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I've just purchased Zen Bound from the Store, and had no issues with the payment yet, but I'm having trouble downloading the bastard thing. It is downloading the file, for whatever reason, to rootFS, which of course leads it to run out of space trying to save it to the device. I press the download button on the ovi store page, which doesn't actually do anything, it looks like it's not doing anything, but Conky tells me it's downloading and I can gradually watch rootFS fill up until it complains it's full.

How can I download the game without it sticking it in rootFS? Is each download attempt being taken away from my ovi store download limit?

The exact error message is

"There is not enough room on the disc to save /var/tmp/zenbound_1_0_4_1_armel.deb.part

Remove unnecessary files from the disc and try again, or try saving in a different location"

Gee thanks, Ovi/Nokia/N900
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Restart phone and try again. Remember you need to click download once , browser is downloading the package in the background give it some time and it will open app manager automatically
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"I'm a N900 user, can I haz Flash 10 plz?!11!?" © Jaffa

Elopocalypse started on 11.02.2011
Posts: 38 | Thanked: 18 times | Joined on Mar 2010 @ Guildford, UK
Thanks, HellFlyer, I managed to get it to download in the end after many tries. But what are we supposed to do if the package is larger than the available space in rootFS? If Ovi on N900 has any chance of getting some decent titles, potentially of which would be larger than the 62MB I have free, then we're in trouble. If Battle For Wesnoth ended up on Ovi store, we'd be doomed!
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Originally Posted by DanielW View Post
Well, those two cents, that doesn't happen everywhere.

When I buy in a store and it gives it's prices in EUR I expect them to bill it in euro. If they would do so, I would have paid 1.99 EUR as stated. But because they didn't took EUR (without any info about that) two cent got lost at unit conversions and I had to pay 2.01 EUR the end.It may only be 2ct, but I think gives very bad und unprofessional feeling to it.

I mean I go to a german website, buy something in EUR and they use some other currency? Didn't expect that.
I think they made some changes and restructuring

When I bought Panorama Pro week ago Ovi store was showing currency as CAD 2.99 BUT but I was charged 3.09 CAD
its the USD/CAD difference moreover my credit card statement displayed purchase name as OVI STORE ESPOO

2 days ago when I bought Zen Bound for 4.99 CAD I looked at my new statement and the name of that transaction was NOKIA MEDIA REVENUE ROW HELSINKI with 4.99 CAD

So I guess they convert to whichever currency they need after you bought Its good
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"I'm a N900 user, can I haz Flash 10 plz?!11!?" © Jaffa

Elopocalypse started on 11.02.2011
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I wasn't saving my credit card details, and after this saga I don't think I'd trust Nokia with my payment info anyway
Posts: 28 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Jan 2010
Same problem here... I'm in Romania too... Tried 2 different CC's and nothing...
After a while it says wrong credit card number,.... wtf?!?!?
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Just wondering if someone can point me in the direction of help.

I purchased Tower blocks when it was released last week. I tried 3 times to install but got a vague error message everytime. I left it and when I tried to install the following day ovi told me I had exceeded my downloads and to contact support or re purchase. Considering the game is 5 euro here I was not about to re purchase. I contacted ovi support by email form but have heard nothing back, not even a confirmation mail. Has anyone got a direct mail or number I can call?

Posts: 14 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Feb 2010
I'm in Singapore, and have the same problem with credit Cards on Ovi Store. It is very annoying that Nokia, with a brand name to uphold, can give us crap like this!
Posts: 139 | Thanked: 88 times | Joined on Dec 2009
Pretty lame and sorry to hear it's still going on.

Personally, I kept my N900, but I've switched to a HTC Desire as my main phone (and installed a stock version of Android on it, hacking is still a passion ). After a history of 5-6 Nokia phones, I'm really disappointed to what's going on in their yard, and I don't see too many signs of them 'getting it'. The PR1.2 debacle, the OVI Store mess, the MyNokia SMS privacy breach... Just too much.

Today I was curious to see how things were progressing. Make no mistake - even if I jumped ship, I still like the N900, and the community here is and has been great.

Guess this is pretty much a useless post, but just wanted to add my 2 cents.
Posts: 65 | Thanked: 11 times | Joined on Jan 2010
I live in Greece, have a UK card and cannot pay. I am 100 % certain that there's still credit on the card and it works fine with other online purchases.

Is this issue still unresolved?

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