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Originally Posted by davide445 View Post
And N9? Or BB10?
I just switched back to my N9. First thing I did was install N9Qtweak to help with certain things. While downloading updates for the maps via wi-fi, then installing an update to Twitter and sorting out my MeeCast settings, it lagged. Hard.

So to be honest, that's a lot of load - but my BB10 Z10 was downloading 1.2gb of game data for EA's Real Racing 3, I was tweeting via Blaq and uploading a picture and an e-mail came in... no real perceivable lag to be honest. Not exactly the same level of usage (but close enough to compare) it just didn't feel as slowed down as the N9.

But the Z10 has 2gb RAM. QNX is rather optimized - but not fully in my book. It's not like MeeGo level of optimization. But it's still there on an older chipset.

Back to my statement - the calendar on Jolla isn't really beyond "beta" levels at the moment from what I've read. Mind you, I've not touched it - I'm in North America, so no plans for me to use/touch it yet. The calendar on the N9 is intuitive but can sometimes have problems with sync. BB10, zero problems yet in that department.

If I were you, I'd broaden my scope, include Android. I know, I know... bad word around these parts to some. But as of 4.4, I'm finding myself being more productive in 4.4 (on my Nexus 7) and I take notes with Evernote (on Android and BB10), using SketchBook Pro (on Android) , using Skitch (on Android) with the camera (not gonna happen on Jolla) and whatnot.

BB10 has horrible VoIP solutions - Skype is an older Android version and not native. N9's version is integrated. Updates on Android are ahead of BB10 for Skype. No Google apps on BB10 or N9 really. Email isn't really the N9's strong point. BB10 is pretty solid there - I use only IMAP.

Battery on the N9 sucks if you're a heavy user. BB10 and Android - they suck too. Keep a charger nearby. None of the battery tech in any of these smartphones is really up to snuff.

All my opinion.

Last edited by gerbick; 2013-12-15 at 11:38.

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I find the Z10 battery abyzmal. Never before a phone of mine failed constantly to make it through the day. N9 was way better in that department. It sometimes made it through a second day. If I wasn't waiting for Jolla I'd gotten an external charger and a spare battery, but I guess I'm not as an outdoor creature as I used to be, I'm almost always near a socket, and the upside is that the Z10 charges really fast.

I wouldn't even look to the Z30 until I saw that it supports usb host mode, now it seems the most complete phone on the planet.
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I have had a Blackberry Z30 for a few weeks now, and I completely love it. Battery life is way better than I ever had on the N9. The 5-inch screen is high quality. This phone does everything I could ever need (after downloading the excellent Neutron music app). Blackberry is making a mistake by not trumpeting this device at every rooftop. The OS is brilliant.

EDIT: I should say that the camera kind of blows. As an enthusiast photographer you might think this is a big knock on the Z30. But no. I nearly always have a real camera with me, and never rely on a cell phone camera for a photo that matters.

Last edited by lancewex; 2013-12-15 at 15:42.
Posts: 11 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Nov 2013
Just to know: I finally ordered a BlackBerry Z10.

Really sad not to have the opportunity to participate to Jolla growth, will be the first time in my mobile life I don't buy a Nokia phone. But I'm using a 8 year old spare Nokia and need a replacement immediately.

Happy sailing to all Jolla owners and maybe will be for the next one!

Last edited by davide445; 2013-12-17 at 12:55.
Posts: 11 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Nov 2013
I received today the invitation from Jolla shop.
Sad to say doesn't make sense for me to buy another phone.
I also read delivery times are 3-4 weeks, too much for my needs when I was without any smartphone.
Happy sailing again and a bit of envy for your all (anyway the Z10 is working good since now).'s Avatar
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It's unclear to know which one of those as a brighter future ?

I'd be curious to compare dalvik (android support) on bb10 and sailfishos ? can both support googleplay too ?

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Please help to list all maemo existing apps :

I am looking for " 4 inch TFT LCD display screen " for Nokia n950 HandSet

Also, I need online storage to archive files :
Posts: 11 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Nov 2013
As I know (I'm pretty new to BB since was a late decision to buy it) the full Google Play support will come with BB OS 10.2.1 to be released next January or so. Leaks of the new release are already available but I don't tested any of them.

About bright future I hope both of them, want an EU alternative to BB and also BB appear to be nice for business usage, the kind of requisite I have.

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