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Posts: 66 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Dec 2005
Nice work Josep.

If I choose an occupation, a race, a gender, but leave alignment on random (even if there is only one alignment available), the ok button isn't activated. If I click the random button then everything is randomized, even the stuff I selected.

I'd like to see the OK button highlighted as soon as an occupation is selected, with it randomizing anything I haven't specified.

In full screen mode, I'd like a small margin on the left.. the text is butted right against the edge of the screen.

Other than that AWESOME.. I'm on my way to certain death as we speak..
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Last edited by Chainsaw76; 2006-02-13 at 17:17.
Posts: 3 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Feb 2006 @ Igualada
Hi ppl,

I uploaded new nethack packages on my blog .
The issue "In full screen mode, I'd like a small margin on the left.. " corrected
I'll try work on player selection dialog this weekend.
Posts: 66 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Dec 2005
I had a case earlier this week, where NH wouldn't start. It would crash as soon as you hit ok on a player name.

The solution was to go into the ~/.nethack (i think thats right) directory and delete all the lock files. After that it fired right up.

Again, Excelent work. I've been a rougue/nethack addict since ~1986 and went to college with a friend of one of the original Rogue creators.

__________________ - Google maps sized for the 770 @ 150% - scroll below the map for features - Google UK maps - Pan and Zoom only. - Random Nokia 770 notes.
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Posts: 58 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Dec 2005
Oh glorious day!

Thank you - Thank you - Thank you - Thank you - Thank you - Thank you!!!
Posts: 3 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Feb 2006 @ Igualada
Hi ppl,

I added a new build today.

Improvements are:

- Left margin
- Randomized gender and alignment
- Cast spell icon on toolbar

Good luck in the dungeons
Posts: 37 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on May 2006
Install and play with nethack a little today.

After several starts the game crashes.

I did a little bit of tracing and figured out nethack is generating *lock.0 file every time it closes. After it gets to dlock.0 the game crashes at player select. If you delete these files the game will start but you won't be able to load your save games.

What do these files do anyway?
Does anybody else have this problem?
And does anybody have a solution for it?
Posts: 133 | Thanked: 8 times | Joined on Aug 2007 @ SF, CA
Hi, I have a 770 and am looking forward to getting nethack running. My first try I had the same bug that others had - it install and then when u run it, nothing happens. People have explained how to fix this (thanks chainsaw), but I thought I would also post what I found on the developer's own blog. This info is VERY buried in the comments to an early post, so I am putting it here so it's easier to access by anyone who needs it:

[Thank you very much to Josep for making nethack posssible on out ITs. Hope its okay to post this info from your blog]

"Anonymous said...
I have been having problems with the 2006 nethack. It would install fine but when i go to run it nothing happens. I've tried reinstalling it and the 2006 OS but it still doesn't work. I might go back to the 2005 OS if it doesn't start working for me. I can't stand playing on the computer, it's so much easier on the 770.

24/7/06 01:25
Jep said...
I'm using IT2006 and nethack with no problems.
The game is a bit slow on start.
You can try remove user/.nethackdir it will be created again when you run the game the first time.

With xterm do:
/ $ cd
~ $ rm -rf .nethackdir

Before removing the nethack directroy you can backup your current game with file manager, go to documents/games/nethack dir and copy the compressed file located there.

24/7/06 15:57
Anonymous said...
thank's a lot, it worked

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