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@Mentalist Traceur....

i can only compromise if hacking is been done by authorities (police & etc) in some cases but not by normal people...even police need a warrant @ sepina if you want to hacked somebody account...hacking without warrant will be consider guilty & all evidence that have been collected will not be relevent in court....
deal the situations by your own??? well we can do but honesty in the heartless world we living there only two outcome you gonna get... will die for it...
2.we will see you in court....
Posts: 2,225 | Thanked: 3,822 times | Joined on Jun 2010 @ Florida
Originally Posted by pusak gaoq View Post
@Mentalist Traceur....

i can only compromise if hacking is been done by authorities (police & etc) in some cases but not by normal people...even police need a warrant @ sepina if you want to hacked somebody account...hacking without warrant will be consider guilty & all evidence that have been collected will not be relevent in court....
In an ideal world, maybe (although in an ideal world laws would permit more leeway for ethical action by normal citizens, and there would be far better means of psychologically evaluating people and whether their intentions are genuinely from rational ethical reasoning or from other crap...). But there's ideal, and there's reality.

Depending on what/who you're dealing with and who your local authorities are, it might not be possible to do so. In the examples I listed for example, police wouldn't get involved unless there was serious evidence already.

Especially in the cases of rape, going through the official legal channels (even more so for teenagers and people still in school otherwise) typically makes things worse, both for the victim's recovery psychologically, for the victim's reputation, and so on.

Originally Posted by pusak gaoq View Post
deal the situations by your own??? well we can do but honesty in the heartless world we living there only two outcome you gonna get... will die for it...
2.we will see you in court....
Again, not exactly true. If it was, there wouldn't be unsolved crimes and plenty of criminals who go uncaught for as long as they do.

And keep in mind that the above examples aren't serious criminals with resources and weapons. They're the kind of psychologically and physically devastating crime that people in their late teens and early twenties commit against each other, mostly. Serious criminals, the ones hardened by experience, I suspect, don't discuss their activities over facebook, on average.

Naturally, the more hardened the criminals you're dealing with, the greater the risk of death or serious injury if you get involved. Same with whether or not you end up charged/persecuted yourself (law enforcement agencies typically look very harshly upon vigilantism). But sometimes situations come up where you can't expect authorities to reliably act, and then it's down to whether the individual in question believes the ethical need to help others is great enough to warrant taking those risks.
Posts: 101 | Thanked: 91 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Dallas TX
Originally Posted by Mentalist Traceur View Post
He pointed out that the pro isn't the direct ability to hack social network accounts, but that the ease of such things pushes others to be more secure. Of course, you're more than welcome to argue that that sociological pro isn't worth the cost. And, honestly, I agree that it's now. But it's a reality that such programs happen, and while they do, he's pointing out that there is a positive side-effect.

Ideally, this wouldn't be an issue in the first place, of course.

I agree with you, however I want to point out unlikely scenarios that do still happen, where this could easily be relevant:

Suppose the account being hacked is of some school's local gang member kid / vicious "bully" (hate that word, it sounds WAY too benign), etc., and he and his buddies were discussing jumping some kid and beating him up in the near future, etc. And you happened to overhear of it, and given that this is teenagers we're talking about, they could easily be expected to have facebook accounts, and be stupid enough to discuss such activity over them. Anyway, said hacking could easily get you evidence needed to anonymously tip off authorities, or to deal with the situation on your own (which, sadly, is sometimes more effective... often a LOT more effective, depending on your luck with the authorities in question, and your skills and connections otherwise..).

Or, suppose you yourself are the victim of something at the hands of a person - let's say you're female, and have been raped by some *******, who is still threatening things like blackmail and the like (or, as is often the case with rapes, especially in high school, you'll get raped and then the ******* goes around telling everyone that you willingly slept with them, etc. For all you know it was a drug-helped rape and they took pictures during the act and are distributing them, etc). Now, the average rape victim goes through horrible trauma and only some are able to seek revenge or any sort shortly after the event, but given how difficult it is to get convictions when dealing with rapes, being able to access private messages could be helpful in terms of evidence later. I can also think of quite a few other ethical ways that hacking can come in handy when dealing with people heinous enough to rape someone, but I don't want to bore the people who actually read what I write more than I already do.

Or, you know, there countless other ways you can use facebook hacking, given how much communication happens over facebook nowadays, towards ends that are ethical in context of that hypothetical situation.

Now, I'm not necessarily saying that justifies the existence of programs like this - obviously far more abuse will happen than legitimately ethical use - it's just that the cons/pros of such a capacity existing in general came up, so I felt I should point out that pros could happen.
Disturbingly detailed :P lol

I agree about the abuse potential and the ethical implications, I am a rookie at security testing/hacking, and my ethical standards are as average as any other doctor out there, but as a hobby I enjoy pen testing, and love to show off my phone to my less tech savvy friends. They joke around with the fact that my phone(n900) does pretty much anything and how proud I am of it.

I really dont want to get flamed or anything. I just wanted to have a tool like this at my disposal just for having it. Im not a thief nor a spy, nor a guy with trust issues :P just a n900 enthusiast that likes having as many features possible on my "phone"; specially if now other Os can have them too.

anyway, thanks for the replys, I'll keep playing with etthercap, ssltrips, janus attks, etc, until someone desides to make a one-button python app that does it for me.

Ps. thx to Mentalist for maintaining Aircrack-ng, its great to have in the community. keep it up

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Posts: 23 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Jun 2011
@hellflyer it will if you run sslstrip
Posts: 1,042 | Thanked: 430 times | Joined on May 2010
Hey isn't this just plain arp spoofing made easy? I think you can do this with the current available tools of maemo it's just the differences are this one is just button clicks away & is limited. While on maemo you need to familiarize the commands & is of unlimited use. And yeah... With maemo using sslstrip you can hack it even through https while on faceniff you can't.
Posts: 1 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Sep 2011
Hello there!!!

I got some idea about facebook sniffing. Actually,its an hacking tool which is available on

I've downloaded it from the above site.....& its seems like working to me.....
Posts: 111 | Thanked: 87 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Search the repositories for Yamas ... It is 56789times better and more usable than that really. There is a thread on the forums as well.


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Posts: 284 | Thanked: 74 times | Joined on Mar 2010 @ Wigan, UK
Originally Posted by Unhuman View Post
Search the repositories for Yamas ... It is 56789times better and more usable than that really. There is a thread on the forums as well.

Big +1

Along with some more characters to satisfy the validation.

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