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Pass. Death and finity(is that a word? finitness? unavoidable end to existence?) of all that is within you and around you is something you grow up with and accept. There is no 'suppression' of death thinking, just a concept you have no valid data on. It gets put in the same corner as black cat, firady the 13th, and tends to hit you on the head with family and friends, but for you it is just as virtual as remote desktop
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When I was a child we lived in Nairobi. I was pre-school age and we had a dog that was really my play friend during the day whilst my older siblings were at school. One day he'd escaped and taken himself for a walk. I was searching for him around the garden when, through the post and rail fence at the front of the house, I spotted him across the street. I called out his name, he turned and bounded towards me full of enthusiasm and got nailed by a car. That's my earliest memory.

I've had a friend die in a street fight, another in a motorcycle accident, another hanged herself and another along with his two brothers plus their father and uncle killed in a light plane crash into the Grand Canyon.

You can't avoid death I'm afraid. It's a regular feature of your life until your own death comes along.
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Mahh 10 chars!!!
Posts: 20 | Thanked: 19 times | Joined on Apr 2012 @ alor star
life is about going to die. just live without fear about the death.. i just fear about my n900 going into reboot loop or suddenly 404 error when i click TMO link...

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