version 1.5.

Did you really ever have been asked for a password when typing "sudo gainroot" as you said in your first post?
Sorry for my bad sentence, i've corrected my first thread.
When i do like it is on:

sudo rm -f /etc/default/kernel-power

it asks me for a password.

Before reflashing, it not ask, i can do those commands with success, now, i can't, thats my problem!
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It has been mentioned a few times..

sudo rm won't work
sudo ls won't work
sudo some-other-command won't work


sudo gainroot

will work

This gives you a root shell.. from that you can run whatever you like

sudo gainroot

rm -f /etc/default/kernel-power

If you run

sudo rm

sudo has not been configured to allow you to run rm, so it asks for a password or tells you permission denied..
Posts: 169 | Thanked: 41 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ Portugal
If Sudo <Command> dont work, why can i do that before reflash ?!

If Sudo <Command> dont work, why is it here and everyone use it sucessfull ?

Sorry but dont make sense...I'm not crazy, i know what i've done before on X-terminal.

Before reflash, i save .txt files with my script commands, and theres a lot of 'sudo <command>' that worked..

Maybe some software i've installed with an old version..not chroot or rootsh..other software..dont know.. : \

Originally Posted by cpitchford View Post
It has been mentioned a few times..

sudo rm won't work
sudo ls won't work
sudo some-other-command won't work


sudo gainroot

will work

This gives you a root shell.. from that you can run whatever you like

sudo gainroot

rm -f /etc/default/kernel-power

If you run

sudo rm

sudo has not been configured to allow you to run rm, so it asks for a password or tells you permission denied..
Posts: 169 | Thanked: 41 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ Portugal
Ohh..and here, on the WIKI:
At "Set maximum CPU frequency", it says:

From root terminal:
rootsh echo 600000 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq | echo ""

It gives me permission dennied too ! . . .
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What happens if you

Open an xterm

Type root and hit enter

Type whoami and hit enter

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You do know that rootsh's description says to use "root", right? It does not mention anything about sudo.

The uninstall thing? Well, that was me being a tosser. I did fix it in later versions, however.
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Sounds like the real "problem" is that rootsh doesn't work like you want it to.

Either run "sudo gainroot" for a root shell or "rootsh (command)" to run one command as root. Sudo doesn't work in maemo like it does in other linux distros.
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My first thought would be it was shorthand, or a ploy to stop inexperienced users from doing things to their phone.

If you don't understand that

sudo rm /etc/somefile
sudo gainroot
rm /etc/somefile

are conceptually the same things, then you've fallen at the first hurdle!!

There are very few commands you can run using sudo on Maemo5.. rm is not one of them, nor is echo

From root terminal:
rootsh echo 600000 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq | echo ""
Is actually nonsensical and would NEVER work unless you were already root

If you need to do things that report "permission denied", run
sudo gainroot
first and you will be fine..
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When I just tried that rootsh command as listed in message #14 above, I got a response that it was deprecated.
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Originally Posted by nokian-series View Post
If Sudo <Command> dont work, why can i do that before reflash ?!

If Sudo <Command> dont work, why is it here and everyone use it sucessfull ?

Sorry but dont make sense...I'm not crazy, i know what i've done before on X-terminal.

Before reflash, i save .txt files with my script commands, and theres a lot of 'sudo <command>' that worked..

Maybe some software i've installed with an old version..not chroot or rootsh..other software..dont know.. : \
As it has been said a numerous times.. you need to become root.

root is a super user and have more privileges than normal user. In other systems you normaly need a password to become that user.. that is not needed in Maemo. Just type root or sudo gainroot and you become root.

Why Titan writes sudo in his explanations i do not know.. probably just to tell you that you need to be root and have root privileges.

Why the OC'ing are working for everyone is because they go root when they need to do it. They know not to sudo before the commands. Of what i understand you have successfully OC'd with the temporary settings but need to do them permanent. So you are doing something wrong when attempting doing them permanent.

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