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Posts: 262 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Jun 2007
Originally Posted by heavyt View Post
Nice, I like the playlist option. Is there a zoom option to view the album covers, if so I can't find it.

Love your work thanks.
Yeah, tap on an album cover (upper left in SongView, or lower right in NowPlayingView).
Posts: 262 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Jun 2007
Originally Posted by geneven View Post
I have language-learning mp3 files that crash Kagu or the uk player. Each word that is pronounced appears to come with a graphic that Kagu thinks is an album cover. The company that distributes them (Transparent) says that they should work with mp3 players but especially with iPods. Scanning works, but when you try to play one of the files, Kagu opens to a black screen and does nothing.
We would need samples of these to figure out what is going on.
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Ah, one of those "Enhanced MP3s" where pics are layered in chapters.
I never liked those myself, they only really work well on iPods and in iTunes.
If you can, send Trev one of the smallest complete files you can.
Posts: 45 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Aug 2007
Thanks for another useful update! The playlist is a really great idea and I'm happy about the volume icon too.

After disq posted last night that you guys were just about to release an update, I wandered over to your site to browse some of the source code (hooray for open source!) and it looked like Kagu would be easily skinable. So today I put together a really quick "theme" for Kagu just to see if I could do it. I'm not crazy about the theme so I'm calling it the "test theme" since I just threw it together to see if it would work. Here's some screen shots on Flickr:

Now that I know that I can do this, I'm hoping to find some time to create a more complete theme. Thanks again for the great software!
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Originally Posted by cairn View Post
So today I put together a really quick "theme" for Kagu just to see if I could do it. I'm not crazy about the theme so I'm calling it the "test theme" since I just threw it together to see if it would work. Here's some screen shots on Flickr:

Now that I know that I can do this, I'm hoping to find some time to create a more complete theme. Thanks again for the great software!
Ooooooooh... wicked cool! I'll put a high priority on having user selectable themes and a theme distribution/installation system for the next release! Let's get some new themes into the mix!
Posts: 68 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Mar 2007
Fantasic. I just upgraded and the one problem I posted about (equates to compilation of songs in a directory) is fixed. And I must say it pales in comparison to the other enhancements. I do have to get used to pushing harder on the scrolling as I continually keep selecting things I don't mean to select. Great work, indeed!

Next I will try it out in the car, and see how the usability is while driving. Knowing ahead of time you didn't design it to be easy to use in that kind of environment (ie, not really looking at it).
Posts: 191 | Thanked: 10 times | Joined on Feb 2006
trevarthan actually uses Kagu constantly in the car, so it being quite usable would be my guess. There's a "turn screen off" button/function coming in the upcoming release which will help with the screen distraction.
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Originally Posted by disq View Post
trevarthan actually uses Kagu constantly in the car, so it being quite usable would be my guess. There's a "turn screen off" button/function coming in the upcoming release which will help with the screen distraction.
Yes. It is usable in the car. However, my advice is to make your playlist and do your seeking BEFORE starting to drive. It's best to keep your eyes on the road and only use the volume and pause hardware buttons on top of the n800 (and maybe the dpad to skip forward/backward) once you're moving. The scroll widget is cool, but I find that it takes a bit too much concentration and can distract you too easily.

Drive safe. The last thing I want is a Kagu induced auto accident.
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Nice release but it crashes while downloading covers. It works well when i deselct the download covers option during start up. Any advice to make it download the thumbnails befor crashing??
Posts: 68 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Mar 2007
Will do, and I will actually try to use the dpad selectors while in the car since there is more of a tactile feel to them.

I was just enjoying my compilation directory playing and after several songs I wanted to check the title of one song. I touched the screen to get the display back and noticed that the song list didn't actually scroll to have the song on the screen. I had to scroll the list manually to see the highlighted song. Is this the intended behavior? I was thinking that the playing song would be on the screen (ie, the list scrolled by itself).

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