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Posts: 19 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Jul 2007
You can add a fstab entry for the SMB mount but you cannot have it mounted at boot time as the network interface is still down at this point.
Add a line in your /etc/fstab file that looks like this, replacing my info with your own (BACKUP /etc/fstab FIRST):
// /home/user/MyDocs/.documents/MountPoint cifs username=shareusername,password=sharepassword,rw,noauto 0 0
I should note storing your password in plain text is pretty ******ed. There really isn't a solution to storing the password in a encrypted format, I believe that CIFS uses a plaintext auth. :/. I would suggest making an account on your computer with permission ONLY to a specific share. While this still sucks its better than giving out admin rights to everyone.

As for auto-insmoding, I'm not sure of the "proper" way to do it. You could add a line to /etc/init.d/minircS, a line above "exit 0" add something like "insmod /path/to/ko/cifs.ko". If anyone knows the proper way to do it please share.

If you do both things I describe above you just need to run the command "mount /home/user/MyDocs/.documents/MountPoint/" to mount it, and a similar command to umount. The statusbar graph plugin would be pretty neat if you added those commands to it
Posts: 220 | Thanked: 19 times | Joined on Jun 2006
smbbrowser is a very persnickedy app. here are the steps
1)file|set user/password
2)file|Scan host
3) this is the tricky one , do not click on mount, click on the directory to be mounted in the tree view on the main window, for me it is Network,music,storage. so i click on storage.
4)your drive is now mounted quickly close the app before it crashes
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Originally Posted by Het View Post
I should note storing your password in plain text is pretty ******ed. There really isn't a solution to storing the password in a encrypted format, I believe that CIFS uses a plaintext auth.
The "solution" is to store authentication information on your Nokia 770 in a root-owned file with permissions 600, so that only root can read/write the file. The file has a simple format:

You then use the "credentials=/path/to/credentials.file" option in fstab (or on the command line with -o), to keep the password from being stored in the fstab file (or shell history). Of course, anyone with root access to your Nokia device can also discover the password...

Over the network, Windows shares use encryption by default, and samba does, too, so long as you don't specify the option "encrypt passwords = no". So your password is safe on the wire (or over wifi).

It's still a good idea to use a username other than root.
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Originally Posted by realjobe View Post
So much for others advices.

With below, regular XP's / servers Workgroup with shares is visible to N770:
My environment:

* N770 OS2006 3.2006-49-2
* Workgroup with several XP's and Windows Server 2003 with NO extra installs like NFS or anything. just shares done.
* DropBear SSH installed on Device and Wi-Fi connection LAN ofcource.

1. Extract with PC the out comes cifs.ko
2. copy this via USB Cable or via MMC reader to you MMC and open File Manager.
3. Copy cifs.ko to your Devices Decuments
4. open SSH connection to N770
- mdkir /etc/modules
- cp /home/user/MyDocs/.documents/cifs.ko /etc/modules/
- cd /etc/modules/
- insmod cifs.ko, system hails "Using cifs.ko".
- cd /home/user/MyDocs/.documents/
- mkdir MyServer
- cd MyServer
- mount -t cifs //192.168.0.x/sharename ./ -o username=user -o password=pass


Close SSH's and File Manager etc.. Open File Manager and NOW you have under Documents/MyServer in which your files is visible. I do not have Windows FireWall, and My FW did not hail for any alter incoms (Server High settings).

Hope this helps.
That is really cool. The only thing I hate is everytime I reboot I have to do this over again. So I created a script. All you have to do is edit the sharename and the username and password.

Then when ever you reboot you open up xterm gain root and go to directory where file is and type:

sh ./

Here is the file


cd /etc/modules/
insmod cifs.ko
mount -t cifs //ipaddress/sharname /home/user/MyDocs/.documents/MyServer -o username=user -o password=pass
Save file as

Hope this helps

P.S I have not tried but for the people who are afraid with passwors unencypted you could try the following

create a file called credentials.file in it type

then in the cifs change the mount line to this

mount -t cifs //ipaddress/sharname /home/user/MyDocs/.documents/MyServer credentials=/path/to/credentials.file
Again not sure but I think that will work.
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I can't figure out why this is not working for me. After I run mount -t cifs // ./ -o username=AAAA -o password=BBBB, it returns failed: No such Device
Posts: 17 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Aug 2007
Just a thought ...

But faced with this very question I decided to load the PC with FileZilla , and then load the 770 with maemoFTP . I can now grab files from the PC using FTP .

Not saying it is ideal , but it was at least relatively easy . The hardest part was figuring out the settings to share different directories in FileZilla .
Posts: 16 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Aug 2007
visit my website it is much easy to file share and you can do it from anywhere in the world.

Is it ok to post links here??(pm me if not)

it will take you under 5 mins to set up
Posts: 226 | Thanked: 47 times | Joined on Jan 2008 @ Poland / Bialystok
And how about NFS or Samba on OS2007HE?
Since I've found Wizardmounter I tried to figure why it's not working.
I've found by reading logs on my NFS server - there's something wrong - I needed nfs-common at my n770.
Graphical app-manager didn't show "nfs-common" but apt-cache search proved it to exist.
I installed via apt-get and... ruined my osso-connectivity* - all was removed.
After that I had to reflash my device since I've had no ability to fix it without any connection.
That's for NFS - it doesn't work (i configured it via command line as I did on my Debian desktop).
For samba - I can't find smbfs usable with OS2007HE to be able to mount smb shares.
The question is - doesn't exist - or maybe I'm asking the wrong questions?
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You'd think that by now a simple installable gui means of mounting SMB shares (AFP Shares would be nice too) would be available. I mean I can use a terminal but sheesh can we think like consumers for a minute? Who do you expect to fire up the terminal, save password files and chmod files for root and fstab sh*t just to access files on their desktops or laptops? C'mon folks. I know we have a bunch of Apple haters in here but think different(ly).
Posts: 226 | Thanked: 47 times | Joined on Jan 2008 @ Poland / Bialystok
Originally Posted by sondjata View Post
You'd think that by now a simple installable gui means of mounting SMB shares (AFP Shares would be nice too) would be available. I mean I can use a terminal but sheesh can we think like consumers for a minute? Who do you expect to fire up the terminal, save password files and chmod files for root and fstab sh*t just to access files on their desktops or laptops? C'mon folks. I know we have a bunch of Apple haters in here but think different(ly).

The GUI exists (wizardmounter) - works but - doesn't mount - simply because proper command line mounting attempts also fail.
I suppose that wizardmounter would do the job only if there was a capability of using smbfs or nfs.

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