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My N900 is in nokia UK now for warranty repair/replacement, and they have offered an N8, which I will take, as even with symbian to me it's about the best alternative. I have an N800 and N810 for the tablet duties around the house.

Not convinced that I would get a decent N900 from Nokia. As it's the UK there is no chance of an N9, and although the E7 has a physical keyboard it fails in so many other areas - no replaceable battery, no microsd(only 16gb), no fm transmitter, no fm receiver.

Just happy (but surprised ) that they didn't try to force a Lumia 800 on me.

Nokia 770 (2gb) since Aug 2007
Nokia N800 (32gb) since Dec 2007
Nokia N810 (16gb) since Sep 2009
Nokia N900 (64gb) since Aug 2010 ______________________________
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New N900 are still for sale in The Netherlands for 420 euro:
Motorola M3688 → Ericsson R320 → Siemens S40 → Motorola V60c → Palm Treo 650 → Blackberry 9000 → Nokia N900 → HP Pre 3 → Nokia N900 → Nokia N9 → Nokia N900 → Nokia 808 → Blackberry Z10 → Blackberry Passport

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Originally Posted by tremby View Post
And what's the status of that?

My conditions included that it couldn't be in worse condition than mine, everything in working order, no serious scratches or breaks and so on.
i filed the law suite in late december (15th if im not mistaken ) so i cought up with the christmast & new year brakes ..
i recieved a replay saying that nokia greece recieved the complaned and that they had 15 days to answer . i have to wait till first day of feb , ill report back to u guys with any news .
apart from that the N8 or N7-00 are not equaly equiped etc .. the price deference is way too big .. i bought my n900 for 570 euros ( have a reciet ) witch i filed along , and the n8 is found for around 400 euros so is the E7 it worths around 380-430 so getting one and selling it is not an option since ill lose way too much money in the process.
and since im ( at least i was when i gave the device for repair ) whith in warranty the owe me a new device , since mine is not reparable.

ps: ive posted my case here :

also posted in nokia official & greek tech forums where i found 2 more ppl filing a report for the same problem ..
1 of them had a fully working device in warranty witch the usb came off .. Nokia care shop offered to fix it for money ( not sending it to hungary ) but he refused since he whould have to pay and since he was in warranty why whould he .. anyways he didnt get his device instead he got a E-7 whitch he refused to take and he was told that his device was send for recicle ..

i dont get why nokia is replacing the n900 with crapy symbian phones instead of the N9 witch is its successor .
even the N9 has some drawbacks but at least they run the same OS witch i can imagine is the only reson some1 bought the N900 in the first place !!! why else could u buy it for ?
if i wanted an N8 or E7 i could have gotten an i-phone or an htc sami droid , why spend so much money for a symbian crapy device ?
i dont know what will happend in my case but i already feel cheated by nokia .. regardless of the outcome this was the last Nokia device i spend my money on ..
im without a device since 30th/10/2011 and i had buy a new device just to not accept the E-7 or an ab-used n900 as a replacement ..
i cant accept that the life span of a nearly 600 euro device is 1-1.5 year ! hell i even have phones from the 90's that are fully functional in fact every device i got is still functional from the 3210 to 6600 and 6630 sl45i and many more.

Last edited by on3st4b; 2012-01-29 at 10:01.
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Originally Posted by Kangal View Post
#3 - Lawsuit (not recommended)
This would be hilarious. It would be the most expensive situation (for you) where terms & conditions are read out loud
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Last edited by ossipena; 2012-01-29 at 09:53.
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Terms and conditions aren't more important than local (country) laws. If they state, that device must be replaced with one of at least same price tag, and he is able to prove that offered replacement is of worse price tag, he can win easily.

I agree that lawsuit way is looongest and most troublesome, but not hilarious in any way.

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Originally Posted by ossipena View Post
This would be hilarious. It would be the most expensive situation (for you) where terms & conditions are read out loud
hilarious !? for what ? asking for your rights ?
asking to cash out a warranty that you have paid for in first place ?
cause i dont know if u are aware of it but u do pay for the warranty in the end product price .
and no im do not intend to pay anything for the law suite .. the customer support agency does it free of charge if the law is violated , and after examining my report i send em , they said i was right and that they whould file a law suit .
sure it will take more time that just accepting the E-7 but its not more timeconsuming .. all i did is just file a report ..
and by now i dont realy give a sh1t bout the outcome its more like personal .. theyll have to work on the law suite , theyll have to attend to a trial if we dont come to an agrement and they'll have to pay a fine if they insest in raplacing my device with a used one .. cause the law here states clearly " if the device is not reparable they have to replace it with a new one of same type , or with another one of same value and specs " .
and i can easily prove that nor the price or spects are equal .
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A case involving a Nokia 6100 went all the way to Norwegian Supreme Court. The case related to domestic consumer laws. Producer's terms and conditions were not part of the argument from either side. The court decision effectively extended warranty time from two to five years for consumer electronics (like cell phones, MP3-players, cameras etc).

Last edited by larsoy; 2012-01-29 at 11:44.

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Originally Posted by gazza_d View Post
no fm receiver
It does have a receiver.
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Originally Posted by Estel View Post
Terms and conditions aren't more important than local (country) laws. If they state, that device must be replaced with one of at least same price tag, and he is able to prove that offered replacement is of worse price tag, he can win easily.
Yeah, in imaginationland everything is possible. Good luck finding "At least same price tag" -phrase from a law, any jurisdiction is fine by me.

e: naturally laws are the topmost orders, that is why I presumed that anyone knows that, including Nokia, which terms & conditions obey local law.....
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Originally Posted by on3st4b View Post
hilarious !? for what ? asking for your rights ?.
nope, the hilarious part is when you have agreed the deal even without realizing the terms and conditions with what the deal is made...

e: some background information: Finland has one of the tightest consumer rights laws in the world. Still it is totally fine for the manufacturer to replace a model with a comparable device. Good luck explaining to the judge why a smartphone isn't a smartphone and symbian isn't maemo
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Last edited by ossipena; 2012-01-29 at 16:20.

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