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Posts: 306 | Thanked: 38 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Austria

i installed battery graph and watched the battery over night:
8.00pm-10.00pm: charging
10.00pm-7.30am: handy idle
7.30am-8.00am: telephon call
8.00am: automatically shut down

12 hours standby and 0,5 hour voice call and the battery is dead

cpu usage seems to be normal!
maybe the battery should be replaced?

any other hints?

Posts: 1,680 | Thanked: 3,685 times | Joined on Jan 2011
Are you mad? Your CPU isn't reaching sleeping mode (C4), no wonder your battery life is toast. Please paste the output of powertop. Rerun top and WATCH it. what is the NICE load shown at the top?
N900: One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

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C0 - 13,8%
C1 - 86,2%
C2 - 0,0%
C3 - 0,0%
C4 - 0,0%

CPU 6%
usr: 9%
nice: 85%
idle: 0%

Last edited by StocChr; 2011-03-01 at 08:02.
Posts: 1,680 | Thanked: 3,685 times | Joined on Jan 2011
Right, so we have a background process hosing yer juice. Lets just confirm you are disconnected while taking these readings?

Install powertop as below:

Originally Posted by slender View Post

To install powertop IIRC:
-Enable devel repository (normal warnings apply)
- With root:
apt-get update
apt-get install powertop
apt-get clean
- Disable devel repository.
- Run powertop
Then provide that output. I can smell a runaway kernel thread!
N900: One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

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You could run powertop for a while when the device seem to be idle and not in use. You will know from the output if something keeps CPU busy.

Nokia-N900:~# powertop -t 1200    
Powertop 1.13.3
status: Unknown job: pmtrackerdaemon
Sleeping for 11 seconds before sampling
Collecting data for 1200 seconds
Sample interval was 20m 00s 17243us

C#      | Ratio  | Avg/dura | Frequency | Ratio
     C0 |   2.6% |          |  1150 MHz |   nan% |
     C1 |   0.3% |    0.2ms | 
     C2 |   3.9% |    2.2ms | 
     C3 |  23.3% |  282.2ms | 
     C4 |  69.9% |  750.6ms | 
Posts: 306 | Thanked: 38 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Austria
C0 - 8,3%
C1 - 91,7%
C2 - 0,0%
C3 - 0,0%
C4 - 0,0%

CPU 6%
usr: 9%
nice: 85%
idle: 0%
Posts: 1,680 | Thanked: 3,685 times | Joined on Jan 2011
wtf is this? Post THE ENTIRE output of powertop. If you want help, help yourself by helping us help you!
N900: One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.
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Originally Posted by zimon View Post
You could run powertop for a while when the device seem to be idle and not in use. You will know from the output if something keeps CPU busy.

Nokia-N900:~# powertop -t 1200    
Powertop 1.13.3
status: Unknown job: pmtrackerdaemon
Sleeping for 11 seconds before sampling
Collecting data for 1200 seconds
Sample interval was 20m 00s 17243us

C#      | Ratio  | Avg/dura | Frequency | Ratio
     C0 |   2.6% |          |  1150 MHz |   nan% |
     C1 |   0.3% |    0.2ms | 
     C2 |   3.9% |    2.2ms | 
     C3 |  23.3% |  282.2ms | 
     C4 |  69.9% |  750.6ms | 
ignore this horseshit, just run powertop with no -t parameter.
N900: One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.
Posts: 306 | Thanked: 38 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Austria
~ $ powertop
Powertop 1.13.3
sh: status: not found
Sleeping for 6 seconds before sampling
Collecting data for 30 seconds
Sample interval was 00m 30s 5524us

C#      | Ratio  | Avg/dura | Frequency | Ratio
     C0 |   8.3% |          |  1150 MHz |   nan% |
     C1 |  91.7% |  125.0ms | 
     C2 |   0.0% |          | 
     C3 |   0.0% |          | 
     C4 |   0.0% |          | 

IRQ#    | Activity   | Type           | Name
     37 |        452 |           INTC | gp
     56 |        155 |           INTC | i2c_omap
     57 |         51 |           INTC | i2c_omap
     86 |         39 |           INTC | mmc1
     61 |          8 |           INTC | i2c_omap
     12 |          7 |           INTC | DMA
     21 |          2 |           INTC | SGX
    225 |          2 |           GPIO | omap2-onenand
    341 |          1 |           GPIO | lis302dl
Segmentation fault
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"Normal" CPU Usage.

I had this issue previously wehre the proc was never reaching a C4 sleep but on removal of Pedometer Home Widget suddenly battery life returned to normal and my proc spent ~80% of it's time in C4 sleep. It also went from ~30,000 HW wakeups to ~700 in Powertop.

Post up the output of
lshal | grep battery
so that we can check your battery isn't borked - then reboot, wait for 3 minutes until system is fully loaded, run powertop from terminal, lock the screen and keys and post up the output too.
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