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Originally Posted by yorg View Post
Does anyone read what he writes?

What a waste of bandwidth
hmm. Me but i use filter =)

For example i think too that navigation software is shamefully bad and it should be made at least as good as free google maps mobile ASAP. IMHO it should not be installed out of box in n900. Itīs about extra-testing quality. Actually it should blow away any others navigation software because of Navteq and N95 legacy. Yeap..I do not know anything about coding and how challenging or difficult things are behind curtains. Thinking that kind of stuff would be waste of my time as consumer. Iīm the consumer so demand is what i do no questions asked.

I too think that this device has HUGE potential, but right now IJoes and average users (share holders want that pile of money, we who read this forums are small group of niche users) don't give a damn about potential. They want applications and usability that has been introduced in recent years to other alike devices. When you arrive late to market, itīs to some point forgivable, but itīs quite obvious that you donīt have anymore that advantage to build up the system what your competitors had when they were first.

Consumers demand and thatīs the name of the game. Itīs their nature and that's the main driving force to make things better. Some wise guy might say that these people who just demand and demand have ADHD syndrome or are just spoiled, but i think that when you say something like that you have already surrendered to you competitors and lost the game.

I understand that in community driven projects everyone tries to be nice and behave politely, but when someone gives their money to buy devices/services things get nasty. Thatīs just natural.

Yeah i know that this is one step before maemo 6, but people going crazy (amazing, wonderful, best) on default apps of this device makes me think that what kind of drug they are using. For me this is largely average experience on MOBILE COMPUTER. On some areas it functions as it should and on some levels it under performs and off course sometimes it really shows its power.

YMMV but please stay in some limits :P

Last edited by slender; 2009-12-29 at 07:47.
Banned | Posts: 291 | Thanked: 42 times | Joined on Dec 2009
Originally Posted by slender View Post
Yeah i know that this is one step before maemo 6, but people going crazy (amazing, wonderful, best) on default apps of this device makes me think that what kind of drug they are using. For me this is largely average experience on MOBILE COMPUTER. On some areas it functions as it should and on some levels it under performs and off course sometimes it really shows its power.
The N900 has 4 kinds of users:
1. previous Nokia tabler users, fanboys and fanatics aka the Cult
2. spoiled rich kids who blow money on anything they can find
3. linux afficionados and other power users
4. orangebox and other people who had higher than average expectations and are now disappointed
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Everyone who is not in categories 1, and 3, can go get their Android phone now .

Although, OrangeBox, just because you hate the device doesn't mean that others do. I've seen several posts here where non-power users, and non-fanatics love their N900...

In fact.. I think you're over in one trying to piss all over the carpet right now by implying he doesn't have the right to love his N900 since he hasn't tried <insert competitors device here>.

So category 5) typical end-users that love their device, but want minor tweaks to this or that.

For them.. we have a wonderful community fixing problems and a bug-system to make the device better. Every device has a category 5. In fact.. I think every device has all 4 of your other categories too. Just replace Nokia with Apple and Linux with Mac...
If I've helped you or you use any of my packages feel free to help me out.
pyRadio - Pandora Radio on your N900, N810 or N800!
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Wow. You can't be serious about those 4 categories.
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Originally Posted by slender View Post
Yeah i know that this is one step before maemo 6, but people going crazy (amazing, wonderful, best) on default apps of this device makes me think that what kind of drug they are using. For me this is largely average experience on MOBILE COMPUTER. On some areas it functions as it should and on some levels it under performs and off course sometimes it really shows its power.
I couldn't agree more. The N900 is definitely the winner among all smartphones: POTENTIAL. My fear is that its full potential will never be reached knowing Nokia's past habit of leaving users behind when new releases and patches dry up.

IMO Nokia plays on the consciousness of the community and wants things fixed, developed and rounded out on someone else's dime.
Posts: 19 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Dec 2009
helllooo troll And yes Trolls stick round Good trolls keep coming back !
Banned | Posts: 291 | Thanked: 42 times | Joined on Dec 2009
Originally Posted by houz View Post
helllooo troll And yes Trolls stick round Good trolls keep coming back !
Stick around. There are lots of cool people (including me) reading this thread.

Occasionally I throw some bones out there for the cult to chew on. There are people out there publicly opposing me and secretly private messaging me to suck up to me.
Posts: 248 | Thanked: 72 times | Joined on Oct 2009
I have something i found i want to share with people who also try to use this forum, but just as i, stumble, as with everything in life, on some bumps in the road. Here is a little aid.

step 1: right click and save as (to desktop f.e.)on 'this'. (JPEG file)
step 2: go here
step 3: click on the image displayed on the website you have just opened. Click browse, select the in step 1 downloaded jpeg, click upload and your done.
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Heh... nice find.
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Banned | Posts: 291 | Thanked: 42 times | Joined on Dec 2009
Originally Posted by Devil View Post
I have something i found i want to share with people who also try to use this forum, but just as i, stumble, as with everything in life, on some bumps in the road. Here is a little aid.

step 1: right click and save as (to desktop f.e.)on 'this'. (JPEG file)
step 2: go here
step 3: click on the image displayed on the website you have just opened. Click browse, select the in step 1 downloaded jpeg, click upload and your done.
This is funny. Good find. Will click it once every hour for the rest of my life.

fun for bored posters, troll, y2k

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