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pelago's Avatar
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Originally Posted by jotoco View Post
The problem I see is that Nokia, or rather, Elop is limiting N9 manucturing to just under a 100k units.
The 92000 number supposedly refers to the numbers of N950s, not the number of N9s. But it's probably not a true number anyway.
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Although the N950 is my ideal device, but I don't see how releasing it to developers only helps in any way.

I presume it is so developers start making apps for the N9, if this is the case then why not just give them an N9. I don't see how a developer would benefit from testing apps on a device with hardware differences to their target audience.
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Smart people in this thread! Watch out...
Do something for the climate today! Anything!

I don't trust poeple without a Nokia n900...
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C'mon, it's really not that difficult. The company leaders are now officially bound to wp7. They wouldn't be able to promote MeeGo fully even if they wanted. That's why you don't hear much positive about MeeGo from them The team leaders of the MeeGo and qt devisions are very positive of their work. That's why they of course promote them. And the n950? I am pretty sure there either a technical/licensing/regulatory issue that prevents building and selling them. So "lending" units already produced is the only option besides destroying them.

Hey, tt's a huge company struggling. You really can't expect them to have one single clear roadmap ... just be happy with the n9 and n950 as long as they last ...
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Originally Posted by jackdoor View Post
Although the N950 is my ideal device, but I don't see how releasing it to developers only helps in any way.

I presume it is so developers start making apps for the N9, if this is the case then why not just give them an N9. I don't see how a developer would benefit from testing apps on a device with hardware differences to their target audience.
Maybe giving them the one with the hwkb will make them more productive. Exactly why I want one!
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Nokia just wants to spend as little as possible to fulfill their obligations to Intel. The n950 was a device set to be distributed in 2010, that they decided to nix for various reasons, but had already produced units. Since hardware wise they are close enough for development of N9 apps, why waste money giving N9 to developers, when you have existing hardware that is unusable to sell to consumers, but fine for developers of a platform you don't want to spend much money on.
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Actually, so disappointing. Who is gonna spend time on the N9?

If there isn't any news when the N9 is in the streets, about some kind of future, something like WP will be our main brand, but Nx will be our top of the top, with one device per year, without Meego (because the delays have been too big) but with our Maemo, and blah blah blah

Without something like that, well, actually for the first time I have to say that I'll be with my n900 as long as I can, or perhaps apple gives a really stunning new iphone. Android is just too chaotic for me.

But buying the N9? Why?? I like a lot the phone, but I can't buy it! Not after Elop's words! I mean, it is not an option ... so sad ...
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Originally Posted by IcyMoustache View Post
Come out of dreamworld and back to reality!!!

We all know there are thousands of QT apps for Symbian. Does even one exist on N900????
Er, I would have assumed by posting on the TMO website, in an N9XX thread, you would be well versed in the platform. Of course there are QT apps on the N900. Lots of them. QT I guess became popular in Linux very early on because of the license - it was available on Windows as well but it wasn't really free. What makes you think a linux based phone would be lacking in this area? Qt has been around for about 18 years now. It's not new.

Last edited by dchky; 2011-07-01 at 08:20.
pelago's Avatar
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Originally Posted by jackdoor View Post
I presume it is so developers start making apps for the N9, if this is the case then why not just give them an N9.
Because the N9 isn't yet available, but the N950 is, and apart from the keyboard they are pretty much identical hardware.

Why is this so hard to understand?
Posts: 161 | Thanked: 186 times | Joined on Apr 2011
sorry guys... for not wording it completely.

i meant there are many amazing apps written in QT for symbian. even after all this "cross platform" crap that we hear, i would doubt even 1% of them are ported to maemo.

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