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NvyUs's Avatar
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more proof people dont know what they are talking about.
the device is still 3 months from release and most is complaints was software related and will be fixed,
eldar got his hands on a very early prototype and even if it was a production model and perfect he would of still been negative b/c hes trying to pick fights with anyone thats not Samsung.

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All we care about is a great development platform that isn't bound by restrictions (like apple)
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i do not know what people want in a smart phone. they will never be satisfied until it is capable of launching a nuke missile from the camera. (i mean the main camera)

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His main problems:

- Slow when packed with Full Memory (Has he ever used a PC?)
- Poor UI (Admittedly its not the best looking, but VERY functional)
- Terrible HDMI (it uses the HDMI mini most video cameras on the market)

Its frustrating that these days everybody wants a mobile phone to be an iPhone with a QWERTY and everything else packed in. The list of people that shun anything without a big apple on the back is getting ridiculous.

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nothing left to whine about except for prototypes?
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As much as you guys panned what Eldar said about the N900; he was more right than wrong. It felt unfinished, rushed to market and probably wouldn't get support.

It didn't. And yes... I'm paraphrasing but Eldar sorta hit that one on the head. Still waiting on PR1.2, portrait & other things that other phones still support out of the box.

In regards to the N8, it's not a "flagship" phone, but it does have Nokia's flagship letter designation... N-series.

Nobody mentioned iPhone - that I'd listen to at least. The N8 just doesn't capture my attention beyond the included optics. Those bits entice me. But not the OS.

But to say that Nokia is "losing it"... lord that's a stretch.

Last edited by gerbick; 2010-04-29 at 02:37.

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Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
But to say that Nokia is "losing it"... lord that's a stretch.

You have my vote on that! The pitchfork and torches crowd has met up with the lynching party and are milling around the countryside!
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The quieter you become the more you are able to hear

"I'm a N900 user, can I haz Flash 10 plz?!11!?" © Jaffa

Elopocalypse started on 11.02.2011

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I agree wholeheartedly with the OP in regards to Nokia's direction. It isn't that they have a bad plan, but more so that they don't have a plan. Nokia has been aimlessly going about doing some random acts, when the competition is gaining momentum. I agree with Eldar's review, and people tend to cringe at his honest review ... the Engadget review was botched not Eldars ... in fact he considered Maemo a fresh step in the right direction even if it was feature incomplete. What is the Symbian strategy? I thought Nokia was going to place the Symbian experience only on the mid-tier level smartphones ... this is an N series phone why Symbian, I think we can all agree the N8 would be much better off running Maemo/ MeeGo or whatever pet project Nokia concocts next why Symbian? Leave that crappy OS for crappy phones even if it is window dressed. I wouldn't mind having Symbian on the E-series business line phones, Symbian is suited for that but please not the N, what a crappy OS.

I always noticed with Nokia's products give you the world, but they handicap you in the process by giving you a straw to look at the world. What I am trying to say is that with each phone lies a major flaw. N900 is the whole tablet only mode, and Maemo technically being killed 3 months after launch. The N97 and the Nokia phones released in that same year all had underwhelming chips, the N900 marks the first Nokia ARM-Cortex A8 product breaking the 300 - 450MHz mark when the competition was running 600MHz and up. Nokia is slow to adopt faster chips, capacitive screens, app stores (please Ovi blows), and seems deadset in obstructing there own progress. People seriously wake up and see upper management is battling to make changes or play it safe, we the customers need to let them know of our collective opinion. Symbian is a dead end for N series, iterate products annually not quarterly, have global launches, strengthen Ovi and make it an app not a cloud experience, faster processor, atleast 200MHz faster or x amount of times more battery time improvements between releases, and an improved screen between models. Also can you guys release an N97 with Maemo, faster processor, more ram, and a 3.7inch screen in black ... that would be the perfect phone for the N920 what the N97 should of been originally. I almost bought that POS, and saw the asking price for the underwhelming performance scoffed and walked away.

The problem has always been that Nokias attention span is that of a gnewt. They lose focus/ interest on a product the minute it enters the shelves. Like a hanging hi-five, the customer is left alone with the phone navigating some of the strangest update cycles and restrictions.

Anyways to the OP keep in mind fanboys and developers are blinded to how perception of a company effects the buyers decision. For me I look at the potential buyer, the customer ... the average joe and jane. I had a guy come up to me who said he was into Nokia phones and never heard of the N900 ... tells me how bad of a job Nokia marketing has been. I think of the brand Apple has built up, and what really comes to mind is consistency on their products. Yes spec wise the iPhone is a POS, but me and you look at specs the average joe doesn't. They are driven by brand, and consistency really builds up that illusion of quality and good customer support. Nokia is tarnishing the brand, the CEO's must go period.

MeeGo is nonesense. It's like Firefox going to version 1.0 to be rolled back to 0.1 and the entire process repeated. That is pure insanity. Intel and Nokia leveraging each other to broaden the userbase MeeGo can effect is the biggest load of crap. Intel is firstly the worst business partner. They torpedoed the OLPC, and they were behind th Vista compatible GMA945 scandal. They are not an honest partner, and only want to broaden the x86 chipset to the mobile market which ARM totally dominates. Nokia is gaining nothing from this, and once they realize watch MeeGo be dropped. As I have said in another post, Nokia could go it alone with maemo Intel wasn't required but rather is an exit strategy as it adds another point failure to the maemo strategy.

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"You're judging a prototype!!!!!"

What about the N900? That phone was supposedly made for the general public when they released their MISLEADING AD. They ditched the OS for another, delayed the updates for the ditched OS and after the pathetic numbers, not because "it's a developper phone" but because of poor marketing probably planned from a member of this open source community.

Does this look like smartphone for the general public or are people too ******ED to know that it's a developper phone?

Everytime Linux tries to do something new to become mainstream its fanboys jump to it and take ownership and close its doors to any sort of evolution to become a mainstream-class OS. We've seen several attempts in the past decade but the conclusion has always been always the same: The problem is not linux, it's the selfish attitude of some members of the community towards the general public.

Last edited by h3llraz0r; 2010-04-29 at 05:00.

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bad mojo, h3ll100ser, ignorant thread, raised nothing, sigh, worst thread

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