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Originally Posted by t3ch3nthusiast View Post
i wish we could have the best of this 3 mobile os, just like this concept, the combination of ios, wp7 and android:
The hexagon thing is very gimmicky, however, make the size and shape of the "hexagons" configurable on that concept, then give it a hardware keyboard and the actual computer-level functionality it has no excuse not to not have (EG, built in USB OTG, mouse and keyboard support for bluetooth and keyboard, printing support, and so on), and it would be a good concept indeed. I'm sure a lot of people would also like to have the option to place shortcuts and other widgets (rather than just hexagons/shapes), as well as files and file folders, on the 'home screen' as well, the latter of which is lacking in pretty much every phone right now as far as I know.

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