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I also joined the Comp USA ranks December 5th, and cancelled my Nokiausa order after calling from CUSA Raleigh,NC with the last stock unit in hand. The phone rep was quoting the Jan 6th date, which I took to mean he didn't really know since the Nokiausa website was already mentioning order fulfilment. It was simply a case of not being able to depend on the reps or website for good information.

Nokia are well aware of the upset caused by the availability in another retail channel while those promised units prior to that time are left wanting.

I have a specific use for this device next week, so having it in hand was worth the roughly $40 difference. Like everyone else, I would have been happier to have had it from Nokiausa directly, as scheduled. Mistakes happen.

I'm glad they brought this to market, it's a great device, and the more people who have them, the better.
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call... every day.

It seems to me that Nokia is treating us like sh*t because it's easy and more profitable to do so.

Consider, though, that they pay some company to answer our customer service calls. I suspect that they probably pay a charge based on the number of calls per month and pay extra for the calls that require a live person.

In my honest opinion, we all have sufficient reason to call Nokia's customer support line every day - multiple times a day if need be - until we get an honest, accurate answer about our orders. They've certainly created this condition. They accepted our orders in mid-November, told us the orders would ship Nov. 17th, then continually mis-informed us as to the status of our orders. Right now we have no more reason to believe our orders will ship by Dec. 30th than we had with the Nov. 17th date. Theoretically, Nokia can continue this practice indefinitely. As long as it is more profitable to feed the retail channel at the gross disadvantage of direct customers, we will see more and more delays. They don't have to honor our orders. They can wait longer than we can.

However, if they get enough volume of calls to the customer support lines - particularly in this critical holiday shopping time - it presents a problem for Nokia that they would need to address. Let's face it, right now they're ignoring us. Let your concerns be heard as frequently as is necessary, and I think we'll see some action on Nokia's part.

Be completely clear on your issues:
- When can you expect your order to ship?
- What is the reason for the endless delays?

I think it is perfectly reasonable for us to demand answers in this manner. It's a situation they created for themselves.

Hopefully there are still enough of us that haven't given in to the evil CompUSA tax that we can be more than a small blip on the radar screen .
Posts: 4 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Dec 2005
Hi, new here. Like everyone else searching for info on my order and ran across this site.

So, I called Nokia USA five minutes ago to check up and was told my order had been moved to shipping status and that I will receive a tracking number today. Placed the order on 11/16.

I'll let you know if I get the tracking number.
Posts: 4 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Dec 2005
A little update. I just called and talked to a different operator, and, I'm sure you'll be shocked, she said it didn't ship. That they have not gotten any stock in yet.

This is ridiculous. Shouldn't they all be working from the same information?
Posts: 191 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Nov 2005
Just another version of the story to add here. My friend in the states who is buying mine for me called to confirm and was told they were shipping 'sometime in December'.
Posts: 12 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Dec 2005
I also called today and they told me the end of December...
Posts: 92 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Oct 2005
Originally Posted by perotin101

Hopefully there are still enough of us that haven't given in to the evil CompUSA tax that we can be more than a small blip on the radar screen .
Ok, I have said from early on that the lack of info and the launch in general were screw-ups by Nokia. That being said, the higher price at CompUSA isn't evil. It's business. I buy cutting edge tech all the time and very often, the price to have it first is higher. Of course, it does seem genuinely odd that the price from Nokia direct is lower than a retail store - I would expect both to sell at MSRP or if one was lower, it would be the retail price. But, I'm willing to pay extra to get it first. Actually, I got mine yesterday from CompUSA.

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Originally Posted by YoshixB
A little update. I just called and talked to a different operator, and, I'm sure you'll be shocked, she said it didn't ship. That they have not gotten any stock in yet.

This is ridiculous. Shouldn't they all be working from the same information?
Welcome to the runaround. I placed my order early on the 15th, which is before the big Slashdot posting, and my order status hasn't changed since then. If you are hoping to get it this year, go to CompUSA. There is very little chance you will see a shipment from NokiaUSA before 2006.
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Wonders may never end - did anybody see the comments posted on

"Ordered on November 14th from nokiausa (early). Got the email yesterday. Called today, and they charged my credit card and the unit is shipping out today.

The rep told me they took approx 1200 backorders. The first 430 were processed, charged and shipped today. If you were one of the first 430 to place your order, it’s on its way!"

Hope that's good news for everybody.

Last edited by bradb; 2005-12-07 at 22:37. Reason: fixed url
Posts: 6 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Nov 2005
Yay! I just got my email with my tracking number! woowoo..


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