Poll: Should I keep the N8 or get the N9?
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Should I keep the N8 or get the N9?

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Originally Posted by Kangal View Post
But then again if you are a layman, don't get the N9. There's much better offerings from the Android side, where you also get a better operating system, since Harmattan is crippled on the N9 (the N950 is a different story).
How would Android be less crippled than Harmattan? Android is so severely crippled, it's not even recognizable as a Linux OS anymore, IMHO.
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Originally Posted by tissot View Post
Seeing how you are selling the N8 already i'm not sure why i'am answering.
I would keep the N8. It's still the best camera phone out there and is getting the crucial Belle update in 2 weeks time, making the UI experience 10x better. Neither are you getting much out of N8 selling it as it was hugely popular, more value to keep it to yourself.

Actually thinking myself to buy N8 as the Belle update is nearing closer.
(Shameless pitch)

Got one for sale in the Buy/Sell Forum if you're interested. Selling it because I moved to the N9 (though I do miss the solid camera in that thing...just wow.)
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Originally Posted by jpfsn View Post
I think the use of the word 'crippled' is not helpful. Kangal probably meant that the N9 operating system is not as accessible as the N950's for 'hacking' - something you would only be interested in if you were a hardcore developer.
AFAIK there is no difference in this regard. You can flash an open kernel on both devices, if you don't mind playing a cat-and-mouse game with Nokia. Personally, I can't be arsed with that. I already have a Maemo device sans aegis. It's called the N900.
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Originally Posted by tissot View Post
Seeing how you are selling the N8 already i'm not sure why i'am answering.
I would keep the N8. It's still the best camera phone out there and is getting the crucial Belle update in 2 weeks time, making the UI experience 10x better. Neither are you getting much out of N8 selling it as it was hugely popular, more value to keep it to yourself.

Actually thinking myself to buy N8 as the Belle update is nearing closer.
Belle is only two weeks away? Not bad. When Nokia said 'early 2012', I was thinking May 31st.

I've been pleasantly surprised by Belle. It really is a significant leap over <= Anna. I prefer the UX to that of Harmattan. It feels more 'grown up'. If they just added the swipe to minimise/close applications, it would be perfect. They could also do away with some of the more byzantine settings arrangements, which haven't really changed since S60 5th Edition.

The N8 is a really nice phone. There is just something about it that makes it feel 'right', especially for one-handed use. Much better than those ridiculous fondleslabs.
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N8 - Great camera, crap phone.

My 2c.
My phone evolution: Nokia 7610 (RIP), N82 (RIP), BB9000 (RIP), N900, BB9760 (RIP), N8, BB9900, N9 64GB
Working : Python Gorillas (Maemo5) Faircrack0.50 Update (Maemo5)
Not so much : WPScrack (Maemo5)

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Originally Posted by StefanL View Post
N8 - Great camera, crap phone.

My 2c.
The n8 is a bad smart phone, but it's a good feature phone. Keep in mind that as much as Symbian is a dead-end OS at this point, it's actually a pretty mature OS as well. For example, the n8 has dial by voice working out of the box (great feature paired with a compatible bluetooth headset). The n900 (and I'm betting the N9) can't do dial by voice well if at all.

Unlike a quality smart phone, the N8 doesn't let you tweak it too much. For example, widgets are limited and they can only be placed in one of 6 slots on any one of 3 provided home screens (minus one slot always used by a required date/time widget).There's no such thing as adding or removing home screens. There's no access to power user tools such as dbus scripts or queen bee widgets. You can't simply add a bluetooth PAN profile to tether with, and man, does it suck not having an FM transmitter toggle widget available. However, there are some apps ouch there like JoikuSpot as well as some polished games that make it a step up from a purely dumb phone.

With all that said, with the current price of a good smart phone at about the $600 range, I'd expect something like the n8 to start around the $300-350 range, and be well below that over a year after it's launch.

I think both phones are actually overpriced for today's standards, but as a long time Nokia fan, both are good for different purposes. My n900 broke recently, so I'm doing an N8/TouchPad pairing atm with ad hoc wifi. It's functional. However, it's not as stable as my n900/Galaxy Tab pairing with bluetooth pan, and I really miss having a more fully featured smart phone. I don't think I can justify an n9 at it's cost and no support in the US personally (especially given all the various hardware issues people seem to be having with it).

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Originally Posted by marxian View Post
Belle is only two weeks away? Not bad. When Nokia said 'early 2012', I was thinking May 31st.

I've been pleasantly surprised by Belle. It really is a significant leap over <= Anna. I prefer the UX to that of Harmattan. It feels more 'grown up'. If they just added the swipe to minimise/close applications, it would be perfect. They could also do away with some of the more byzantine settings arrangements, which haven't really changed since S60 5th Edition.

The N8 is a really nice phone. There is just something about it that makes it feel 'right', especially for one-handed use. Much better than those ridiculous fondleslabs.
Im also surprised that Belle is coming so soon. I've just read reports that the Vietnamese Nokia site posted February 8th as the released date on their site and then quickly deleted the page.
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I have an Android phone and gave my wife the N9.

I don't need a new phone right now, but I'd be tempted to get an N9 for me too.

I'd say, the N9 is way ahead in terms of UI, but the Android market makes the choice easier if there are things you want and won't have on the N9...
Google sky map
etcetc (don't care about all the fart apps, but there are really cool android apps)

On the whole, there's not all that much missing on the N9, and indeed after using it 3 days straight I was baffled at my Android phone, my fingers forgot how to use it (after having used it for a year...).

And I really like being able to cook up simple scripts on the N9 to do stuff.

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Posts: 84 | Thanked: 32 times | Joined on Sep 2010 @ Ames IA, USA
Originally Posted by aRTee View Post
I have an Android phone and gave my wife the N9.

I don't need a new phone right now, but I'd be tempted to get an N9 for me too.

I'd say, the N9 is way ahead in terms of UI, but the Android market makes the choice easier if there are things you want and won't have on the N9...
Google sky map
etcetc (don't care about all the fart apps, but there are really cool android apps)

On the whole, there's not all that much missing on the N9, and indeed after using it 3 days straight I was baffled at my Android phone, my fingers forgot how to use it (after having used it for a year...).

And I really like being able to cook up simple scripts on the N9 to do stuff.
I like the N9 over Android because the N9 has offline maps on its GPS, while Android needs a constant net connection to use the GPS maps. This is a strong reason of why I have stuck with Nokia since 1998.
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My gf had an N8 and was *constantly* frustrated with the UI and the number of crashes, restarts and lags during normal use. She's a photographer, so having the world's best camera-phone in her pocket was great, but it came with a hefty price - frustration.

We got rid of it on eBay a few months ago, maybe if we'd waited until Belle comes out soon it might've been different, but she was ready to throw it against a wall.

She eyes up my N9 like a fox looking at a tasty rabbit. If I had the cash I'd get her one. As it happens, I'm not a billionaire, so she'll have to stick to her E6 (which incidentally hasn't crashed or hung ONCE)

The N8 is great for the camera, PERIOD. The N9 is great for everything else + a better-than-ok camera. Easy choice in my book.

Last edited by AndyNokia232; 2012-01-31 at 15:39.

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