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@ Bristol, UK
As for battery connectors in fake-battery - isn't it just 100kOhm resistor between BMI pin and ground? The 2nd element - between ground pin and actual ground - isn't resistor for sure - it's either diode, or fuse, or something else, but not resistor (hard to tell from photo).
As far as I can see it I would have to connect the minus-cable from the charger (I really do hope it is colorcoded aswell) to the minus-part of the box-cable, do the same for the plus-part and connect gnd and gnd?
after my USB-Port broke, I got really careful updating stuff, because I knew that I wouldn't be able to reflash. Well yesterday, nevertheless, it happened. Now my beloved and hopefully not late n900 is stuck to a boot loop.
Does anyone know a good repairshop in Germany, preferably in Berlin?
Estel, since you have a good insight into the hardware of the n900, what do you think of building a docking station. I'm planning on using the golden dots below the battery and the battery pins to build kind of a dock. I would build a wooden plattform drilling holes where I have to connect the dots (connecting them sing long metal poles) and find a way to connect the battery pins of the n900 to a external power source. With such a docking station one could use the n900 as a Rasberry Pi kind of server.
Unfortunately it sounds like a lot of work