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You have done good. Pretty much the cause of action i would have taken.
To bad it didn't solve your problem. Moodlight have a dependecy problem. It need pygame that is newer or equal to v1.8.1 installed. It will therefore not install the this version cause that might cause a dependency problem for another program depending on another version. If i remember the older/newer correct (< =older; > = newer).. it could be the other way around.
As you can see here.
moodlight: Depends: python-pygame (>= 1.8.1release-0maemo1) but it is not going to be installed.
I was hoping autoremove would solve this for you.. cause it will install or uninstall programs in the pipe. Now you could try uninstalling the 2.0.9 and hope it not breaks anything. I think it will be no problems cause you said you installed it manually before.
First i like you to try an upgrade.. that might install the newer versions of python.
1. sudo gainroot
2. apt-get upgrade
Then remove the package that casue problem:
1. sudo gainroot
2. apt-get remove libsdl-ttf2.0
you might also want to try:
1. sudo gainroot
2. apt-get remove python-pygame
And then try install moodlight again:
1. sudo gainroot
2. apt-get install moodlight
You could try applie the "-f" force option.. it could be dangerous as it will force the installation. (apt-get -f install moodlight)
I guess you understand "sudo gainroot" and that you only need to do it once to get to the root shell.
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1. sudo gainroot 2. cd /home/user/MyDocs/Downloads/ 3. wget http://repository.maemo.org/extras-t....2.0-2_all.deb 4. dpkg -i moodlight_0.2.0-2_all.deb
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I first ran this batch of commands:
So i thought, ok, i'll just run this:
so then i ran this output (which is the error i reported already, but trying it again):
but basically, if all that makes sense to you, it's almost like a loop, where moodlight requires python-pygame, which requires libsdl-ttf2.0, which won't get installed.
I also had a look at this post here:
and it didn't work for me.
Also, have also tried these commands:
and they didn't help either.
I'm trying to find out the command to reinstsall the QT package, i found this and tried it but it doesn't work:
And also i tried this too but it doesn't work:
so ya what do i do now???
OK, sorry for so many updates and edits, but i almost got this sorted, i think. I now understand what JonWW meant on the 7th post of this topic (first page), i disabled the repos Extra-testing and Extra-devel, and any other 3rd party ones like Mozilla or Opera.
Then, i tried all those steps i listed above again, and now they work.
To be more precise, i basically ran the apt-get remove python-pygame command first, and then apt-get remove libsdl-ttf2.0-0, and finally apt-get remove libsdl-ttf2.0.
Now, basically at this step, i've removed 3 components. So first, i thought i should try install the QT package again, so i did by using this command:
Next, I tested 3 things. I first ran the apt-get install libsdl-ttf2.0-0, and that installed fine. Then, i ran apt-get install python-pygame, and that showed an error saying it can't overwrite to this path because libsdl-ttf2.0-0 is already there. So i removed both, and then tried apt-get install python-pygame again, and this time it worked.
The 2nd thing i tried is remove python-pygame and the libsdl-ttf2.0-0, then install libsdl-ttf2.0-0 again, and then tried to install libsdl-ttf2.0, and this failed.
Ok so to sum it up, here's my findings and conclusions. Sorry if it's a super long post and if it seems confusing, but i'm noob at all this and just discovered this so maybe it's something obvious to many of you already, but anyway here's what i learned:
1. libsdl-ttf2.0 is NOT THE SAME as libsdl-ttf2.0-0. (I have no idea which one is newer, if someone can tell me, plz do).
2. python-pygame requires libsdl-ttf2.0-0. BUT, if you have libsdl-ttf2.0-0 installed ALREADY, then python-pygame won't install as the package itself already contains the libsdl-ttf2.0-0 component, and will try to overwrite it in the folder location, so basically both libsdl-ttf2.0-0 and python-pygame installs to the same folder, and that python-pygame ITSELF contains libsdl-ttf2.0-0 ALREADY.
So basically, remove libsdl-ttf2.0-0, and just install python-pygame.
3. Now this is the tricky and most confusing part to me.
The app: "Moodlight" requires these components:
but the thing is, you can't install libsdl-tff2.0 if there is libsdl-tff2.0-0 installed (and vice versa), as they have conflicts. If you remove python-pygame and libsdl-tff2.0-0, then you can install libsdl-tff2.0 fine, but then Moodlight still requires python-pygame. So i have no idea how the hell this works.......
Last edited by chaoscreater; 2010-08-02 at 11:56.