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Posts: 13 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Mar 2010
Originally Posted by johnel View Post

I use this amazing network to research stuff I want to buy.

You may have heard of it. It is called the "internet".

it is an enormous collection of computers where you can share information.

I sometimes use a search engine (helps you find information) to find reviews and information about stuff. Some manufacturers actually show what they make (e.g.

So if you are looking to buy a new phone then I suggest you use a search engine called "google" (

Just type in your search critera and google will do the rest.

Due to the high volume of information on the "internet" you may have use the synaptic pathways in your brain to reach your own conclusions and to make decisions.

Good luck with that.
What a clever cock you think you are dont you.

The reason why there are links to click on when using google is generally because of people writing replies to threads such as this.

Please take your attempt at humour elsewhere as 1, its just not funny and 2, you just make yourself look like a fool.
Posts: 13 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Mar 2010
Originally Posted by afaq View Post
Sigh. another one.

Why is it we rarely get credible (medium to long term) TMO users leaving N900 with such posts? I dont care what people say or what the authors says i've lost trust in anyone who is new to the forum and is dictating how crap Nokia is in everything they do.

And I dont believe you had four N97's, four N97 mini's. Sorry. Just dont believe you.
dont then....for one it was four n97s and three minis. read what i have wrote.

they all failed with faults ranging from no reception, backlight failing, waking up to it not turning on.....why do you think i am onto an n900 as vodafone gave me that as a gesture of goodwill as I had such a torrid time!
Posts: 187 | Thanked: 162 times | Joined on May 2010 @ Sunny Woollahra
Originally Posted by Smooth-op View Post
Am I getting mixed up with FM Reciever then? Sorry...oops ! If so then almost any phone has a radio on it ha ha....
N series phones with FM transmitter are N900 (!), N79, N86 8MP, N85, N78, N97, N85 and the N8.

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The reason why there are links to click on when using google is generally because of people writing replies to threads such as this. "

That's crazy. The reason there are links to click on when using google is because there is a huge amount of useful information out there, not because of threads like the one you started here.
Posts: 185 | Thanked: 49 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ The Netherlands
Originally Posted by Boosha View Post
I have had 8 nokias is 8 10 months. Four n97s, three n97 minis and finally my n900. They have all broke down...or something along the line...been repaired, exchanged and allsorts.
If you have broken that many phones i'm going to start believe it isn't the phones there fault.
Posts: 13 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Mar 2010
keep your opinions to yourself and answer the fn questions ive put to you. Why the f would I need to come on here and tell a loada lies eh. FFS get a life outside ur pcs.

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