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Thanks Milhouse,

I was planning on upgrading my phone soon anyway. If I got a phone with BT2.0 EDR (like the N95) theoretically I would be able to use the full capacity of HSDPA? I think I'll go and get a three pre-pay sim this weekend to play with. I know it's not HSDPA, but it's still better than GPRS I work in a mobile software development environment, so I can lay my hands on phones to play with quite easily

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You should be able to get the most out of a 1.8 Mbit/s HSDPA connection with the N95, but any speed beyond that (3.6Mbit/s should be common now, and some networks are rolling out 7.3Mbit/s) will be impacted by the Bluetooth bottleneck.

We'll need to wait for a future device with Bluetooth 3.0 or built-in 3G/HSDPA radios to make the most of HSDPA.
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that sounds like what I expected. The part that seemed unlikely was that the guy was telling me that I wouldn't even be able to connect to the phone over bluetooth, because it's not fast enough. I tried telling him that it would just run slower, but he wasn't having any of it.
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Hi - first post so be gentle!
I'm currently tethering my N800 with a Nokia 6120 using 3's X-series Silver £5 on top of the £15 tariff - free phone, but an 18 month contract.
Getting a 3.5G signal from my desk at work so I get better 3G reception than 2G Orange or Voda!
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Originally Posted by jimbo_wa View Post
I'm currently tethering my N800 with a Nokia 6120 using 3's X-series Silver £5 on top of the £15 tariff
Jimbo, what sort of speeds are you getting through the N800? and do you get a direct internet connection or does it go through their stupid proxy which formats the web for a mobile phone? Can you connect to IMAP/POP etc... I tried on of their PAYG sims and all I could use was mobile-formatted web. No email, ssh, etc.. and definitely no VOIP over SIP
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Hi guys, I am from UK. I just signed a 3 contract phone yesterday, and add the Broadband Lite package on it for my N800. It is a little bit tricky to setup the internet connection with my new 3 phone Nokia 6120. I used my laptop with the phone via USB cable, and it worked perfect. Then I tried on N800. As you know, when setup phone connection, you will have choice from N800, which country and which operator. At first I used this wizard to set UK 3, but when I use this connection, N800 will connect 6120 via bluetooth, and the phone will initiate 3G connection. But few second late, N800 will display a connection error, something like "remote server int error", and then drop the connection. I tried several times, then I called the 3 customer service. I told them I want use the phone with N800, and could not get through. Then they said, the Broadband service is not designed to work on bluetooth, you can only use with laptop via usb cable. Useless!
Then I had a study from google, tried to find way to configure it manually. And here is the solution, you need to configure the phone connection manually, not wizard. First, pair the phone with N800 on bluetooth, then go to the N800 Connectivity setting.
Connections -> New -> Next -> enter Connection name, choose Packet data -> enter "" as Assecc point name, "*99#" in Dail-up number, and leave others blank -> Next -> Finish

Then try the connection, you would be able connect to the 3G. And the speed is good, much better then GPRS, and you can use skype and email as well.

Last edited by rljyyg; 2007-10-12 at 08:31.
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I was looking at this deal, but £25 p.m. is a bit rich for me, as I don't want to make phone calls. I have a work mobile for that. Their site says that they will be launching the service on pre-pay, so I'm going to wait for that. But thanks for the heads-up about connecting
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The ofer from 3 network, pay as yougo 1 month internet is:
- cost: £5
- data cap 2 Gig per month,
- only two ports are open : http 80 and 455
- proxy server and content block
Using my SE K608i transfer over bluetooth to N800 is around 30 kb/s max, but if I'm put the simcard to datacard and to WRT54G3g router is 260 kb/s
Then to avoid data cap im holding another sim card and top up if needed
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the faq's on three's site for broadband llite talk about payg, so it looks like they're planning on launching the open service at some point

"Please note: At launch, Mobile broadband is not available for Pay As You Go customers, but it will be available in the future"
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as you go to:
you'll find deal for Add Internet Monthly for £5.
I'm using for about 1 month and I recomend as the cheapest way to get Internet in UK. The SIM card cost around £5 for ONE, better TWO in case of reaching data cap -and no question ask in shop (no need of adress)?!? Top up anywere one's a month - ideal for mobile user.

Last edited by dawiele; 2007-10-12 at 20:50.

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