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Originally Posted by Frickelson View Post
can someone explain why the n9 is so damned overpriced?

oh and i totally understand why some people say the s2 feels like a cheap toy - i absolutely agree...

(sorry for my funny english^^)
The same reason Macs are overpriced: The overall build-quality and their uniqueness justifies it. "Run-of-the-mill" products like most Android phones are always going to be cheaper. Also, Android/WP7 royalties do not even begin to compare to the tons of money Nokia put into the development of Harmattan.

Screen size is not a plus for the Galaxy S2 by the way. The challenge in phones is not to make them bigger, but to make them smaller. The N9 probably has the better screen-to-surface ratio, and fits more comfortably into one hand.

If you prefer a bigger device, that's a matter of preference, not quality.

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the only advantage that n9 offers is real multi tasking, everything else is on the SG2 side, but In the end, it just depends on how you use the phone. I will choose n9 over SG2 just for that real multi tasking.

Last edited by khuong; 2011-10-27 at 09:00.

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Agree but if you read this statement

"Nokia N9 is a great phone that simply arrived at the wrong place in the wrong time. If you're looking at a lasting relationship, it needs to be based on unconditional love. OK, good, it’s an easy phone to fall in love with. But you'd better be the monogamous type too."

How long can we think Nokia will provide support for N9? How many meego developer community exist. Since this is the last of Meego device do we expect it to suffer the same feat, which N900 is suffering now?
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Originally Posted by maverick788us View Post
Can someone tell me one reason to perfer Nokia N9 over Galaxy S2?

1) Bigger Screen: I always love big screen so 3.9 inch is not match for 4.3 inch screen of S2
2) Faster Processor: Having dual core and faster processor is always gives superior perfomance
3) Future Proof: With the future of Meego uncertain we never know, how much will Elop spend in providing support for N9
4) Economical: I think N9 is 100$ more expensive than S2

So what major advantage does N9 holds over Galaxy S2.
1) smaller size fits better in the pocket (also, more pixels)
2) Please make a list of the highly CPU intensive applications you need to run, so we can advise
3) life proof: review basically says that the N9 has what you need out of the box. That will probably work for the next two years, when you'll change your phone anyway. After 3 years, the GS2 won't be supported either (Android will, but what good is that to you?)
4) aahhh, you're in the US... more expansive, no warranty.. well that's definitely a strong point.

Some more important points:
GS2 has way better media decoding than the N9
GS2 has flash

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I have the N9, and my (ex) gf has the Galaxy S2. My personal opinion is that it depends what you are going to use it for, and what you are looking for.

Things going for the N9:
- damn sexy
- proper multitasking
- (IMO) better looking screen
- build quality

Things going for the GS2:
- apps
- the screen feels easier to use
- swype (soon to change)
- you can access the battery!

The best thing to do, is to do tons of searches for reviews on both phones, then make an informed decision. each person is different.
N900 | N9 - 64gb | - Nokia N9 Tips, Tricks, and Reviews

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Originally Posted by maverick788us View Post
Since this is the last of Meego device do we expect it to suffer the same feat, which N900 is suffering now?
Almost certainly. Still, as the old adage goes, it's better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all. Try as I may, I cannot love the S2

Edit: Of course, if Nokia keeps its promise, we should get basic support and software updates for 2-years-ish, so that's not too bad. The N900 had this much too. Depends on whether or not you consider that sufficient.
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Apart from this can we port Our Great Maemo in SGS2 ?????????

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Originally Posted by maverick788us View Post
Can someone tell me one reason to perfer Nokia N9 over Galaxy S2?

3) Future Proof: With the future of Meego uncertain we never know, how much will Elop spend in providing support for N9
Most smartphone fans use a specific model for less than 2 years, then switch to a new one. I think you can expect support and a decent amount of apps within that time-frame for N9. So how much "future" do you need?

I understand the problem that you can't use any apps bought for the N9 on a future model, but you will always have that problem when switching platforms. Besides, how much money do you spend on apps for a smartphone? Is it really a significant amount compared to the smartphone retail price and mobile phone contract costs? For most people probably not (maybe a few exceptions with iOS users).

The most costly investment you make by switching platform is the time you need to spend learning new interactions and uses. But given the fact that smartphones evolve at a incredibly fast rate, you will probably have to do a lot of learning even when you update to a new model of the same platform. So I think buying a device that is easy to learn is a more sensible choice. And N9 seems to be a very easy user interaction.

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Originally Posted by erendorn View Post
1) smaller size fits better in the pocket (also, more pixels)
2) Please make a list of the highly CPU intensive applications you need to run, so we can advise
3) life proof: review basically says that the N9 has what you need out of the box. That will probably work for the next two years, when you'll change your phone anyway. After 3 years, the GS2 won't be supported either (Android will, but what good is that to you?)
4) aahhh, you're in the US... more expansive, no warranty.. well that's definitely a strong point.

Some more important points:
GS2 has way better media decoding than the N9
GS2 has flash
Screen size does matters a lot. When I type using my wife's SGS2 on screen keyboard, despite having massive 4.3 inch screen I find it hard to type and make numerous mistakes. How much handy will an on screen keyboard with just 3.9 inch screen will be. Can we use it as a complete replacement for notepad and pen for quick noting things?
Posts: 341 | Thanked: 607 times | Joined on Dec 2008
Originally Posted by maverick788us View Post
Screen size does matters a lot. When I type using my wife's SGS2 on screen keyboard, despite having massive 4.3 inch screen I find it hard to type and make numerous mistakes. How much handy will an on screen keyboard with just 3.9 inch screen will be. Can we use it as a complete replacement for notepad and pen for quick noting things?
That always depends to some extend on your finger dexterity (and size) of course, but reviewers so far only had good things to say about the N9 virtual keyboard:

Just for reference, I type on the portrait keyboard (with two thumbs) faster than I can type on the N900 hardware keyboard. Mistakes can happen, but are rare for me when I pay attention. The landscape keyboard is easier, but I find it also slower (due to longer thumb travel distances).

You can look for youtube videos of people typing fast on the iPhone keyboard to get an idea of what speeds can also be reached on the N9 with some practice.

For messaging and note taking it's more than sufficient as far as I am concerned.

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