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Has anyone successfully paired a MS smartphone with thte nokia 770?
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paired my nokia 6230 with the 770. worked flawlessly, unsurprisingly. was able to play music, view images etc that were stored on my phone.
Posts: 155 | Thanked: 10 times | Joined on Nov 2005 @ central georgia, usa
Paired with Sony T670(s.) I can see and manipulate all three folders (sounds, images, and themes...)
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SE T68i works ok.
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Maybe there are a few phones other than nokia and sony that work, but I have tried two different windows smartphones and thay will not pair. I even booted the nokia 770 in developer mode and tried to pair them from there, but still no luck. I think that Nokia has will have to fix something in their firmware that will alow windows smartphones to pair with the 770.
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Can someone post the "Detailed" Step by Step instructions on getting the Treo 650 working with the Nokia 770 bluetooth wise?

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Originally Posted by BigDaddy
Can someone post the "Detailed" Step by Step instructions on getting the Treo 650 working with the Nokia 770 bluetooth wise?

Which carrier are you using the TRo 650 with. Do you have a data plan?

Here are the steps:

1. In the Treo 650's Prefs, Bluetooth, the most important option you need to activate is "Dial-up Networking". When it's on, you should see a small computer icon at the upper right of your screen, instead of the usual blue bluetooth icon. If you don't have this option, you need to update to the latest Treo 650 firmware.

2. Now you need to add the Treo 650 to the 770. To do this, click on the phone icon at the top and select Change Phone. On the new window, select Add, and it should detect you Treo 650. Pair them.

3. Now go to the Nokia 770's Control Panel, and on it's menu, select Tools->Mobile operator setup wizard. Select your country and your carrier.

4. Now, try to connect by clicking on the world icon at the top. Select Connect. You should see a 'P' icon that is lablled with your carrier (from step 3). Select that row and it should connect.

Let me know if it works.
Reggie Suplido
Posts: 190 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Nov 2005 @ Bee-u-tee-ful Garden Home, Oregon
Originally Posted by Reggie
2. Now you need to add the Treo 650 to the 770. To do this, click on the phone icon at the top and select Change Phone. On the new window, select Add, and it should detect you Treo 650. Pair them.
I know I've said this before, but it seems important: If, during pairing, you get a "Service Discovery Failed" type of message on the 770, but the phone says the pairing was successful then simply keep pressing "Ok" to retry. I've had to do this up to 21 times before my 770 and phone paired.

Looks like a bug of some kind, eh? ;-)

Posts: 34 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Dec 2005
Unfortunately, at least with the Sprint branded Treo 650s running the latest firmware, the pairing often times out, leaving one with the impression that it just doesn't work. You also have to manually create a connection option for a the Sprint data network, and select the "use without asking" option when you want to use DUN rather than have the 770 scan for WiFi networks. At that point, I can usually start an app on the 770 that requires a connection, and the 770 and the 650 will start a repairing operation that generally (but not always) succeeds, and then the DUN connection works.

The issue here is that I'm not Joe Sixpack, I'm an experienced developer used to dealing with beta devices, and willing to try anything to get this to work. Most the the Treo 650 owners I meet haven't even figured out how to get rid of the automatic keypad lock, if they had to deal with this kind of BS to get on the web using DUN, they'd give up and return the 770 to CompUSA.

Considering that the Treo 650 on Sprint is one of the more popular DUN capable devices in the US, I still am perplexed that Nokia chose not to test this combination, since Sprint doesn't offer a BT DUN capabile Nokia phone as far as I know. One might say, well of course, they'd only test it with Nokia phones, but they chose to develop a device that is sold with the promise of seamlessly interroperating with both WiFi and BT DUN environments. Its clear that their testing must have only been done with GSM phones considering the difficulty of setting up the device for a non GSM network. Not that it isn't possible, just that the average use is going to fail when they try.

Still, I see the longer term possibility for the 770 and will gladly fight with it to get my DUN connectivity with my Sprint Treo 650 when I need it, its just too cool.


Last edited by eskin; 2005-12-20 at 18:59.
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For what it's worth, I tried a GSM Treo 650 with the 770 and it worked the first time.
Reggie Suplido

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