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its not about what other device can play youtube from the main site, what other device has 3 browsers etc.

its what the N800 is marketed as. It is an Internet Tablet. By that, what would a regular joe interpret that as? A device that can browse the internet, get emails, do IM and Skype. Let's just drop the other PIM stuff for a second. So does the ITT do all those well? That's the big question. If it does it well enough and cheap enough and the regular joe finds that useful and buys it, then fine. Problem is, there's mobile phones, pda etc that also claim to do the same things, albeit with different degrees, some better, some worse. So, the regualr joe will think many times before getting an ITT from a mobile phone provider (who claims that the ITT has no mobile phone features). Its getting that change of mindset. I think Nokia still has a way to go to convince the regular joe before the ITT can become mainstream. Its taking the steps, but is it fast enough? By the end of 2007, I have a feeling that there will be an answer, for better or worse.

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I have had my N800 for about a week. It has issues, but overall I am fairly pleased with it.

The browsing performance is certainly much better than on a 520MHz WM6 mobile phone...

What nokia should have done differently is to use the 400MHz samsung processor (equiv to 520MHz strongArm in real terms, while still offering decent battery life). Such a processor would have made it fly.

Other things that are anoying is the waste of space status bar at the top, and the fact that I cant customise the comms tab (I dont use the build in comms features, email, jabber etc).

The email client is a shocker - I use squirrelmail which at least offers me all my folders!! Would be nice to be able to have a link to squirrelmail and to skype/pidgin under the comms tab while ditching the existing view contacts, view in box etc. I tried claws - its way way too busy on such a small screen.

Additionally, I am thinking that better use could have been made of the underside of the device utilising a full-size thin battery rather than opting for a battery from the existing range.

If I had been on the design team then HSDPA would have been in the list as well - the tablet would be a killer if it had HSDPA for broadband access on the move (I refuse to pay for 'hotspots').

Other glaring ommissions are bluetooth PAN - Dial-up-networking means that I have to disconnect my phone from the internet before the nokia can use it.

I tried to use my N800 with orb, but Real Media streaming is awful quality, and it seems that this is all that the N800 is capable of. Comparing orb to my WM6 phone, the ASX format that the phone uses produces a far better quality stream which is much smoother than the Nokia can achieve with Real Media.

To be honest tho, I actually bought the N800 to control WMP!! PlayerPal is what I use for this, ane a modified skin means that the N800 is excellent for this. Seems that I have found other uses for the N800 also tho!


Last edited by veletron; 2007-08-20 at 10:58.
blakboy98's Avatar
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I am a very happy n800 user. It's much faster than the my last wm5 hx4700 pda. The only thing I'd like to see added to the n800 is full a2dp support (kagu is good for now) and sync capabilities with windows (outlook calendar mainly so i can get alerts). Nothing is perfect but the n800 works well for me.
Your soul brotha from another motha!
Frankowitz's Avatar
Posts: 218 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Apr 2007 @ localhost
Don't touch the N800. Ever.
The Evil Rodent From Texas will hunt you down and taunt you with arrogant remarks for the rest of your lives...

Maybe you should call pest control before it's too late.

The King is dead; long live the King! NIT out, Asus Eee PC 901 3G and BlackBerry Bold in!
Posts: 428 | Thanked: 54 times | Joined on Mar 2006 @ Washington DC
if these internet tablets ran as fast as people expected them to (as fast as a desktop), then there would be constant complaining about how hot they ran and how short the battery life was. Can't win 'em all.

as for missing apps, again, was the thing advertised as a PDA? no. was it advertised as the end-all be all, dump your laptop/desktop? no.

manage your expectations people.

Now what it was sold as was an internet tablet that was "open."

unfortunately, these 2 things are valid points where nokia needs to improve on, and there are numerous threads about it everywhere.
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After reading all of the posts that we're made while I was asleep, I can really say it has been an entertaining read. I actually liked Luketoh's post, which he more eloquently put what I was implying.

My post was just to say that while the n800 has cool features with cool new apps that continues to be developed at a feverish pace, the n800 itself, our of the box is a disappointment. That is why the n800 is not selling in the millions worldwide as it takes a lot of work to get it to the level of 'coolness'.

I bet a lot of word of mouth recommendations go like this "This n800 is sooo cool, buy it and you won't regret it. Oh, but note that you need to flash it first to the latest firmware, you need to download this, do that..and please go to these websites to tell you how to do it"

That was what I was trying to say. And if Iballs took the time to understand what he was reading in the context of the sentence "So will all of you..", I meant that we have to wait for the develepors to have time to fix the annoyances that the n800 has, as programming for free ain't that quick

An n800 is like a fat and slow spouse. While the people that love the spouse will say all the good things about him/her and how he/she is better than him/her, it doesn't hide the fact that the spouse has to work hard to look clothes, probably go on a diet..

So we as users settle, and tell ourselves that its okay to wait 10 seconds for a page to load up vs 1.5 sec on a laptop on the same connection, all because its better than using other tablets which takes 11 seconds. In this day an age where everything goes at lightning speed, the n800 still needs some grease on its skids.

And for Iballs, I will settle and love my n800 just like you do, even if its slow (but faster than other tablets), doesn't work as well with some sites (other tablets are even worse), and reflash and format every single time a new update comes along (other tablets only update once a year!)..

So I will settle..

And so will all of you <<-- I just typed this again so Iballs can write another long response on how I shouldn't speak on his behalf, and he's not settling coz he thinks the n800 is perfect..

Last edited by Liam1; 2007-08-20 at 13:29.
iball's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Liam1 View Post
whinge whinge whinge
I think you've already distanced yourself from reality with the following:

Originally Posted by Liam1
So we as users settle, and tell ourselves that its okay to wait 10 seconds for a page to load up vs 1.5 sec on a laptop on the same connection, all because its better than using other tablets which takes 11 seconds. In this day an age where everything goes at lightning speed, the n800 still needs some grease on its skids.
You're comparing the IT's browser speed to a laptop's browser speed? Get real.
Slap the EXACT same processor the laptop has in a Nokia Internet Tablet and it would then be just as fast. Of course, then you'd just start whinging about the heat issues and lackluster battery life.
You don't understand what the term "trade off" means do you?
People will start taking you more seriously when you join the rest right here in the real world.
But instead you'll just continue to spout on how we all will "settle" for what you perceive as lackluster performance thereby continuing the trend of "slow" internet tablets.
Tell you what, slick...go invent a better device. Build a better mousetrap as it were.
Show us your 1.5 sec. loading web browser handheld device you're working on.
Oh, that's're not workng on one.
Those that can, do. Those that can't, whinge. And use poor spelling and colored text.
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I've owned my N800 since mid-january and I normally have a laptop within easy reach. I estimate that my laptop usage has dropped by 50% since I got the N800, which I find more convenient and more fun for many purposes.

By the way: I have noticed that, in contrast to those who say that the N800 is primarily for Internet usage, a lot of stuff I use it for doesn't require the Internet most of the time: reading books or listening to audiobooks, for example, or using the spreadsheet. I have been embarrassed to discover that the Internet connection was down and I was so absorbed in my N800 that I hadn't missed the net.
sachin007's Avatar
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Yeah i am in love with my internet tablet. For that price and size it is unbeatable. Well if lliam wants a really fast toy he should go ahead and buy any of those windows umpc which suck big time and are almost 4 times as expensive as the n800. Its all about the price!!!
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I only take exception to the original poster speaking for everyone else. He's entitled to his opinion, and to believe what he wants.

For me, I like the N800 just fine. Yeah, I wish there was more/better software available for it, like Java (not javascript), the all-important AdBlockPlus, the ability to sync full-blown with Outlook/Exchange, a Sirius satellite player (selfish need), internet-connected games, a real bluetooth PAN, etc., but these are minor issues in the big scheme of things.

I bought this tablet to give me access to the web and my email, and to be able to VPN in to my company, then shell in/VNC in to the servers to check on things. It does these things fine, freeing my from my heavy, PITA laptop for short trips.

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