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Originally Posted by jlbrd View Post
An option in account settings enable the authentification when the mails are sended. Check in accounts configuration dialog
Authentification is enabled.

Originally Posted by jlbrd View Post
I love France
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Originally Posted by glasseur View Post
While having the accounts settings on both I'm not able to send mail with "claws"
(smtp errors) the accounts need authentification.

Other flaws:
- if I set the first account while off line after switching on line I get a message about corrupted mailbox and the only way to get ride off it is to remove the directory ".claws-mail" in "/home/user"

About the smtp errors, I don't know - the protocol log (available from the Tools menu) should help; about the corrupted mailbox, I suppose you're setting up an IMAP account, and indeed you get a warning if Claws can't get the folders list. This is now a solvable problem with the latest Maemo release, as you can tap and hold on the mailbox when online, and choose "Rebuild folder tree".

amigokin's Avatar
Posts: 230 | Thanked: 35 times | Joined on Mar 2007
What I don't understand is how to locally save attachments...

I can't find any save button anywhere :P

Great app, btw!
Posts: 148 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on May 2006
Originally Posted by amigokin View Post
What I don't understand is how to locally save attachments...

I can't find any save button anywhere :P

GGreat app, btw!
Ok, I found this: open the message and you'll see on right side diffrent little icons. Press and hold on the icon and menu will pop up. Choose save and find place to save attachment. It's little bit hard to find that function but it worked for me.
Yes, it is a great app!
maxilogan's Avatar
Posts: 701 | Thanked: 21 times | Joined on Feb 2006 @ Italy
Hi all, I finished configuring my Gmail account and zero problems here, it seems to owrk great (I have not tried to send any message, tough).

The only thing is that I can not figure out how to configure any news (usenet) account, and where to see the groups list, etc.

Would someone help me?
Does life seem worthwhile to you?
Posts: 46 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Jan 2007
  1. Choose the menu "Configuration | Edit accounts..."
  2. Create a New account named as you want
  3. In combo Protocol choose "News"
  4. In "News server" enter the address of your news server
  5. Click Ok then Close
  6. In folders list, your new account appears. Tap-and-hold on it then choose "Subscribe to newsgroup..."
  7. After a long time the groups appear
  8. Click on a group then on Ok
  9. Enjoy


Last edited by jlbrd; 2007-03-31 at 13:39.
Saturn's Avatar
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Hi all,

Is it possible to change the folder were the mails are stored?
I read in a previous mail that you can sync for offline reading but my imap folder is quite huge (~0.5GB) and I would like it to reside in the external memory card.

Posts: 67 | Thanked: 18 times | Joined on Mar 2007
Saturn: yes, but the only way to do that is to move the folder ~/.claws-mail/imapcache on your external memory card, and make a symlink:

mv ~/.claws-mail/imapcache /mnt/where_the_card_is/
ln -s /mnt/where_the_card_is/imapcache ~/.claws-mail/imapcache

Do that when Claws Mail is not running
Posts: 148 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on May 2006
How about the backup? Is that folder move possible also POP-mail because mail folders consume quite a lot memory in tablet? 1 GB SD-card has lots of room for mail!
YoDude's Avatar
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Hi, promising program...

After setting up an IMAP account I had second thoughts and deleted it...
The problem I am having now is when I attempt to set up a new POP account the wizard starts, I can and do input into all the menu fields, but when I finish, the app reports that "The default inbox folder does not exist" and does not let me proceed.

When I cancel no info is saved but the app opens to the folder view where a folder for the previously deleted account remains. If I attempt to change the current account, no accounts are listed.
A restart opens the new account wizard and then it's deja vue all over again.

I have uninstalled the app numerous times however, when I reinstall, the previous account folder shows up again with no associated account information.

Last edited by YoDude; 2007-03-31 at 19:59.

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