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Iīm going to sleep next so sorry for my rather rude output.

From where did you install power kernel? Do you have devel repository enabled?

Looking your powertop output with my ear it screams that something is fck up if it really represent your idle state. btw. itīs always good to run it couple of times to see that you get some pretty constant values.

So to ask obvious questions:
-Did you first remove all widgets from desktops
-Closed all apps
-went offline
-No daemons running (I have batterygraph and it seems to effect very little)
-Acted with powertop as I recommended in my link

(Probably shutting down, removing battery for 10 mins, rebooting and letting it calm down for 5-x minutes, depending on how long tracker runs AND then running powertop couple of times to get idle state value is good way to start debug)

I tried powertop and my statistics are currently following
Total wakeups 531 = IRQ 415 & Timers 116 and CPU is most of time (90%) in sleep C4 and rest of time in C3 and only fraction in couple of others and none in C0
Only additional thing I have running is batterygraph daemon. I have not installed any apps that install tweaked kernel so PR 1.3 official kernel.
TMO links: [iSpy] - [Power search] - [Most thanked] - [Cordia - Maemo5 UI on top MeeGo Core] - [CommunitySSU]

Last edited by slender; 2010-11-22 at 02:00.
Posts: 842 | Thanked: 1,197 times | Joined on May 2010
Check here:
It solved this problem for me back on PR1.2
My projects: BackupMenu - OS Backup & restore | Video: Flashing your n900(LiveCD)
My devices: N770 + 8GB SD card soldered internally, N900 with 8GB SD card + Custom OC(125-950 typically).
OC freqs: 0:22,90 125:22,90 250:28,180 500:30,360 550:32,400 600:34,430 700:39,430 750:41,430 805:45,430 850:47,500 900:50,500 950:54,500 1000:58,500 1100:67,520 1150:71,520
efekt's Avatar
Posts: 422 | Thanked: 320 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ Israel
Originally Posted by RobbieThe1st View Post
Check here:
It solved this problem for me back on PR1.2
I tried uninstalling Catorise, and reinstalling hildon-desktop - both did not help...

Originally Posted by slender View Post
Iīm going to sleep next so sorry for my rather rude output.
You are forgiven, son

Originally Posted by slender View Post
From where did you install power kernel? Do you have devel repository enabled?

Looking your powertop output with my ear it screams that something is fck up if it really represent your idle state. btw. itīs always good to run it couple of times to see that you get some pretty constant values.

So to ask obvious questions:
-Did you first remove all widgets from desktops
-Closed all apps
-went offline
-No daemons running (I have batterygraph and it seems to effect very little)
-Acted with powertop as I recommended in my link

(Probably shutting down, removing battery for 10 mins, rebooting and letting it calm down for 5-x minutes, depending on how long tracker runs AND then running powertop couple of times to get idle state value is good way to start debug)

I tried powertop and my statistics are currently following
Total wakeups 531 = IRQ 415 & Timers 116 and CPU is most of time (90%) in sleep C4 and rest of time in C3 and only fraction in couple of others and none in C0
Only additional thing I have running is batterygraph daemon. I have not installed any apps that install tweaked kernel so PR 1.3 official kernel.
Well, as I mentioned - that powertool dump has probably caught the moment when my CPU raised and started sipping on my battery. Here's another dump with a more 'subtle' behavior:

Powertop 1.13.3
status: Unknown job: pmtrackerdaemon
Sleeping for 11 seconds before sampling
Collecting data for 30 seconds
Sample interval was 00m 30s 31769us

C#      | Ratio  | Avg/dura | Frequency | Ratio
     C0 |   3.9% |          |   600 MHz |   1.3% |
     C1 |   2.3% |    2.4ms |   550 MHz |   0.0% |
     C2 |  65.3% |   21.0ms |   500 MHz |   3.6% |
     C3 |  15.2% |  120.5ms |   250 MHz |  95.1% |
     C4 |  13.3% |  666.6ms | 

IRQ#    | Activity   | Type           | Name
     61 |        929 |           INTC | i2c_omap
     37 |        897 |           INTC | gp
     11 |        709 |           INTC | prcm
     56 |        336 |           INTC | i2c_omap
     57 |        190 |           INTC | i2c_omap
     86 |         97 |           INTC | mmc1
     12 |         50 |           INTC | DMA
     21 |         17 |           INTC | SGX
    225 |         13 |           GPIO | omap2-onenand
     25 |          1 |           INTC | OMAP

PID#    | Activity   | Name           | Function Entry (Expire)
      0 |        635 |  <kernel core> | tick_nohz_restart_sched_tick (tick_sched_timer)
    803 |        216 |            mce | schedule_hrtimeout_range (hrtimer_wakeup)
     37 |         80D|            awk | cpufreq_governor_dbs (delayed_work_timer_fn)
   1165 |         20 |hildon-status-m | schedule_hrtimeout_range (hrtimer_wakeup)
    740 |         12 |      bme_RX-51 | sys_timer_settime (posix_timer_fn)
      0 |         12 |  <kernel core> | hrtimer_start (tick_sched_timer)
    622 |          7 |          mmcqd | schedule_timeout (process_timeout)
    622 |          7 |          mmcqd | queue_delayed_work (delayed_work_timer_fn)
    740 |          6 |      bme_RX-51 | schedule_timeout (process_timeout)
    706 |          5 |           dsme | __enqueue_rt_entity (sched_rt_period_timer)
   1635 |          3 |     osso-xterm | schedule_hrtimeout_range (hrtimer_wakeup)
    706 |          3 |           dsme | do_nanosleep (hrtimer_wakeup)
    803 |          3 |            mce | tsc2005_start_scan (tsc2005_esd_timer_handler)
      1 |          3 |  <kernel core> | queue_delayed_work (delayed_work_timer_fn)
    740 |          2 |      bme_RX-51 | do_nanosleep (hrtimer_wakeup)
   1528 |          2 |       browserd | futex_wait (hrtimer_wakeup)
    803 |          2 |            mce | queue_delayed_work (delayed_work_timer_fn)
    886 |          1 |           Xorg | hrtimer_start (it_real_fn)
    622 |          1 |          mmcqd | schedule_timeout (process_timeout)
    622 |          1 |          mmcqd | cfq_completed_request (cfq_idle_slice_timer)
    886 |          1 |           Xorg | queue_delayed_work (delayed_work_timer_fn)
    803 |          1 |            mce | schedule_timeout (process_timeout)
    803 |          1 |            mce | queue_delayed_work (delayed_work_timer_fn)
    914 |          1 | hald-addon-bme | schedule_hrtimeout_range (hrtimer_wakeup)
     29 |          1 |          mount | setup_wb_timer (wb_timer_fn)
   1240 |          1 |  BatteryGraphd | schedule_timeout (process_timeout)
   1240 |          1 |  BatteryGraphd | journal_get_write_access (commit_timeout)
   1641 |          1 |       powertop | do_nanosleep (hrtimer_wakeup)

Power domain activity breakdown
Domain  | % of time spent in states
usbhost |OFF: 100%|RET:   0%|INA:   0%| ON:   0%| now:(OFF)
    sgx |OFF:  98%|RET:   0%|INA:   0%| ON:   1%| now:(OFF)
    per |OFF:  27%|RET:  65%|INA:   0%| ON:   6%| now:(ON)
    dss |OFF:  25%|RET:   0%|INA:   0%| ON:  74%| now:(OFF)
    cam |OFF: 100%|RET:   0%|INA:   0%| ON:   0%| now:(OFF)
   core |OFF:  12%|RET:   8%|INA:  68%| ON:   9%| now:(ON)
   neon |OFF:  13%|RET:  15%|INA:  65%| ON:   6%| now:(ON)
    mpu |OFF:  13%|RET:  15%|INA:  65%| ON:   6%| now:(ON)
   iva2 |OFF: 100%|RET:   0%|INA:   0%| ON:   0%| now:(OFF)

Clock activity breakdown at end of period
Domain  | Active clocks
   core |          SDRC | HSOTGUSB_IDLE |      OMAPCTRL 
        |     MAILBOXES |
   wkup |          GPT1 |       32KSYNC |         GPIO1 
        |          WDT1 |
  ckgen |          CORE |          PERI |           96M 
        |           48M |           12M |           54M 
        |      EMU_CORE |
    per |         GPIO2 |         GPIO3 |         GPIO4 
        |         GPIO5 |         GPIO6 |

Total wakeups  4268, 142.3/s | IRQ 3239, 108.0/s | Timers 1029,  34.3/s
HW wakeups      197,   6.6/s |     Real gp_timers expired  129,   4.3/s
I of course tried removing all my widgets (all I had was the SMS conversation, Dataplan monitor, calendar and music player - all of them were widgets which I ALWAYS used, even prior to the problem specified in this thread) but it did not help...
The power kernels which I was using were of course downloaded from the extra-devel repo...

Anyways, thank you guys for trying to help - and if anyone couldn't find the cause for this, I'd probably just reflash and this time will reflash the eMMC as well (though I'm not quite sure if it'd help at all)...
As long as people will accept crap, it will be financially profitable to dispense it...

Last edited by efekt; 2010-11-23 at 12:15.
Posts: 2,829 | Thanked: 1,459 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Finland
Hmm. As you can see the cpu is pretty much idle but there is huge amount activity in IRQ.

Maybe itīs time to list your programs:

Check what kernel you have
uname -r
command should give you 2.6.28-omap1

do you have memory card plugged in?
TMO links: [iSpy] - [Power search] - [Most thanked] - [Cordia - Maemo5 UI on top MeeGo Core] - [CommunitySSU]

The Following User Says Thank You to slender For This Useful Post:
Posts: 1,751 | Thanked: 844 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Sweden
Yeah, according to those powertops.. something is not right. Could start up Top and paste the log here?

1. top
2. press "m" to put the most memory hog at top
3. copy/paste here
4. press "p" for processes
5. copy/paste here

And a dmesg would be nice too...

1. dmesg > /home/user/MyDocs/dmesg-log.txt
2. attach it here...
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Posts: 422 | Thanked: 320 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ Israel
Originally Posted by slender View Post
Hmm. As you can see the cpu is pretty much idle but there is huge amount activity in IRQ.

Maybe itīs time to list your programs:
Here ya go (as you can see, my app list is not very long - I install only apps I actually use):
3g2g-mode-selection-applet    0.4-2    user/desktop    64
actionmanagerdaemon    0.2    user/system    104
adblock-plus-1.0    1maemo0-8    user/network    1548
adflashblock-css    1.0.0-4    user/network    116
advanced-power    0.4.2-4    user/desktop    188
advanced-power-monitor    0.5.3-3    user/utilities    216
albion    0.9.1    user/games    2628
autodisconnect    0.4.7    user/network    240
battery-eye    0.7.7-1    user/utilities    196
batterygraph    0.3.2    user/utilities    356
blessn900    0.43-1    user/graphics    1740
conky    1.6.1-0maemo5-1.1    user/desktop    680
conversations-inbox-widget    1.1.1    user/desktop    96
countdowntimer    0.5-2    user/utilities    164
custom-operator-name-applet    0.1    user/desktop    100
dbus-switchboard    1.2.19-1fremantle1    user/system    492
decoders-support    0.4    user/multimedia    84
diskusage    0.6.20101005-2    user/utilities    248
dtg    1.0.153    user/office    8884
dtg-installer    1.0-4.1.1+0m5    user/other    96
empty-package    1.1    user/system    16
evince    2.28.2-1maemo2    user/office    656
fapman    0.6.7-1    user/system    828
fcamera    0.1.7-1    user/multimedia    612
filebox    0.7-3    user/utilities    2156
flashlight-applet    0.4-4    user/desktop    248
fm-boost    0.2-2fremantle1    user/system    120
fmms    1.2.9    user/network    820
fmradio    2010.03.20    user/multimedia    2172
fmrdsnotify    0.7.3    user/multimedia    368
greasemonkey-webaddon    0.8.20090920.2-3maemo1    user/network    1028
gtranslate    0.6-3    user/education    344
headphoned    1.9    user/multimedia    84
headset-button-enabler    0.5    user/hidden    48
headset-control    0.4    user/multimedia    104
healthcheck    1.2.1-3    user/utilities    264
hebrew-keymap    1.2    user/system    68
hideuseragent    0.3.7    user/network    116
htop    0.8.3-1maemo3    user/utilities    192
humanity-theme    0.6    user/desktop    32
kblayout-status    0.2-5    user/desktop    116
leafpad    0.8.17le-0maemo1    user/utilities    944
libqtm-bearer    1:1.0.2-maemo4+0m5    user/libs    300
libqtm-contacts    1:1.0.2-maemo4+0m5    user/libs    1012
libqtm-location    1:1.0.2-maemo4+0m5    user/libs    256
libqtm-messaging    1:1.0.2-maemo4+0m5    user/libs    848
libqtm-multimedia    1:1.0.2-maemo4+0m5    user/libs    1544
libqtm-publishsubscribe    1:1.0.2-maemo4+0m5    user/libs    244
libqtm-sensors    1:1.0.2-maemo4+0m5    user/libs    336
libqtm-serviceframework    1:1.0.2-maemo4+0m5    user/libs    392
libqtm-systeminfo    1:1.0.2-maemo4+0m5    user/libs    420
libqtm-versit    1:1.0.2-maemo4+0m5    user/libs    468
load-applet    0.4.6-5    user/utilities    100
maemo-geolocation    1.1.3-1    user/navigation    120
mafw-gst-subtitles-applet    0.3.2010.24-1+0m5-2    user/multimedia    164
mod-support    1.0.4    user/multimedia    88
monorail    0.4    user/network    280
mp-fremantle-generic-pr    20.2010.36-2    user/system    
mussorgsky    0.5.1-1    user/multimedia    280
n900-fmrx-enabler    1.5-4+0m5    user/libs    92
ogg-support    1.0.6~rc1    user/multimedia    136
openssh    1:5.1p1-6.maemo5    user/network    8
openssh-client    1:5.1p1-6.maemo5    user/network    1192
openssh-server    1:5.1p1-6.maemo5    user/network    456
packageview    0.4.20101005-2    user/utilities    252
personal-gprs-mon    0.6-3    user/desktop    292
petrovich    0.2    user/system    76
powertop    1.2    user/development    84
profilesx    0.7    user/system    204
psswitcher    0.2-3    user/system    152
pwsafe    1.6.3d    user/utilities    240
pygtkeditor    3.0.19-1    user/development    608
python2.5-qt4    4.7.5-maemo2    user/development    36
recaller    2.1.0-5    user/desktop    180
recorder    0.3.4    user/multimedia    240
rootsh    1.8    user/system    32
sharing-plugin-yfrog    0.4-1    user/multimedia    76
simple-fmtx-widget    0.5.0    user/desktop    224
systeminfowidget    0.1.2-1    user/desktop    84
tar-gnu    1.22-2maemo5    user/system    2360
theme-customizer    0.9-51    user/system    880
ttf-droid    1.01-dfsg0maemo3    user/graphics    4392
tutorial-home-applet    0.6.16+0m5    user/support    1292
tweakflashver    0.4.0-maemo1    user/utilities    212
ukeyboard    2.4-5    user/system    480
unzip    1:6.0-maemo4    user/utilities    404
unzip-fm    0.1.3-4    user/tools    72
zip    3.0-1maemo5    user/utilities    480
Originally Posted by slender View Post
Check what kernel you have
uname -r
command should give you 2.6.28-omap1
Yup, got 2.6.28-omap1...

Originally Posted by slender View Post
do you have memory card plugged in?
Ah, I already thought about that direction - I removed it but it didn't help

Originally Posted by AlMehdi View Post
Yeah, according to those powertops.. something is not right. Could start up Top and paste the log here?

1. top
2. press "m" to put the most memory hog at top
3. copy/paste here
4. press "p" for processes
5. copy/paste here
Well since copy-pasting top from terminal was kinda tricky (kept refreshing the screen and de-selecting the text) I just took a screenshot, which I hope will suffice.
This one is the one with the sort processes by memory usage:

And this one is sorted by process usage:

Originally Posted by AlMehdi View Post
And a dmesg would be nice too...

1. dmesg > /home/user/MyDocs/dmesg-log.txt
2. attach it here...

Thanks for the help so far, AlMehdi and slender
Attached Files
File Type: txt dmesg-log.txt (15.5 KB, 136 views)
As long as people will accept crap, it will be financially profitable to dispense it...
Posts: 1,751 | Thanked: 844 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Sweden
Sorry.. forgot to mention "q" for quitting Top. Anyway... could not see anything directly wrong. Only that simple-fmtx-widget are a little famous as a battery drainer. So you might wanna try to uninstall that and use QBW instead.
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The Following User Says Thank You to AlMehdi For This Useful Post:
Posts: 208 | Thanked: 31 times | Joined on Aug 2007 @ PQU
I had a similar issue and the problem was Catorize and later flip clock.
Catorize was a real nightmare for battery
efekt's Avatar
Posts: 422 | Thanked: 320 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ Israel
Originally Posted by AlMehdi View Post
Sorry.. forgot to mention "q" for quitting Top. Anyway... could not see anything directly wrong. Only that simple-fmtx-widget are a little famous as a battery drainer. So you might wanna try to uninstall that and use QBW instead.
Will try that, I have nothing to lose

Originally Posted by p900 View Post
I had a similar issue and the problem was Catorize and later flip clock.
Catorize was a real nightmare for battery
Well I uninstalled Catorise but it didn't help... Needless to say, Cathorise was definitely not the problem (though I did remove it just to make sure) as I had it installed for a long time by now, and it worked ok and my battery was functioning well too...
As long as people will accept crap, it will be financially profitable to dispense it...
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I don't know if it is this but it seems your
/usr/sbin/browserd -s xxxx -n RTComMessagingServer
is running a little too high in memory and CPU.

Quick search, I see here other people having the same problem and quick battery depletion. e.g.:

Other thing to try is also to remove programs one by one and see when/if this solves it.

good luck.

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