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Personally I feel the N800 on screen keyboards (and handwriting recognition) are better than palms for extensive use. I love palm products and have used one for many years but the N800 beats the palm hands down in every area but PIM functions and with GPE PIM, that is now less so. Though I am working on shifting pi-sync onto the device.
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Originally Posted by earl00 View Post
No one has ever used it here, neither have the idiots that are going to camp out of the store that are going to bow down at Apple with all their money before a real customer review has come out.
Quick question: How many of us ordered the N800 on 8 January, the very day it was announced by Nokia and without the benefit of any accurate/detailed reviews, let alone customer reviews?

I know I did!

Replace Nokia with Apple and call me a fanboi (though I do have my moments of negativity!!)
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This person (who I will call "Pat" from now on for sake of gender and anonymity) asked me if I was a journalist or a blogger to which I replied no.
Hmm.... You replied no, and then subsequently logged on to MacRumor site and posted a blog which had the aura of a journalistic piece. I guess that makes you a LIAR... and if you are liar, your entire Review is therefore itself suspect.

And this name ... Pat.... I wonder: did Steve Jobs "pat" your wallet for praising the iPhone on a MacRumor website?

.... (sigh with disgust)....
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Irrespective of the journalistic merit, and even accepting that it may be viral marketing, if the information in the MacRumours post is at all accurate then it sounds as if Nokia could learn a thing or two about UI design - it certainly does sound as though the iPhone has some nice UI touches.

Even if Nokia know everything there is to know about UI design, the point is the UI on the N800 is pretty ropey and slick UIs sell products - Apple know this, Nokia seem to think otherwise.

Ultimately I'm not trying to sell you guys on the iPhone - it's the functionality discussed in the article I'm interested in, and not the "marketing spin"!

Heck, even if the article is entirely fictitious and the iPhone doesn't do any of that stuff you still have to admit much of it sounds pretty slick and would look good on an N800!
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Milhouse: all points I was going to make (including buying both a 770 and N800 without trying them).

Apple's "thing" is a pretty, polished, well-thought out UI. They've done it with Mac OS X, and they've done it with the iPhone. This is why they have fans (my only Apple machine I've ever owned was an original Mac mini which I loved, and only sold because I needed more grunt and an Ubuntu box better met my needs).

Nokia's "thing" is less well defined because they have so many different focuses. This is fine.

We all agree that largely the N800 hardware is excellent for its price (although the video bandwidth issue is just pure folly), however Nokia *can* learn about easy-to-use full-screen mobile interfaces from Apple and the iPhone: don't copy a desktop OS. Think about an integrated, holistic device (a la the Newton, iPhone and the Psion EPOC R5 devices).

The trouble is, the Hildon UI and the Maemo OS are now more or less fixed in their design decisions. A whole new UI layer based on Evas with some all new applications would be the best bet for keeping the existing underlying OS but massively improving the user experience.
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