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cashclientel's Avatar
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I don't understand the PR1.2 hype - it really isn't the be all and end all.

99% of users will notice no difference anyway. If Nokia could have fixed the Ovi store for payment 5 months ago then the N900 may now be a vibrant platform - instead it's dead. (dead = relative to the competition)
Nokia are a business and have chosen a path of using the OSS community phenomenon to reduce their overheads specifically after sales support and development. Unlike Apple who do the opposite and make a killing from their Applications store.
Posts: 81 | Thanked: 54 times | Joined on Mar 2010
Cashclientel makes the strongest point.
What is killing the N900 is the lack of paid app support as this has prevented all those who might have created apps to make the N900 an even more versatile tool.
Instead, the linux geeks and hobbiests have been relied upon. Now, those guys have made some fantastic apps for the device and, without them, the N900 would have died a death a long time ago.
Nokia/Ovi may well be keeping us all waiting so that they can get PR1.2's release to coincide with the OVI Store relaunch but there has been no word on this.
I love my N900. I am a geek. That's who the device was for. BUT it is capable of more than the sum of the apps that are available thus far and Nokia is pissing a large proportion of its fanbase off by keeping it in the dark. Enough already.
Tell us when OVI Store will be "fixed" and, if this is dependant upon the release of PR1.2, then at least tell us that.
zombiegavins's Avatar
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all i can say at this point is "meh"
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Personally, I have got to the point where 1.2 is a necessity but Im tired waiting for it now. It's just another thing to add to my general malaise about Maemo and the n900.

In regards to the above points^^, IMO the chance for Ovi store paid apps is reliant on 1.2, and added to that the QT development tools Nokia released to create applications for the n900 are for 1.2. So it's little wonder as we wait for it to be eventually released that any commercial developer interest has passed on by the n900. Will MeeGo wrestle back that interest which was squandered by Maemo, time will tell.
ysss's Avatar
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I'm pretending not to care, so they put it out quicker...
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dscobsct's Avatar
Posts: 263 | Thanked: 231 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ wales
im not sick of waiting for pr1.2
have been a nokia user for years and am used to the way the bring out firmware updates.
what i am sick of is the amount of people complaining that it isnt out yet.
do you know how big a job it is to make a whole operating system stable no matter what you throw at it. microsoft still cant get it right with thousands of people working on it for 20 years haha!!!
so just chill, what are people expecting anyway, its rare that you feel like you have a new device after a firmware update, and even then the feeling doesnt last long. let them do what they got to do and be glad that they are doing it.
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all I care about is the way nokia seems to have abandoned n900 entirely. It has been said several times by officials that PR 1.2 is coming soon but nothing hapenned in the weeks after that. So it is obvious that nokia has ceased all resources wich former where responsible for the n900
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Originally Posted by ste-phan View Post
Never cared, then on a beautiful day in early May I woke up reading a new firmware was available that was more or less it.
It simply works.
Hardly could believe they had the balls to make Skype Video work or at least show intention to do so.
Still happy with the firmware 1.2 RC, too bad for those who want everything "official"
Too bad for those who have 1.2 RC and end up with problems... *chuckles*

I love my N900..its vastly improved since the first stock firmware. The update would be nice but I can wait as I can handle any "issues" I have at the moment...

I do smile when I see threads about people with issues with the RC when they seem to feel victimised for rushing in to something!

No problem with people installing it of course. I just don't feel the need to have an experimental build...! Lots of people find it great, but my N900 is great and the final release of 1.2 will make it greater. We're being made to wait for a reason!

Last edited by stayloa; 2010-05-18 at 11:25.
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Originally Posted by Haus3r View Post
I don't get it. Why are people such as yourself so stuck up on PR1.2?! Saying that "i'm now just waiting to see what/if meego brings to my n900" just pushes my buttons - it's like having a girlfriend for a few years while waiting for your "princess" to step into your life. Believe me, this relationship must really suck. Same for your n900. Enjoy it while you have it. For me, it does everything I want it to mostly impeccably well, and I take it for what it is AT THE MOMENT!
False analogy unless you bought your girlfriend from her family or a smuggler or whoever. Girlfriends do not come with a warranty, but fortunately phones do. And with phones it is not unreasonable to expect that the seller/manufacturer will provide some decent service such as bug fixes.

Software engineering is a vaguely defined science, but still there are some industry standards and user expectations that should be met. I am glad to hear that you are happy with N900 as it is. However, there are many users that have to live with annoying bugs every day. They may not affect you, but believe me there are many of us who have lost their data just because PR 1.2 is late -- or because the current firmware is immature...

Bugs that have cost me data loss:

So yes, I am trying to make best possible use of N900 as it is. And yes, I am no longer clicking the update button every day, but I would really like to see PR 1.2 soon. It would make me trust the device again. Not mentioning application updates that are held back because of the autobuilder having been switched to PR 1.2 weeks ago...

Last edited by fhofer; 2010-05-18 at 11:37.
pantera1989's Avatar
Posts: 577 | Thanked: 699 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Malta
I am very excited about this release. I heard that the team working on Duke Nukem Forever is working on PR 1.2.


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