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Originally Posted by TiagoTiago View Post
that is, untill you blue smoke comes out
Somehow I think one of the 1000's of overclockers on this forum would have mentioned if blue smoke came out of their phone by now. I run mine at 800MHz consistently and 950MHz for gaming and I've not had any issue after 6 months... much the same to the many people I know that overclocked (several at 1150MHz)

This is CERTAINLY the phone for you if you love retro gaming, especially RPGs. I've beaten Chrono Trigger, FF1 & 2 on SNES, Pokemon TCG on GB (lol :P), Super Mario 64 on N64 (this game is fully playable, as are plenty of other games on N64) and gotten a significant distance into FF7 on PSX emulator (before I forgot to backup the save when I deleted it :S).

Realistically if you are after a retro machine I couldn't think of anything better than an N900, TV out and a PS3 Controller (or Wiimote.. but this'll be a fair bit more to get working properly).

Finally, sooner or later when next revision of N64 emu becomes available we should also see Starcraft 64 running fine too if you need a Starcraft fix (and Stargus doesn't satisfy).

Finally 2, of the emulators, the NES one does the job fine, as does MAME and GBA (although I've only tried a couple of basic games with it).

Last edited by IzzehO; 2010-08-15 at 11:36.

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Originally Posted by smoku View Post
Could you describe how did you have your controls mapped?

I tried playing Duke Nukem 3D on N900.
- forward/backward and strafe left/right mapped to accelerometer
- head/aiming mapped to touch screen
- fire maped to keyboard

It was playable, but playing it looked like some wild dance tilting the N900, touching its screen and pressing keys...
For me the best combination is this:
- Strafe left/right with the accelerometer.
- Forward/backward and turn left right with cursor keys.
- Head/aiming mapped to touch screen.
- Rest of keys mapped to keyboard.

I find it very difficult while using accelerometer for forward/backwards.

Anyway I have to select "Piece of Cake" .
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I use a wii remote with my n900 and it makes a huge difference.

Currently playing:
C64 emulator
GB & GB Advance emulators
Spectrum emulator
UrQuan Masters.

I'm also going to map the wii remote to control the media player and possibly the browser too (all you need to do is edit a text file).

If I can find a bluetooth keyboard that will connect reliably then I will be a happy bunny!
I like cake.
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I'm just starting to explore my N900 for gaming.

I love strategy games. What games work well on the N900?

And where can I get C&C and Red Alert from?

Posts: 101 | Thanked: 29 times | Joined on Aug 2010
Thanks everyone for your replies.
So platformers and fast games are not really playable on the keyboard.
Unfortunately I cannot use external controllers as I will be playing during commute.
I may get the game gripper but as smoku said I am also afraid of the extra wear and tear.

But anyways I am far more interested in RPG and TBS games.

@IzzehO - Are the other FF games playable on the emulators? And FFT and Advance Wars?

Originally Posted by smoku
I don't find current FreeCiv SDL port playable. Interface is terrible.
That is bad.
What about the other strategy games? Especially HoMM II, JA2, OpenTTD and Wesnoth.
Is the interface good?
Also did I miss any strategy games in the list?

But atleast there is POWDER

Originally Posted by Marcus
I am pretty sure DCSS is portable to Maemo 5.
All we need is somebody familiar with SDL and DEB packaging.
If N900 had DCSS - tiles, I would buy it even if nothing else worked
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it might be possible to map the keys in a way that would work for platformers, i haven't found the perfect mapping yet, but it feels like i'm getting closer
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I originally found Mario very difficult to play with the keyboard, but as soon as I remapped the controls to use w, a, d, x as a D-pad it was far, far easier to play.

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Originally Posted by TimusEravan View Post
What about the other strategy games?
I play Widelands and Bos Wars while commuting. It's tons of fun.
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Originally Posted by TimusEravan View Post
JA 2
Angry Bird
i know every game u just wrote except the above ones, what are they ? where to get'em man ?
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NetHack is a rogue-like game.
HoMM is Heroes of Might and Magic.

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