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Originally Posted by HtheB View Post
Sorry for the confusion, I edited the first post to make it more clear what I mean

Nope, old behavior is "Always change media player sound, even when there is no app turned on that uses sound"
The volume buttons NEVER changed the ringtone sound on old sailfish versions.

You seems to be confused with harmattan.
You wrong, in Jolla volume buttons is always changing phone sound if no music/video plaing. Something wrong with YOUR phone, so please stop confusing people.
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Originally Posted by wrm View Post
What about text wrap? The most missing feature for me
Text wrap is missing but I don't need that feature :P

Originally Posted by coderus View Post
You wrong, in Jolla volume buttons is always changing phone sound if no music/video plaing. Something wrong with YOUR phone, so please stop confusing people.
The ringtone volume has never got affected by volume buttons.

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I must say I am quite dissatisfied with the new release, but I realize that it's just a preview/pre-release version, so it's early to jump to conclusions.

I was looking forward to following things in the new UI:
  • Landscape support
  • Controls in the Events view page
  • Three-finger-swipe to change volume
  • Being able to pin one app to the Partner space

None of those things are present in this version, so not much to be excited about.

There are some minor annoyances, that I expect to be solved soon:
  • Phone wakes up very slowly after double tap
  • No 'swipe to lock the phone' on the homescreen
  • Weird covers for some apps - Gallery cover looked good before, but now it looks like some old Microsoft Surface showcase.
  • Unless you have new notification, you cannot go to the Events view straight from the lock screen, even if you have the option enabled for the rest of the system.

There are some small good things too:
  • Weather week view in the events view is a nice surprise.
  • The annoying Google Maps zoom in bug (when the map would instead zoom all the way out) was finally fixed!

And then there is the ugly/weird stuff:
  • Cover actions are a big mess, so their removal seems inevitable.
  • I don't understand the unlocking animation when nothing happens, just the clock moves upwards. Why does it move upwards, when I'm unlocking from a side?? The whole animation looks confusing and not responsive, just adding to the double tap delay mentioned earlier. I'd much rather see similar animation to minimizing apps, so I could quickly glance at events or running apps, like I could in Sailfish 1.0.
  • It's good they at least introduced left swipe as an access to events, but you can no longer go to events and then return to the previous app with one swipe. Notice that Sailfish is now the only mobile OS (AFAIK) that cannot go to notifications with one gesture and then return back to the previous app with another gesture. The flow is broken and it will be even more visible once controls are present in the Events view.
  • It's great that menu is now accessible from everywhere, but without those 4 shortcuts on the homescreen, it is actually slower to use from there. What is the "sliding right below your finger" animation good for, when you cannot access anything until it slides all the way up?

Last edited by nodevel; 2015-09-05 at 16:40.

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TMavica's Avatar
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for me, no update button in event view, to show tweet and fc notification, no swipe down to lock
The Glorious Lady T.Mavica

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Originally Posted by coderus View Post
You wrong, in Jolla volume buttons is always changing phone sound if no music/video plaing. Something wrong with YOUR phone, so please stop confusing people.
Nope, you're confusing people dude...
Maybe you have enabled some patch, because even with vanilla Sailfish OS it has only changed media volume instead of ringtone volume
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TMavica's Avatar
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Which patch still working in 1.1.9?
The Glorious Lady T.Mavica
mced's Avatar
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I'm seriously thinking about not upgrading to 2.x if cover swipes are replaced by a stupid button. I really *need* PAUSE/PLAY and NEXT TRACK swipe gestures in media player, when I'm driving.

There's this Spanish saying: "Dura poco el pan en casa del pobre" (bread lasts few time in poor people's home), which means that good things seems to live for a too short time.

―I used to love Opera browser, even when it wasn't free software. But then it came this brainless fashion about minimalism and Opera muted to another Chrome clone. Let's hope Otter has success.
―It seems Mozilla Firefox is about to turn XUL and XPCOM off. One of the best Firefox features, its extensions, seriously limited. Amazing.
―Windows 8/10. I'm not a Windows user, but I've heard many of them missing Windows 7 or even XP interface and features.
―Same about Gnome desktop.
―GNU/Linux moving to SystemD/Linux. Nuff said.
―And, then, Sailfish being more and more "Like".


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Originally Posted by mced View Post
I'm seriously thinking about not upgrading to 2.x if cover swipes are replaced by a stupid button. I really *need* PAUSE/PLAY and NEXT TRACK swipe gestures in media player, when I'm driving.
Alright, I know I'm going to get slammed for this again, but I'll go ahead and say it: this was an entirely predictable situation, due to what I believe was a poor design choice on Jolla's part. In short:

The Jolla "Home Screen" tries to combine task-manager functionality with widget functionality. And it shouldn't.

It is a nice dream, one single screen that can do _everything_. The problem, of course, is that eventually everything tends to interfere with everything else; each app cover needs some level of interactivity in order to do widget-like functionality, but the home screen itself needs at least a few overall controls in order manage the running tasks, and you need still another level of interactivity in order to manage the various screens. Eventually, something's got to give.

Before now, Jolla got away with this by severely constraining the widget-like controls, and having a very minimalist system for moving between screens. Now that they've shifted to provide a more complex set of screens for the user, they've adapted the home screen by constraining the widget-like controls even further.

I still think the best way to remedy this situation is to separate the widget and task manager functions, freeing the various gestures back up again for their use in either role. Jolla could do this by making the home screen "modal" (switching between widget and task manager modes), or by creating a separate "widget screen" (much like the Dashboard in OS X)...

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Posts: 66 | Thanked: 80 times | Joined on Dec 2013 @ Finland
Nice argumenting in this topic.
BTW, how's Android apps working in your Jollas? I have some weird problems with closing android apps and installing, but mainly they work just fine.
mced's Avatar
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I have yet to see the advantages in these changes. Correct me if I'm wrong:

1. Left/right swipe covers are not possible in Home screen, because that gesture is now asigned to EVENTS. Old events gesture was 'pull up'.

2. 'Pull up' gesture is now assigned to accessing APPS LAUNCHERS from everywhere. Before that, they were restricted to Home screen.

So, the deal is: we give swipe covers away and get, in exchange, apps running from everywhere. And I don't like it.

But I guess there's another reason: the infamous "partnership space". It's not easy to fit that thing into the 1.0 Events view.

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