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Originally Posted by james.bottomtooth View Post
i have noticed DELL of all stores, is selling some N800 accessories including like 3 different leather cases.
Thank you for posting this. I'd love to see more photos of the PC-N943 flip case, but even without them I'm seriously considering making a purchase. I've been looking for a vertical belt pouch for my N800 since I got it, and while this is a case, not a pouch, it may do the job.
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My wife has a Proporta case and likes it, and I use a $7 Nintendo DS case that I like better for mine.

There are tons of Nintendo DS cases out there, and they seem to be perfect fits - might want to glance around at them too.
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I bought a "At-A-Glance" daytimer and took out the guts. It under $30 at Staples. I have just enough room for the N800, earplugs and cord for connecting to a computer.
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Originally Posted by ascherjim View Post
I use the Otterbox also for my N800 storage when I'm packing it for traveling, and am very pleased with it, but differ somewhat on your description. On my 2000, there is the same built-in padding on both top and bottom. The N800 shifts a minute but acceptable amount when put in the case without the provided soft sleeve, but when the N800 is inserted in the sleeve, then put in the 2000, the fit is snug, and the N800 is highly protected. I expect it could survive dropping from quite a distance -- even into water.

However, I have ordered the recently-offered Nokia-brand case for use when I want to keep the N800 in my pocket ready for use, especially when listening to music or audio books via Bluetooth headphones with Kagu.
As a follow-up to my above-quoted earlier posting (and to supplement another thread in this forum titled "Official Nokia N800 Case") I today received this case and find that it offers me a totally unexpected additional benefit: My N800 in this new, official case fits PERFECTLY inside my model 2000 Otterbox case! So, how do you like THEM apples? (If you'll pardon an inadvertent pun.)
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Originally Posted by basco View Post
I bought a "At-A-Glance" daytimer and took out the guts. It under $30 at Staples. I have just enough room for the N800, earplugs and cord for connecting to a computer.
Can you give me a link to the one you have?
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