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Posts: 15 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Mar 2007
You might want to consider web-based applications. Google docs and spreadsheets are available if you have a free gmail account. The opera browser doesn't support them, but two other browsers do; minimo and the new mozilla browser (although for me, all the spreadsheet cells are black, but I'm expecting this to be resolved soon). I wouldn't consider minimo rock solid, but it works.
I was accustomed to Documents-to-Go that supported word, excel, & powerpoint formats on my Palm, so I am also frustrated that a similar application doesn't exist for the n800...but that's the breaks.
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Thanks all of you for the advice.
Posts: 163 | Thanked: 11 times | Joined on Jul 2007
Originally Posted by Spazholio View Post
Ok, now we're getting somewhere. =)
Spreadsheet can be found here.
Word Processing/DOC viewing: antiword, doc Reader (which works in conjunction with antiword)

A basic understanding of Linux would be good, seeing as how this is a debian-based distro. Python, from what I hear, is a good language to learn to work with the N800, but I can't speak from personal experience.

Gnumeric is linked above, and the libglade package needs to have the following repository installed:
Web address:
Distribution: bora
Components: free non-free

To set up a repository, go to the Application Manager, click the drop down, and set it up from there.

This is the best place I've found to get information on what you're looking for. For instance, if you were getting the libglade errors or something similar, I'd recommend coming here and searching on "libglade". It's a common issue, and easily resolved. If I was too general with anything (I do that sometimes), please let me know and I'll elaborate.
Yes, you instructions for installing libglade was too general and not enough detail but like a lot of posts here. I did some searching and came up empty and started to tinker a bit. This is my instructions to install libglade (sorry if too basic ):

1- go to tools/app manager
2. go to menu/tools/app catelog
3. click new
4. enter info that was mentioned like name , address, bora,etc
5. save and download app

Good luck
Posts: 36 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Jul 2007
Hey, it wasn't too bad considering I was doing it completely from memory.

Glad it works for you, and thanks for clarifying my instructions.
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Posts: 82 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Jun 2007 @ New Mexico, USA
I'm in the same boat as most newbies in terms of total ignorance about linux/python/debian etc. I'm just getting started trying to learn... Here are a couple of resources I've found.

For Python:

A cool MP3podcast in which Guido van Rossum, creator of Python, talks about language design, favorite Python projects, and the future of Python. ...

A tutorial to help understand how to use a Linux terminal emulator like Osso Xterm:

Last edited by HalSF; 2007-07-30 at 23:06. Reason: typo

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