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Originally Posted by aironeous View Post
You guys are depressing.
Welcome to the real world, bro.
Kangal's Avatar
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That ship has sailed. Abandoned. Burnt out.

Seriously just look at the innovative PlayBook and Z10, Blackberry's bankrupt now.

Look at Palm. Look at HP. Look at Dell. Look at Motorola.

Everyone's a loser in this game except for:
Apple, best profits
Samsung, best market share
LG, can keep upfloat.

SONY is slowly moving away from the mobile and entertainment segment.
HTC is making losses. Motorolas made constant losses. Nokia's been screwed for a while.

The wildcard here is Lenovo, which is actually quite successful.

The industries never been the same after the iPhone 3GS, we've had the same thing for over 3 years now and many oems have tried in that time.
Originally Posted by mscion View Post
I vote that Kangal replace Elop!
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I'm flattered
aironeous's Avatar
Posts: 819 | Thanked: 806 times | Joined on Jun 2009 @ Oxnard, Ca.
^So you are predicting the failure of Jolla?
On duh count uh tree
Kangal's Avatar
Posts: 1,789 | Thanked: 1,699 times | Joined on Mar 2010
If I were to predict Jolla it would be this:

- a device with mediocre specs
- lots of missing features
- unusual bugs
- lackluster sales

- takes a long time for bugs to get ironed out officially
- takes a long time for features that should've been there from day 1 to arrive
- some development occurs, not as great as initially expected
- device runs into some roadblocks, where n900 blazes through
- in 12 months time, the device is at its prime

- time for the device to get upgraded
- much much less demand than before
- people demand high-end specs, nothing lukewarm
- Jolla considers it, runs some numbers
- they realize its economically not viable

- another 3 months passes without a word
- the annual hype dies out
- Jolla becomes a forgotten device, not too different than N9
- some units go on sale for bargain price

- people join the boards again, dreaming about the proper n900 successor
- lots of other topics get discussed
- Android hits version 5.0 becomes more and more mature and advanced
- people keep dreaming on
- something else comes to peak our interest
- rinse and repeat

(Seems like the best way forward is to jump ship to the Android platform, and instead of whinge and whine, devs actually try to run Android on a Linux kernel and port some of the frameworks from the desktop to the mobile os... perhaps forming a fork like CyanogenMod)
Originally Posted by mscion View Post
I vote that Kangal replace Elop!
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I'm flattered

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Originally Posted by aironeous View Post
A wealthy investor says Nokia is being bought for cheap and is undervalued. He wants to outbid Microsoft to take back Nokia and make Android, Linux and windows phones.

It's called Nokita. Nokita is the Finnish word used in poker to raise a bet.

Here is the Video

Seems this is the website
Big ROTFL people should get over it. If those *****s had been active before 2011 but now seriously WTF!??

Originally Posted by aironeous View Post
You guys are depressing. I want to see Elop and Microhard cheated of their scam "send in a trojan horse and appeal to the Nokia board 1%ers" reward and it would be especially satisfying to see Finland get their company back from Microhard.
What you want is irrelevant, in the end its all about business. Get over it Nokia will not go back to mobile phone bussiness.

Originally Posted by aironeous View Post
^So you are predicting the failure of Jolla?
My guess is:

Jolla will only release one phone. And that is to show othert big manufactors that there is an ready alternative to Android.

Then they may success if they get LG or HTC or other big company licensing they'r OS. Or else they are doomed.
Keep safe and healthy

Last edited by mikecomputing; 2013-11-02 at 14:21.

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Posts: 3,464 | Thanked: 5,107 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Gothenburg in Sweden
Originally Posted by Kangal View Post
That ship has sailed. Abandoned. Burnt out.

Seriously just look at the innovative PlayBook and Z10, Blackberry's bankrupt now.

Look at Palm. Look at HP. Look at Dell. Look at Motorola.

Everyone's a loser in this game except for:
Apple, best profits
Samsung, best market share
LG, can keep upfloat.

SONY is slowly moving away from the mobile and entertainment segment.
HTC is making losses. Motorolas made constant losses. Nokia's been screwed for a while.

The wildcard here is Lenovo, which is actually quite successful.

The industries never been the same after the iPhone 3GS, we've had the same thing for over 3 years now and many oems have tried in that time.
mmm and you think samsung, Apple, Google and LG will go forever upward? Seriously no damn way!

Do I have to remind you the history of other big companys that now is not that big anymore?
Keep safe and healthy

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Originally Posted by Kangal View Post
If I were to predict Jolla it would be this:

- a device with mediocre specs
- lots of missing features
- unusual bugs
- lackluster sales

- takes a long time for bugs to get ironed out officially
- takes a long time for features that should've been there from day 1 to arrive
- some development occurs, not as great as initially expected
- device runs into some roadblocks, where n900 blazes through
- in 12 months time, the device is at its prime

- time for the device to get upgraded
- much much less demand than before
- people demand high-end specs, nothing lukewarm
- Jolla considers it, runs some numbers
- they realize its economically not viable

- another 3 months passes without a word
- the annual hype dies out
- Jolla becomes a forgotten device, not too different than N9
- some units go on sale for bargain price

- people join the boards again, dreaming about the proper n900 successor
- lots of other topics get discussed
- Android hits version 5.0 becomes more and more mature and advanced
- people keep dreaming on
- something else comes to peak our interest
- rinse and repeat

(Seems like the best way forward is to jump ship to the Android platform, and instead of whinge and whine, devs actually try to run Android on a Linux kernel and port some of the frameworks from the desktop to the mobile os... perhaps forming a fork like CyanogenMod)
Your prediction is probably how it will play out. 80 people company has no chance in today's market to bring a sophisticated device. Theirs is also not that much differentiated from the run of the mill device that is on the market today. Actually it will likely has many substandard performances that regular user will simply not tolerate. Many of their ideas are already incorporated in other OSs, will not get you breakthru. From what I have seen, the people who will buy the Jolla device are pre-Elop Nokia nostalgics. Jolla will perish quickly.
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Originally Posted by mikecomputing View Post
mmm and you think samsung, Apple, Google and LG will go forever upward? Seriously no damn way!

Do I have to remind you the history of other big companys that now is not that big anymore?
They will go forward until a new breakthru comes from a competitor that will sink others. Currently there are no such breakthroughs on the horizon. And 80 people Jolla company has not shown us any evidence of a breakthru device.
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On duh count uh tree

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