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Estel's Avatar
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I'm glad it helped you - I remember going through real PITA when trying to find solution. BTW, hosting I've used is quite OK, but, nevertheless, may disappear one day - as program developers made quite huge effort to make sure, that freeware version disappear from every download page (despite it being perfectly legal), I suggest mirroring it somewhere.

Quite a life saver, for videos recorder by N900 (or other devices, using same format).

N900's aluminum backcover / body replacement
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Its quite difficult but can be repaired easily. First, stop experimenting with that video file of your Nokia, it may worsen the situation. I would suggest you to use Video Repair utility, that could fix your corrupt video file on your Nokia. even if the video is severely corrupt it easily fixes the file. one important point is this tool does not edit or harm the source file. it just extracts the contents from it and saves it in a new file. I feel, this tool would be the best solution for your worries about how to fix corrupted mpeg video files? first, you can go for trial version, then use purchase the software.Just give a try, Hope it works fine.

Best of luck.
Estel's Avatar
Posts: 5,028 | Thanked: 8,613 times | Joined on Mar 2011
Why purchase, if there is a freeware version with *same* capabilities, available legally? I've posted it, few pages back.

N900's aluminum backcover / body replacement
N900's HDMI-Out
Camera cover MOD
Measure battery's real capacity on-device
TrueCrypt 7.1 | ereswap | bnf
Hardware's mods research is costly. To support my work, please consider donating. Thank You!

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@Estel: I would think this is pure advertisement, nothing more, nothing less!
Really thought about reporting, but you already mentioned it years ago , so i did not.

The Following User Says Thank You to michaaa62 For This Useful Post:
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Originally Posted by Estel View Post
I had to do (almost) exactly same thing, some time ago. I was able to recover video, although, results were not very satisfying - audio/video sync was PITA to repair (more precisely, frames per second on video), and somehow, keyframes were messed up - i don't know how it's possible in already recorder stream, but it looked like all keyframes stacked up together, so, periodically, You've had perfect picture for a few seconds, going gradually worse and worse... to the point of awful quality, then, PONG! awesome quality again, going gradually worse and worse... Everything over the same period of time (7-8 seconds), rinse and repeat.

Finding a tool was also a PITA - to my knowledge, there is only one freeware tool capable of doing so, and, to make things worse, company producing it made it payware starting from some version number, and carefully deleted prior version from almost everywhere. Newer version doesn't have any better functionality, and it's perfectly legal to use older, freeware version, but - no idea how they achieved that - links for downloading it doesn't seem to exist *anywhere*.

fortunately, I was able to get in contact with someone who used it during times of freeware, and wrote on his blog about it - he still had program on his hard drive, and was kind enough to send it to me.

So, here You have it:
Videorepair 1.5

I don't remember usage instructions, but, it was quite straightforward. After all, you can always check their website - new payware version uses same procedure, IIRC.

Is it possible to run it somehow natively on Linux or do I have to use wine/win?
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closed source windows freeware, so what do you expect? At least, they have really written it themselves, not just ripped some FOSS project (sadly, there is no FOSS project able to recover our videos in such case).

Anyway, wine *is* native. It wouldn't be native, if you would had to emulate something (like, cpu - but of course, I got what you meant, anyway, so mentioning it just for the record).

N900's aluminum backcover / body replacement
N900's HDMI-Out
Camera cover MOD
Measure battery's real capacity on-device
TrueCrypt 7.1 | ereswap | bnf
Hardware's mods research is costly. To support my work, please consider donating. Thank You!

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There are closed source apps for Linux - e.g. smartsvn
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I'm trying to repair a movie from N900 but I have a problem. movdump.exe crashes in each environment: winxp, win7, wine. Any ideas why it's happening? Used 720p recording by fmg on latest cssu testing cameraui


CMD="E:\Downloads\videorepair1.5\videorepair\movdump.exe" -i "F:\MEDIA\foto\2013\wycieczka-paryz\video\20131009_285.mp4" -o "F:\MEDIA\foto\2013\wycieczka-paryz\video\repaired\20131009_285.mp4" -nfd   >> "F:\MEDIA\foto\2013\wycieczka-paryz\video\repaired\movdump.txt"  
CMD="E:\Downloads\videorepair1.5\videorepair\movdump.exe" -i "F:\MEDIA\foto\2013\wycieczka-paryz\video\20131009_285.mp4" -o "F:\MEDIA\foto\2013\wycieczka-paryz\video\repaired\20131009_285.mp4" -nfd   >> "F:\MEDIA\foto\2013\wycieczka-paryz\video\repaired\movdump.txt"  
CMD="Z:\home\marcin\Downloads\videorepair1.5\videorepair\movdump.exe" -i "Z:\media\marcin\MEDIA\foto\2013\wycieczka-paryz\video\20131009_285.mp4" -o "Z:\media\marcin\MEDIA\foto\2013\wycieczka-paryz\video\repaired\20131009_285.mp4" -nfd   >> "Z:\media\marcin\MEDIA\foto\2013\wycieczka-paryz\video\repaired\movdump.txt"  
input: Z:\media\marcin\MEDIA\foto\2013\wycieczka-paryz\video\20131009_285.mp4 
output: Z:\media\marcin\MEDIA\foto\2013\wycieczka-paryz\video\repaired\20131009_285.mp4 
warning: using input file as reference! 
---------reffile parameters---------- 
---------------- QTDump ------------- 
movietimescale: 0 Hz 
 movieduration: 0 timescales (=0 sec) 
    trackcount: 0 
---------reffile analyse (chunks)---------- 
fps: 29.969999 
dim: 0 x 0 
videosamplesperchunk: 0 
videosamplesizemax: 0 
videosamplesizemin: 0 
audiotracks: 1 
audiochannels: 2 
audiosamplerate: 48000 
audiosamplesize: 16 
audiosamplesperchunk: 0 
audiochunksizealltracks: 96200 
audiochunksizepertrack: 0 
audiochunkstopgap: 0 
aacfilter: 0 
pcmfilter: 0 
pcmmaxvalue: 32768 
Unhandled exception: page fault on read access to 0x0000407c in 32-bit code (0x004063b0).
Register dump:
 CS:0023 SS:002b DS:002b ES:002b FS:0063 GS:006b
 EIP:004063b0 ESP:00db3d10 EBP:00db3dd8 EFLAGS:00010206(  R- --  I   - -P- )
 EAX:00000000 EBX:00f2be40 ECX:00000040 EDX:0000ac00
 ESI:00006710 EDI:00f35a80
Stack dump:
0x00db3d10:  00187a90 00188360 00db3d40 00511273
0x00db3d20:  00000011 7ebfd2a0 00000000 7eb8f1d8
0x00db3d30:  0000001d 00000000 000018f0 00000000
0x00db3d40:  00000011 7ebfd2a0 00db3d78 7eb8f1d8
0x00db3d50:  00db3d70 00d2d788 00112b8c 00000004
0x00db3d60:  0000001f 00f35a80 00db3d88 00d2d788
=>0 0x004063b0 in movdump (+0x63b0) (0x00db3dd8)
  1 0x00409a38 in movdump (+0x9a37) (0x00f3fdf8)
  2 0x004010db in movdump (+0x10da) (0x00f3fe40)
  3 0x00401178 in movdump (+0x1177) (0x00f3fe60)
  4 0x7b85f22c call_process_entry+0xb() in kernel32 (0x00f3fe78)
  5 0x7b8604ab in kernel32 (+0x504aa) (0x00f3feb8)
  6 0x7bc791c0 call_thread_func_wrapper+0xb() in ntdll (0x00f3fed8)
  7 0x7bc7c1cd call_thread_func+0x7c() in ntdll (0x00f3ffa8)
  8 0x7bc7919e RtlRaiseException+0x21() in ntdll (0x00f3ffc8)
  9 0x7bc4e45e call_dll_entry_point+0x33d() in ntdll (0x00f3ffe8)
  10 0xf75b376d wine_call_on_stack+0x1c() in (0x00000000)
  11 0xf75b382b wine_switch_to_stack+0x2a() in (0xfff36748)
  12 0x7bc542c0 LdrInitializeThunk+0x3af() in ntdll (0xfff367b8)
  13 0x7b866a82 __wine_kernel_init+0xa21() in kernel32 (0xfff37968)
  14 0x7bc54a7b __wine_process_init+0x25a() in ntdll (0xfff379f8)
  15 0xf75b0ccc wine_init+0x2db() in (0xfff37a68)
  16 0x7bf00f43 main+0xf2() in <wine-loader> (0xfff37eb8)
  17 0xf73c9935 __libc_start_main+0xf4() in (0x00000000)
0x004063b0: movb    0x407c(%eax),%al
Module    Address            Debug info    Name (21 modules)
PE      400000-  d33000    COFF            movdump
ELF    7b800000-7ba5b000    Dwarf           kernel32<elf>
  \-PE    7b810000-7ba5b000    \               kernel32
ELF    7bc00000-7bcda000    Dwarf           ntdll<elf>
  \-PE    7bc10000-7bcda000    \               ntdll
ELF    7bf00000-7bf04000    Dwarf           <wine-loader>
ELF    7eb21000-7eb57000    Deferred        ws2_32<elf>
  \-PE    7eb30000-7eb57000    \               ws2_32
ELF    7eb57000-7ebff000    Deferred        msvcrt<elf>
  \-PE    7eb70000-7ebff000    \               msvcrt
ELF    7ebff000-7ec0c000    Deferred
ELF    7ec0c000-7ec25000    Deferred
ELF    7ef97000-7efda000    Deferred
ELF    f73a3000-f73af000    Deferred
ELF    f73b0000-f7563000    Dwarf 
ELF    f7563000-f7568000    Deferred
ELF    f7569000-f7584000    Deferred
ELF    f7587000-f7590000    Deferred
ELF    f75a1000-f75aa000    Deferred
ELF    f75aa000-f7760000    Dwarf 
ELF    f7762000-f7784000    Deferred
process  tid      prio (all id:s are in hex)
0000000e services.exe
    0000001e    0
    0000001d    0
    00000014    0
    00000010    0
    0000000f    0
00000012 winedevice.exe
    0000001c    0
    00000019    0
    00000017    0
    00000013    0
0000001a plugplay.exe
    00000020    0
    0000001f    0
    0000001b    0
00000021 explorer.exe
    00000023    0
    00000022    0
00000026 cmd.exe
    00000027    0
00000028 (D) Z:\home\marcin\Downloads\videorepair1.5\videorepair\movdump.exe
    00000029    0 <==
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Last edited by marmistrz; 2013-10-14 at 10:26.
Posts: 1 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Feb 2014
I tried to download the software from the link in this thread but its no longer available on the server. Does anybody have it that wouldn't mind re-posting? I have this problem and would really love to save this video that got corrupted when my phone locked up while it was saving. I know this thread is old but I have to try!!

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