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Ok here are the exact specs that I have in for my DUN connection on the N800:

I have called the connection Edge Data
Connection Type: Packet Data
Dial-up number: *99***1#
Username: 702883****(my 10 digit cell#)
Password: -BLANK-

Then i go to the advanced tab

Proxies Tab:
I have the proxy box checked and the info below entered:
HTTP Proxy:
Port Number: 8080
HTTPS Proxy:
Port Number 8080

ALL else on the proxy tab is blank

Under the IP Addresses tab:
I have Auto retrieve IP and DNS checked

Under the other tab:
I have the allow plain text login box and the use ppp compression box checked. and this under the Supplementary AT Commands: AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP",""

If anyone can think of a way to tweak the settings that might work, just let me know....thanks for all your assistnace. I briefly searched the howard forums and couldnt find any valid settings, and both my post in the T-mobile forum and the Samsung forums havent gotten any responses yet.
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If all you want is Bluetooth DUN, the Nokia 9300 is WAY OVERKILL, especially when an old SE T610 can do DUN. If you're committed to a new phone, look around the 'Net for phones that people have consistently used with few/no problems.

And yes, Samsung phones are crap.
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Im the kinda guy that likes to have new technology, and something flashy heh. Ive read up a bit on the 9300 and for around 100-125 it seems pretty good. Its either that or im gonna look for the smallest possible bluetooth dun phone that will connect to the n800 without spending alot. I really do love my SGH-E890, and its kinda rare(not hard to get, just not many people have them) Most people have never seen one before. Its got all the features that are needed, i just need to find the proper friggin settings heh.
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I had trouble getting my N800 to work with my Tmobile phone. Until I deleted the N800 pairing in the phone, and deleted in the N800 the phone's connection and Bluetooth device definition.

Then I re-enabled Bluetooth on the phone and enabled it again on the N800 (with both VISIBLE). The N800 detected the phone and automatically assigned a 4-digit pairing code; the phone automatically detected the pairing and asked if OK to add the device and asked for the pairing code.

The N800 then asked me to select a mobile operator (I had skipped that thinking I did not need it); I chose USA and the Tmobile internet option. That caused a phone connection definition to appear with a server filled in and showing the "*99#" connection code. I changed that to "*99***2#" because 2 is the ID assigned to my data plan in the phone.

Then.... it finally worked. After more testing I'll turn off the VISIBLE options.
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Originally Posted by vegasvento View Post
If anyone can think of a way to tweak the settings that might work, just let me know....
I doubt you will ever get the Samsung to work just by changing settings. Start with the instructions here I did but it still took many hours of experimentation and web research to get it all working.
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Yikes...i dont have a clue how to input those settings the guy used with his sgh-e800. Im going to try going by tmobile this afternoon and check my web plan because i dont think i have any viable web plan on my account. im gonna see if i can upgrade to the full web plan, then i will try my connection again and if it doesent work. ill be downgrading to the z3 slider heh
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OK, after i had tech support enable full web for my tmobile account, i tried connecting via the above posted conenction specs, minus the AT commands, and it connected fine....i tried testing the dl speed at and i got 70 kbits per second the first time and then 82 the second time....shouldnt the speeds be faster for edge?
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I still can't get my N800 to connect to my T-mobile Dash. I've managed to set up the GPRS connection with the access point name and dial up '*99***2#'. Both devices seem to have been paired (I entered the 4 digit code on both devices and I can see the name of the N800 on my Dash and visa versa), but when I try to connect to the 'T-Mobile Internet' connection, I get the message 'Connection failed to phone Dash. Try again?'

I've also installed BT_DUN. The one thing that doesn't look correct is that there are no services listed on my Dash for the N800. When I review the Bluetooth settings for the N800 on the Dash, the services screen is blank.

It appears that others have gotten this to work and I'm not totally inept with technology but I'm pretty much feeling like a dope at this point ;-). Can anyone speculate what step I might have missed in order to get this to work?

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Search under dash on the forums...ii have seen lots of posts. And i know its alot different than my process.....and this is posted from my n800 via DUN

: )
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Thanks, vegasvento! Since PAN and USB are the only internet sharing connection options, I've tried connecting to PAN on the phone then having the N800 establish a connection but that hasn't worked either.

Do you know whether, after setting up the T-Mobile internet connection, I have to turn on internet sharing? Is there any other steps I'm missing?

Other than guessing the settings, has anyone tried contacting tmobile to get the exact settings for their service plan? I'm not clear as to why settings would be different from one T-mobile DASH owner to another.

I know I'm so close! Thanks for your help, gang!

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